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Everything posted by Silke

  1. It´s been so funny to see you dance right behind me. And we did a good job during "Kick Ass", didn´t we? Btw, do you remember which band the bass player was in? I usually have a crush for bass players, LOL. I didn´t realise that either. But i saw at some point (don´t remember exactly the time anymore) that something small was thrown towards Imma. Luckily she wasn´t hit by it. They must have looked very nice from the back of the audience. I´ve been so busy with them during HE, I hardly saw anything of the song. *runs off to youtube*
  2. oh thanks for that info! i didn´t get that standing cause i´ve been standing on the other side! i thought she wasn´t there to pick people and suggested the people on stage might be crew members (and often the crew play tricks on the artist during the last show) i´m sorry that the people were pushy on your side! i just saw the first aid getting 2 (drunken) people out of the crowd.
  3. Ja fand ich auch! Bin aber immer noch total im Eimer!

    Aber ich muss echt sagen, die MEinungen zum "M+G" hier, regen mich voll auf. Was die sich alle einbilden, ist echt unglaublich!

  4. thanks statue for your detailed part-3-report! (i skipped the other ones ) what alovely pic! i´m still too tired to write anything. so pics will follow. it´s been great to meet you all again or for the first time (like allegra)! thanks monie for reminding us how to dance kick ass! spending the day with the girls around me (emerald, monie, allegra, glowboxgirl...) was so much fun ... as always while waiting for Mika.
  5. Das glaube ich auch, hahaaaa! ;o) Aber ich kann ja als Beifahrer ein wenig die Äuglein zumachen.

    Dann werd ich morgen noch mal nach ein paar stylischen Gummistiefeln Ausschau halten und meine Schweizer Franken von der Bank abholen. Musste extra welche bestellen!

    Jau, das wird trotzdem ne Supersause. Und Regen bin ich als Nordlicht ja auch gewohnt!

  6. Ich mich auch!!!!!!!!!!!! Hab mich ja in letzter Zeit zemlich rar gemacht, da isses echt schön, sich mal wieder "face to face" zu sehen! Komme zusammen mit Hasi, sie hat mir aber noch nicht verraten wann wir losmüssen. Is wahrscheinlich auch besser... LOL Wird mit dem Fahren bestimmt ziemlich anstrengend...aber es hat ja einen guten Grund, gell?!!! Bete ja für trockenes Wetter!

  7. Yoh, brauch nur noch ein Ticket. Und ein Bett bei Hasi. *grins* Freu mich auch, es war ja sooo schön mit Euch. Wollte auch gerne nach Prag, klappt aber nicht wegen der Arbeit. :crybaby: Man kann halt nicht alles haben.

    LG zurück

  8. Oh, kein Problem! An dem Tag, an dem ich die Fotos geschickt hab, hat mich mein PC nur dauernd rausgeschmissen. Wusste deshalb nicht genau, ob´s geklappt hat. Freu mich! :wink2:

  9. Hallöchen, sind die Hamburg-Fotos bei Dir angekommen?

  10. and here´s the link for my Amsterdam photo album: http://www.mikasounds.com/profile/album/351308/5420 enjoy!
  11. It´s so good to read that! The countdown`s running. I still can´t believe I´ll be in A`dam tomorrow.
  12. oh noes!!!!!! i feel like now, i was so looking forward to see gg again! i keep my fingers crossed, that it´s gonna work out somehow.
  13. thanks for your great pics and lovely words! aah, you make me so excited for friday girls! can´t wait to meet you again! i love that too. thank god, statue asked yasmin if we could stay during kick ass on stage in munich. was so much fun yep, it didn´t sound like boredom
  14. Hi Miss Pennywoman!

    Schick mir doch mal bitte Deine E-Mail-Adresse per PM. Wollte Dir ein, zwei Fotos schicken. ;o)

    Einen schönen Tag wünsch ich Dir!

  15. Hallo Schnuckiputz!

    Kannst Du mir mal Deine E-Mail Adresse PM`en, damit ich Dir unsere Fotos schicken kann? Das wär supi! ;o)

    Wünsch Dir einen schönen Tag!

  16. so we waited for cherise's drumming to start the walk. we couldn't see NOTHING, nobody was with us to give us a sign - so we totally f***ed that march up! when i went off the stage i turned around and there was no one from the other girls to be seen! but i think it's not too bad, cause we didn't do a rehearsal with the skulls on our heads. after that we saw mika from the right backstage area. and during WAG he took his shirt off *drool* dancing to lollipop was sooooooooooooooo much fun. it was way too short! we even stayed on stage during kick @ss and i got to dance with imma. i could have stayed longer!! luckily i wasn't hit by a baloon. that was my biggest fear! shortly after i left the stage i saw mika standing there. he got something to drink. when he saw us, he clapped hands together and thanked us. (daily routine i think ) then the roadies started to clear everything up and we left to our dressing room again. i watched into the rooms and suddenly i discovered where mikas dressing room was. i wanted to tell that to statue (imagine me with a fangurlie face! ), who was right behind me (i thought). but when i turned around i saw MIKA!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, he must be thinking i'm soooooooo stupid! he just wanted to get by and went to the shower room. jasmin wanted to help us with undressing. but then someone of the girls asked if we can get a pic with mika in our costumes. so she asked him and suddenly he was in our dressing room!!! *faint* girls were screaming and offered their hands to get a shakehands. we got a group pic all together. it looks really nice. (i will post pics when i'm back home by the end of next week.) but at that point i'd rather wanted to get a pic with mika alone. so yesterday evening i was a lil bit disappointed. but now i'm okay with the pic i got. so all in all it was an extraordinary experience. when mika came outside i got an autograph and thanked him for letting us joining him on stage. it's been so exhausting, i just don't know how he can do a complete tour! i'm just travelling to see him and i'm already totally done!
  17. okay, here's my report. yesterday ,e and statue of liberty were on stage as big girls. everybody who did it, said it'd be so much fun. so we decided to try that too. i arrived at the venue at 12.30 and got #28. started waiting in the cold wind, but luckily there was no rain. met mellody and statue of liberty amd many more from the dmfc again. around 4.30 pm john came finally out and er applied to become big girls. AND we were taken! inside we saw the rehearsal of the band. statue and me had such a good party there. dunno what the band was thinking about us... shortly after that anna, mikas assistant, showed us how to do the death march. we tried it on stage as well, but without the skulls. then we got our skulls, tried them on amd started walking with them. suddenly someone of the other girls screamed cause mika was on the stairs above us. he made his way through our group, hardly said hi. he looked a bit grumpy or stressed. dunno exactly. maybe it's just the tension before a gig. after mika left us, we went to the dressing room to get our costumes. loved wearing the corset, it makes a slimmer figure. we saw mika and the band having dinner. at this time mika looked much more relaxed than before. after everyone got dressed up we went downstairs to watch the show. it's been very hot in there, because we had to cover our costumes with our coats. statue and i were on the right in the crowd. we could see well, but it's very hard to get some good photos from that point. the crowd was really in to mika. i wasn't nervous the whole time, but while i was watching the show suddenly i became so nervous!!! and suddenly dr. john was on and we had to go backstage. way too fast!!
  18. haha, it´s hilarious to see mika wearing that shirt thanks for the pics!
  19. I´ve got a spare (sandbag) ticket for the first London gig on Feb 28. If someone´s interested, please let me know.
  20. booked the train and organised a bed...i´ll be there too
  21. Mika´s first appearance BIOTG WAG hope, you like them although i REALLY REALLY CAN`T sing. so it´d be very nice if you don´t say anything about my howling.
  22. Thought, I´d make a short "translation thingie" as there is this lovely voice-over. So this is not a word-by-word one. Mika has a 4-octaves voice. He´s working on it since he was 11 years old. It started like a hobby after he was kicked out of school. His childhood wasn´t easy, but he came from a strong family. And he relised he can do music. It felt like he has a talent no one else got. He has talent and a great sense of humor (proofed in his WAG videoclip). Also he´s a little freaky. When he was a kid he wanted to be a duck, cause they live in the nicest place in London, floating around all the time, get feeded and when it´s too cold they fly away. And they don´t have to care about money, politics or real life. So maybe he´s gonna be a duck in his next life. They´re glad, he didn´t transform into a duck and sings instead. The 100 fans like Mika as a man (not a duck) and are at least as crazy as he is. :kachinga:And then Lilli explains what "Lady Jane" is all about. Her nickname is Lady Jane too and that´s why she´s got a fish in her face. Mika felt like he was in his livingroom and it´s been quite comfortable. Talking with people was comfortable too which isn´t normal for him, cause usually he´s just saying yes and runs off the stage. Christmas is going to be complicated, cause they´re 45 people (!!!) this year. They will spend it in a big house in the french alpes.
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