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Status Updates posted by krjsantos

  1. Yummimmi the pic is beautiful :mf_lustslow: Yeah we'll see again :biggrin2:

    Thanks and Happy New GOLDEN Year too sweetie :huglove:


  2. Mikamas :mf_lustslow: thankx and Merry Mikamas to you too :huglove:


  3. Awww amore :wub2: obrigada por seu carinho sempre, fiquei sem palavras, só digo algo:

    Natal é festival de esperança. E o que mais o mundo necessita hoje é esperança autêntica e o fundamento de nossa esperança é o amor verdadeiro, e a evidência de nossa esperança são os amigos verdadeiros que habitam nosso coração.

    Paulo você é amigo raro que quero levar por toda vida, a minha vida esse ano foi de altos e baixos, com certeza a maior parte com frutos mais do que positivos, e estreitar os nossos laços de amizade foi o maior presente que ganhei esse ano, tenha certeza disso.

    Do fundo do coração, TE AMO :huglove:

  4. Ownnn thankx sweetie :huglove:

    Wishing to you and all your family too


  5. Thankx sweetie Camille :wub2:


  6. já descobri pq não te ouvi no orkut, ele tá com problema direto, ontem falava com o Wes e ele sumiu, no final das contas minha net caiu, enfim, qdo quiser berra novamente rsrs bjks

  7. você não apareceu no orkut :tears: desistiu das compras mikais? :naughty: se precisar dá um berro :aah: hauhsuahs :huglove:

  8. Ownn sweetiegoldengirl :huglove:

  9. claro, blz to no orkut.

  10. Oi Bia, sim já comprei, mas eles encerram por um tempo as compras nesse período, aparecem as datas de encerramento, mas se tiver aberto vamos conversar, te mostro como fazer, eles geralmente são rápidos na entrega, mas fazer pedidos no final de ano costuma atrasar um pouco, vc tá no msn, skype, onde?

  11. Hi Mana :biggrin2: I sent a pm to you ok:thumb_yello:thanks sweetie :huglove:

  12. Fine thankx sweetie :wub2: Amazing! Here on the other side of earth :naughty: it's midnight five on tuesday. Own yeah the Festival was a great success, Mika was very happy to find so many fans in Brazil :mf_lustslow: he was surprised, and we were very happy, everyone wants him back as soon as possible :biggrin2: Kisses in your heart Francoise, love your name, so beautiful, bisous my friend :huglove:

  13. Yeah :roftl: Truth he is always coming and going between these countries :naughty: I discovered him in early 2007 on myspace, listening GK and Relax, after that he released the clip GK and saw on youtube :wub2:Mika is a great artist, I admire her talent, creativity, intelligence and also a person of good heart:mf_lustslow: He only attracts good things, including his fans who are all kind lovely :huglove:

  14. Hi sweetie :bye: well I live in Sao Paulo, where Mika did the Festival Planeta Terra. My city is the financial center, is located in the southern part of Brazil, is well developed and.... like New York. I live with my parents.

    and you, what city do you live?

  15. Hi sweetie, you're welcome my pleasure :wink2: Yes I'm living in Brazil, Mika came in my city last month A-MAZING :swoon: South Korea wow, beautiful place, the "boss" love :naughty: Keep in touch :huglove:

  16. Ah yes :wub2: the gig in Brazil was a success simply, incredible, was the first time here and everyone was very happy:biggrin2:

    On my vacation last year in September I went to Paris and London, and I saw Mika live first time :swoon: at London at release of the TBWKTM, amazing day of my life.

    Do you went to the Museum Grévin? Mika wax is perfect, i loved it.

    Sorry I don't speak french :blush-anim-cl: and my english is horrible:teehee:

    Is a pleasure talk to you, you're lovely:huglove:

  17. OMG beautiful pic:fangurl:

    You're welcome, my pleasure :wink2: thank you for accept me and pic:huglove:

  18. You're welcome sweetie, my pleasure :wink2: Lol me famous?? I don't know :shocked:

    Anyway i live in Brazil and you? France? I suppose, if so, I know your beautiful country:mf_lustslow:

    thank you for accept me:huglove:

  19. Nem fizemos decoração de Natal ainda:shocked: eu não tenho paciência, quem arruma isso aqui é a minha cunhada e sobrinha, elas amam o Natal.

    Também estou colocando as séries em dia, vai terminar a 5ªtemp do Dexter amanhã, aflita com o final:shocked:o que você tá achando? Bem, eu simplesmente adoro. Beijocas sis :huglove:

  20. You're welcome, my pleasure :wink2: thank you for accept me :huglove:

  21. You're welcome, my pleasure :wink2: thank you for accept me :huglove:

  22. You're welcome:wink2:you're so lovely :wub2: ownn love you too:huglove:

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