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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Yeah, that makes me laugh, but I don't use it often
  2. I like to call him: Mika Sir dear M Mr Penniman Our boy Meeks Your Curliness (stole it from Wonka, Love it ) Mikushka (Yes, that's nice ) Mikachou (pronounced like Mike-shoe ) Milka love LoverBoy Mikaboy (most of the time) and sometimes .... Mika just pronounced like the name Mike haha:naughty:
  3. When people who come into your room tell you "WOW ... you ... like Mika!" Dumbs:naughty:, I just feel like answering 'Um no I hate him I just force to accept the fact that he is on earth"
  4. Some of my friends saw my room yesterday (which is kinda Mikaish yeah ....) They examined each and every pic and said : 'Oh WOW he's very beautiful. I have to admit that this man is hawt'
  5. Really love it, Emerald, so cool
  6. Je serai à Lyon aussi et Pinkcell29 je ne te conseille pas les assises!! Moi je prend toujours fosse sinon je trouve que ca ne sert à rien, mais d'autres te diront qu'ils preferent etre assis ...
  7. Oui ça va très bien, merci :)

    Noël approche donc ça me réjouis, et je pars à Paris le week end prochain pour promouvoir mon école dans un salon, donc je suis ravie je vais revoir pleins d'amies que je n'ai pas vu depuis un petit moment.


    J'espere quand meme que tout ça ne va pas trop traîner pour toi .... mais c'est bien de le prendre du bon côté!



  8. Sammy I have always loved your music, I think you do some great pop. You are very talented. My faves are Benjamin, Happy July and The Thing and The Professionals. I have supported you for a long time now and sent you messages through twitter but never got answers, LOL Anyway keep up the good work, you're amazing (and no prob I'll promote your music )
  9. One of my friends saw a mini-photo of him in a mag. 'Ha there's something about Mika in this mag! Hey... wait, he looks hot in this pic!"
  10. Lady Gaga's album The Fame Monster. Song : so happy i could die
  11. Rain

    Gosh I can't think of this again ... Grrr. Just missed him. I waited for a very long time as we were absolutely certain he was gonna come meet us but my dad got annoyed and at 3:00 am (lol) he got fed up and forced me to go back home. I was so frustrated and very angry. Some friends told me we missed him and he came half an hour after we left.

    That was awful. The worst thing is that i had so many presents for him. But oh well.

    Anyway, It will never happen again, i promised myself. Next time I'll meet him. I WILL.



  12. Rain

    Oh my first was July 16 2008. (One of the best of the tour he said, hehe *proud, LOL*)

    I loved it. So angry I couldn't make it before though :(

    Can't wait really can't wait for April 24

  13. I think it's from his belgian designer again, I'm not fully sure though
  14. I subscribe. I'll take pics of mine as soon as possible!
  15. Muriel a tout à fait raison évite vraiment les liqueurs on ne sais jamais
  16. Hahahah Wow how lucky you are Jo!!! Are you the only mika fan in your class? and which picture is it? (i am very nosy tonight haha)
  17. Rain

    No it's not my first :)


    You will never ever forget it. This is marvellous.


    By the way, I posted the pictures of the MM. (i am very late sorry and sorry again)


  18. Hmm soit tu peux offrir des ferrero rocher (en grande surface) soit tu peux choisir d'aller chez un chocolatier, et là c'est toujours très très bon!!
  19. all what is YUMMMMY (especially loved the chocolate things and the pizza crisps) love all the bracelet and stuff Now the heart is my keychain the lion figurine on my night table LOVE IT and the stickers :wub2: and I did appreciate the postacards of Serbia and serbian articles about our boy Keti thank you so much I love it all
  20. Hi GUYS today I finally have the time to post my pics!! This is the MM I did with Keti (long time ago, i'm very sorry) Here we go! I carry on ......
  21. Owww j'espere que c'est pas la grippe. Je viens juste de me faire vacciner moi Sinon offrir des bonbons et bien ça depend tout simplement à qui. Mais je dirais plutot des chocolats
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