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Everything posted by krjsantos

  1. :harp:The best years of my life, AMAZING. Search for my country was not as badly affected by the recession, as the other countries of the world, thank God, our economy was strong enough to take the overall effect. And for me especially, was a year of personal achievements, my greatest dreams come true, see Europe and MEET THE INCREDIBLE MIKA on 21-9, I always dreamed about this since the beginning of 2007, my country is far away and could not one way this can happen, but miraculously happened. The excitement took over my heart and I watched all the videos happen to me: I was in Brick Lane in the van of ice cream, went to TV Paul O'Grady Show and watched the secret show in Bloomsbury, all on the same day, extraordinary as positive thinking does happen our strongest desires. Therefore, 2009 is a special year and will always be remembered as the best years of my life. Thank you for being able to share this with you the MFC that helped me on that.:clap: Kisses Katita 2009 Great Year!!!!!
  2. BIANCA, I would like a favor if not much work for you and you can do it, I would like a name of a person as an enabler for Mika in Brazil, the person who prepared the site and of course here is very important that his name not be forgotten, sorry for my fault, we are both administrators of Brazil, his name is: John Eden = J.oao Katia Santos-krjsantos If you can make this change, I'll be eternally grateful. Thanks again Bianca.
  3. We are giving you so much work sorry, thank you for you have gone into the store and do not be sad for us, we know that you care and will help it, when you can go there notice, but do not need to rush. Thank you dear! While we wait, let's eat sweets, lol
  4. Rindo litrusssss aqui sózinha de novo só , mas tudo bem!!! Oi Mary, oi todos, feliz hoje conversei com o Wesley um tempão no msn e ele é muito bacaca mesmo, já gostava dele antes pelos posts que ele faz, mas falando assim direto ele é realmente legal Adorando você véio Tenho que visitar mais esse tread, é que as vezes me perco no MFC isso aqui é gigante demais muita coisa pra ver. Gente será que não vai aparecer nenhum videozinho da apresentação do Mika para a Queen? beijocas galera!
  5. Thanks for photos Blue! I loved this! Can't wait to see this too!!
  6. Thank you dear!!!! I'm curious now for the videos here Why is it that never get enough when it comes MIKA?
  7. Thanks for this post, then we have to wait for the interview, correct I think.
  8. Thanks, you are adorable!

  9. thanks, i read your pm too, lol, sorry I give so much work, lol

  10. ok querida, desculpe tantas perguntas, lol, hoje passou ele no programa de tv boomerang, foi tão bom vê-lo na tv brasileira, ele está ficando muito popular por aqui, todos querem conhecer e assistir seu show, ele é sempre magnífico. Sempre lembro de você amiga, tenho saudades, espero chegar 2010 logo e encontrá-la novamente, um grande beijo no seu coração, Katita.

  11. Ei Olga, você está bem? quero noticias suas, sempre me preocupo quando você some de repende e não responde as mensagens.

    E ai você viu o Mika e conseguiu falar com ele? O que ele falou? Afinal, ele vem ao Brasil mesmo? Você conseguiu perguntar isso?

    Desculpe, quantas perguntas. Mas o mais importante eu quero saber como você está? ok

    Aguardo seu retorno.

    Mil beijos no seu coração.


  12. Hi Chan, i send a pm for you, my full name&address, thanks dear.

  13. OI querida Olga, eu voto feito uma louca desvairada para o Mika e também divulgo por todos os lados sobre isso. Tenho saudades de você amiga, por onde anda que não escreve mais, vou tentar te ligar essa semana ok. Beijocas Katita.
  14. Hi! how are you? I sent a pm to you, I do not bother you any additional information to pm: in the Community orkut "Mika" in Brazil, now have 15,557 members and still growing, this is incredible, "Spreading MIKA to the World", see: http:// http://www.orkut.com.br / Main # Community cmm = 780,531 Kisses - Katita.

  15. Hi Mai, i'm fine,thanks. I requested your friendship here, ok. I'm almost always here, we stay in touch. Kisses in your heart, Katita.

  16. Não acredito, um miguxo falando comigo, ebaaaaaaaa Então, deixa eu explicar, quando eu entro ninguém tá ativo ou não estão conversando, oh não me dou muito bem em chat, essas coisas, explicando também a expressão ninguém me dá pelota, quer dizer ninguém me dá atenção, hehe, estou carente. Alguma novidade a mais do Mika? Sei que agora ele está em Seoul, passeando, passou um twitter agorinha mesmo dizendo que estava bebendo no bar do hotel e agora saiu pra dar um rolé pela cidade. beijocas:snog: Katita.
  17. :teehee:Would like to have my name on the list of promoters Mika in my country that is Brazil. Where do applications in radio, register at Universal Music Brazil, Islands Records, RadioMix106.3 Brazil, Radio89.1fm Brazil, Radio BBC UK, TV Globo Brazil, disclosure Mika on twitter, facebook, myspace, orkut and various media such as TV, newspapers, magazines and more, including the official website of Brazilian. I traveled to London on 21-9 and met the fans MFC Sara, Bab, Olga, Caz, Freddie, Sophie, etc., in the ice cream van on Brick Lane in TV Paul O'Grady Show and the show secret in Bloomsbury Ballroom at night and it was just amazing, I have no words to describe what is watch and see MIKA, right there in front of you, I almost died and then the meeting with him and autographed CDs and gave me a kiss and hug, I died again, laughter Was the best day of my life. My name is Katita MFC: krjsantos Mikasounds: krjsantos MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/krjsantos Facebook: santos.katiaregina@gmail.com or krjsantos Twitter: @krjsantos Twitter: @Mika_Br Orkut e MSN: krjsantos@hotmail.com Orkut link Krjsantos: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=1383671594049838877 Community Mika on Orkut, member moderador Katia: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Community?cmm=780531 Official website of Brazilian, member moderador Katia Santos (krjsantos): http://www.mikabr.com E-mail: santos.katiaregina@gmail.com Spreading Mika Thank you! Kisses Katita
  18. :teehee:oi gente, quando venho aqui ninguem fala comigo, então ? ai eu e vou embora, que ninguém dá pelota! HaHa! bye:groupwave: Katita
  19. Mensagem pra ti amiga, pm, ok? beijocas Katita.

  20. Hi friend, I want, I want, I want all you have available, do not send to my country? As I said, I make the payment, you only need to tell me how. I would be very happy and eternally grateful for that. I await your return, Thank you. Katita
  21. Hi fellows, I'm a MFC'ers of Brazil, this year realized a dream to see a concert by Mika in London on 21-9, but the one secret to the fans and it was amazing, complete with ice cream van during the day, was the best day of my life. I am a little embarrassed this community, I come here every day, but it takes me a while to understand how things work. I would like to buy the heart bracelet or chain, you could help me. Of course I pay the cost of shipping to my country. Please contact me at the addresses: Mikasounds: krjsantos MFC: krjsantos MySpace: http://www.myspace.com / krjsantos facebook: santos.katiaregina @ gmail.com or krjsantos e-mail: santos.katiaregina @ gmail.com Here in Brazil we have the official site made for it, see: www.mikabr.com Thanks Love in the heart:mf_lustslow: Katita.
  22. Hi fellows, I'm a MFC'ers of Brazil, this year realized a dream to see a concert by Mika in London on 21-9, but the one secret to the fans and it was amazing, complete with ice cream van during the day, was the best day of my life. I am a little embarrassed this community, I come here every day, but it takes me a while to understand how things work. I would like to buy the heart bracelet or chain, you could help me. Of course I pay the cost of shipping to my country. Please contact me at the addresses: Mikasounds: krjsantos MFC: krjsantos MySpace: http://www.myspace.com / krjsantos facebook: santos.katiaregina @ gmail.com or krjsantos e-mail: santos.katiaregina @ gmail.com Here in Brazil we have the official site made for it, see: www.mikabr.com Thanks Love in the heart:mf_lustslow: Katita.
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