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Everything posted by maRiia--*

  1. Hey! Anybody know how the concert will be?? Like a tour one, or just 30 min or something like that? And at what time will Mika perform??? And the most important, at what time are you going to the venue to queue?? Thanks!
  2. hey, and what about the screenprint?? have you seen it?? do u like it?? how is it?? do u recoment me to buy it?
  3. Hey please, what is the screenprint??? I don't know what to do, buy the deluxe cd or the deluxe cd + screenprint..
  4. Ja tinc l'entrada per a Barcelonaaaaa!

  5. Holaaa! sii, ja no hi entro casi maiii! he estat bastant liada amb la universitat i aixi! Si q ho seee, pero no hi aniree! hem moro d ganes d veure'l, pero es bastant lluny i mhauria costat convencer a les meves amigues! A mes ara marxem d vacances el dia 5, aixi q impossible! Espero q faci algun altre a l'agost i q pugui fer alguna cosa per veurel! Tu hi vaaaas? Realment en tinc moltissimes ganes, pero no pot ser!

  6. Hola chicaaaas! Yo tampoco estoy en la listaa! Y bff, q envidiaaa me daaaais! quiero ir a Benidooooorm!!! Sabeis si lo de Ibiza o alguno lo han grabadoo?
  7. Uff! quina sort! :) Jo no hi puc anar, pq es molt lio anar fins alli i a més a més ningú m'hi acompanya.. m'hauré d'esperar a l'any q ve :'( Q vagi molt bé!

  8. Eiis holaa! :) Q tal tot?? q vas a Benidorm o q?? I porto q taal? com va anar? :)


    un petoo!

  9. I REALLY LIKE IT! It's different... and maybe not what we expected... but it is great! I like that the song is in french.. I don't understand most of the things..xDD but I love french... and if is Mika talking (singing *_*) in french.. better!
  10. uff I love this haaair! I like his new look.. but.. well... I hope he doesn't return to the hairdresser in a long time.
  11. "This file has been deleted". But don't worry ^^ I have got enougth work in reading 2009 yearbook >_


    Thanks u ^^

  12. ok.. i found the thread finally, but I can't download it.. I think that it's because the date has expired, it too old >_

  13. Thank you so much! I've found the link to download the 2009 yearbook, not 2008. Does it exist?? xD because maybe I continue looking for it and I it isn't here ^^' xD


    Thanks again!

  14. Yes it's late, but I uploaded now my favourite Barcelona videoo Big girl! amaziiing! I was in the first spoot ^^ I love 0:53, we were shouting Mika! Mika and showing him papers with messages and he laugths =D
  15. noooo T_T I haven't got it.. >_< I'll watch some videos trying to see if I recorded and I don't remember. But I'm 99% sure that I haven't, because I remember that moment and I wasn't recording >___<
  16. I uploaded it recently xDD I know.. >_< more than 2 months late xD I love 2:39 when he hits me with a ballon ^^
  17. humm do you know what song?? I'd like to see this moment in a video ^^

  18. Hey,, one question, where is your signature photo from?? is this a video or just photo?? ^^


    thanks, i love it ;)

  19. Uff.. I'm so sad for them.. I can't imagine how is Mika rigth now :'( I want to send them all my love. Paloma, I hope u get well soon! <3
  20. ohh but when is him starting??' I thougth he have already wrote beforee! In July he said in twitter that he was writting the colum... ^^' "Am sitting writing my column for La Republica's XL magazine. I have a Carey Bradshaw voiceover in my head reading out everything I'm writing 7:36 AM Jul 25th via Twitter for iPhone "
  21. jajaja avere. Al foro a sota d'on posa el teu nom. Per exemple lo meu es aixi:


    Welcome, maRiia,,*.

    You last visited: Today at 10:29 AM

    Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 39.


    LLavors tu cliques al teu "private messages" i a tot lo q posa a la dreta hi ha una cosa q posa "Edit signature". LLavors tu alli pots posar una foto, la q a tu t'agradi, (aixo es bastant dificil) pero el q pots fer es escriure un text, una frase q t'agradi, els concerts als que has anat.. i allo es com un document word

  22. :) Holaaa! jiji mira lo de la firma, on jo tinc la foto del Xavi i el Puyol. Has de clicar a lo d "Private messages", a l'esquerra et surtiran moltes coses, busca "Edit signature", alli pots adjuntar fotos, text... el q pasa es q la foto ha de ser bastant petita, no val qualsevol. No se si amb aixo q te dit te'n podras sortir, sino dismu i ja intentaria ajudarte d'alguna altra manera.


    De Barcelona, be ara mateix no me'n recordo si n'hi ha molts de bones, pero no crec. Vam fer mes videos q no pas fotos. Els videos ja els intentare penjar i et passare la pagina web i les fotos si tens correu te les podria enviar ;)

  23. Si, jo tambie hi vaig entrar al principii, pero durant el curs no tinc temps d'estar-m'hi molt temps >_


    I jo tampoc se posar fotos xDD al tema de Colmar les volia penjar per que en tenia de molt bones i vaig preguntar com es feia, pero ningu m'ha contestar, aixi q es queden sense fotos xDD


    Doncs sii,, quan vulguis te les paso. ^^

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