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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Rain

    Ok, thank you very much, Keti ;)

    I'll let you know when I receive it of course



  2. I helped one of my friends (he's a guy) with a presentation he has to do tomorrow about someone or something he really likes. He chose The Beatles. I could have chosen ... hmm well, I dunno who or what I would have chosen actually ...... !
  3. I'm good too. Today has been a busy day but now I can finally rest. LOL

    And no courses tomorrow morning, so I'll sleep a bit ;)

    Hope you're good today too :D


    Kisses :wub2:

  4. Rain

    OK ;)

    Just let me know when :)

    :D :D

  5. Yeah, exactly, he's Alex in Stormbreaker. He also played in Wild Child a while ago, and he's doing other films, but he's not very known actually. He also is a model for all the Burberry campaigns. And he's British And Natalie (England) : he is 19
  6. Rain



    Just let me know when you send the money ;)


    Love :wub2:

  7. Hello Natalie!

    Thank you very much for your comment, it's appreciated ;)

    How are you???

  8. Hi guys, I'm looking for all the pictures that were taken when mika performed for Children in need please. Thanky
  9. I see youre in a fangirly mood today, Jo! I haven't even started my drawing yet
  10. Okay, so I'd say I like the fact that I may be a little bit different from normal people (that's how I feel anyway in that I have different tates and I act funny sometimes, apparently ) and that makes me feel a bit more special. And well, I also like the fact that I can draw, because I know I'm lucky and it 's something you can be proud of. Because I've always loved ART. That's it. but still, it sounds very pretentious to me.
  11. I can't think of something without thinking i'td be pretentious. LOL So I guess I won't say anything,
  12. Hey :)

    Non non tu racontes pas n'importe quoi lol mais c'est vrai que t'as l'air en speed un peu stressée!

    Hmm moi ça va, je me remets doucement d'hier où j'ai du un peu abuser de la boisson mdr....

  13. Hi!!

    tu es francaise?

    Je vais très bien merci, début du week end!

  14. Look : I think Yasmine looks like Mika a lot. They do have the same smile and stance. Who's with me? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lExLREPggwk
  15. Oh and by the way, Hi guys, i'm ready to help anyone with french!!!
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