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Everything posted by Kasia_xxx

  1. 'I'm so excited, I just can't hide it. I know, I know, I know, I know I want you' Can't wait to hear We Are Golden. Love the title!!!!
  2. http://www.ebonyjet.com/culture/music/index.aspx?id=13602&Page=1 I strongly recommend all of you this MJ interview in Ebony magazine, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Thriller. It's all about music and creation only and that's Michael's true legacy. For me with his passing the world stopped for some time and it still doesn't want to spin again...
  3. Whatever I say will not describe what I feel and who Michael was to me. R.I.P., Love...
  4. Welcome, you'll like it in here, I'm sure! Katie, I love soooo much your photo! Aaawwww!!!!
  5. That is so right! The show seems to have been really amazing! Thanks guys for all the reports.
  6. Oh yes, I felt really privileged! The best was my mum who is a ong time crazy Freddie Mercury fan. She was like: 'So you shook Brian's hand, he shook Freddie's multiple times... It's like me shaking Freddie's hand! Well, almost...'
  7. My pleasure with the photo! What a great report! I also loved the MM story you wrote on the box - that's a real masterpiece! Oh, Mika, give us update on Mini Mika, please!!!
  8. I must write it here as well:mf_lustslow: I've always considered Brian the best guitarist of all times and he was always in my top 3 of hands to shake and.... IT HAPPENED YESTERDAY AT MIKA CONCERT!!! What more can I want from life?! I was in the theatre lobby just before Mika's performance - after Blue Roses. Suddenly I spotted Brian and he looked exactly like in all the photos! It happened too quickly to make me feel nervous, so I just came up to him, said my name and that I've always been a fan. WE SHOOK HANDS:mf_lustslow: and he was extremely nice! I asked him for a photo but he said that he didn't want to attract attention, which I understood perfectly so I just thanked him again and was about to leave when he said something like: 'I'm really sorry for the photo. You'll think I'm horrible. But maybe something else?' and he looked around... he was holding a beer so he said: Maybe I can buy you a drink?:mf_lustslow: For me that was too much already so I said: 'Beer, Brian May and Mika in one place - too dangerous' and I went away but before we shook hands again:thumb_yello: Amazing meeting! And especially at MIKA's gig!!!! WOW!!!!
  9. I've been reading this thread since the beginning and honestly, when I first heard Toy Boy, I immediately thought about Mini Mika! I loved your MM story, Marianne. It's very touching! I'd love Mika to write a blog about MM. That would be awesome! I'm sure he's still impressed! That's like the best gift ever!
  10. Mini Mika was as impressinve as Big Mika yesterday:teehee:
  11. Yes, yes, yes!!!! Amazing! I witnessed that! (I was the girl in black jacket and yellow dress). Marianne, pm me your email address, cause I've got some photos from meet and greet you may be interested in:thumb_yello:
  12. Yes he did! After the support I went quickly to the loo. On the way back I noticed Brian May standing in the hall with a few people. I came up to him - he's always been my idol - and just said: 'Oh myGod! Brian May! How great to see you here!' I told him my name and that I've always been a fan and I asked if I could take a photo with him. He said that he wouldn't like to attract attention but was sooo nice. I said: 'Of course i respect that. I always wanted to shake your hand and I did that!' And he was like.... sorry for the photo again.... and said: 'But maybe I can buy you a drink instead?' - he was drinking beer himself. I said: 'Beer, Brian May and Mika in one place - too dangerous for me' I thanked him again and we shook hands for the second time and I went to my seat, not believing what just happened:aah:
  13. That show was amazing!!!! He sang evrything from LICM, apart from Any Other World, which he sterted but quit after the first few lines:naughty: All the songs from the ep. My favourite part was the confetti storm before Big Girl - wow!!!!!!!!! Can't describe how I was feeling throughout the whole show!!! All his family were there and so was Brian May - I managed to say to him a few words and he wanted to buy me a drink:mf_lustslow: but I was too shocked to agree:mf_lustslow: Then after the concert, the queue seemed too long and I was almost at the end but Mika signed everything and came up to everyone and was soooo nice and looked at me with those Bambi eyes:mf_lustslow: He's a prodigy! Fantastic! Pure magic! Will try to write more tomorrow!
  14. Got my tickets today, ergh.... I mean yesterday - on Tuesday, too:mf_lustslow: Stalls F 23. Hope some of the first rows will be removed:naughty: They write on Sadler's Wells website that on big performances the first few are not there - I mean the ones with double letters. So hopefully I'll be row 6!!! YAY!!! And now... guys, I pop into this thread whenever I can but it's soooo difficult to follow as every time I come back, I don't know where I was before, so THE QUESTION IS: ARE WE MEETING ANYWHERE ON M O N D A Y BEFORE THE GIG? WOULD BE FANTASTIC TO MEET YOU ALL!
  15. Thanks for posting the link! What a venue!!! Rain sounds AMAZING!!!! I love this version! I wonder how the M&G went....
  16. Maybe I'll say something not popular but for me in places like SW there should be a ban on filming AND photos with flash. After all it's a theatre and I guess nobody would like to have someone's camera stuck into his face to get a better shot.
  17. The real celebration will be this week in Poland - I'm visiting my friends and family. Had to work on Saturday and got applause from passengers - it was really, really nice! Thanks again! Are you going to any accoustic concert?

  18. Wow!!! Is the flag on stage??! I'm dying reading all this and imagining what will happen in London next week:mf_lustslow: Grand piano?!
  19. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've just read the message and the thread!!!! Wow!!!! You guys are all amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I do appreciate all your hard work, guys! I still have no news about my seat, tickets etc. for the London show but come on! I have the reservation code and worst things worst I'll give them a call a few days before the gig and everything will be sorted! RELAX, PEOPLE, TAKE IT EASY! Don't let something like that spoil your joy of the concert! Of course it's not professional of Sandbag not to have sent the tickets so far, but we all have our customer's rights, don't we?
  21. O-o... guess what happened... MS is down:teehee:
  22. Thanks for that. That was one of the most decent interviews I've watched for a looong time and Prince is just great in it (and in general)
  23. Aaawww!!! So Big Mika is actually getting Mini Mika!!!! How cool is that! I have no doubt that he's gonna love him:mf_lustslow:!!!!! Hope to be able to see his reaction cause I'm also going to the London gig! Are you going to put MM in a.... box or something? HOPE NOT, the poor thing could be very angry!
  24. Ok, so I'm not going to work - I'll call in sick - actually not far from true:roftl: Do we have any Monday lunch thread? And... guys, a few weeks ago I was meeting up with a friend in London and she said: 'Let's meet in Angel' (cause her boyfriend lives there). So... we met and I aksed them about Sadler's Wells. It turned out to be just round the corner, so anyone who's not been there, don't get stressed! You get out from the tube at Angel, turn left and your heart will lead you:mf_lustslow: After about 5 minutes you should turn right in a street where the theatre is but it's really not possible to miss it. A few nice restaurants around. If we still don't know where we're meeting, I'll ask my friends for recommendation and for sure we'll find something! CAN'T WAIT TO MEET ALL OF YOU!!!! I HAVE THE DRESS, TOO. THINKING OF CHANGING IT FOR A RETRO GRANNY'S (REALLY BELONGED TO MY GRANDMA) DRESS BUT THAT WOULD BE TOO MUCH ME THINKS:teehee:
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