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Everything posted by Emika

  1. This is the most UNFUNNY program i've ever had the misfortune to see!
  2. I'm not doing Halloween parties or anything because I wanna watch the x factor. I like John and Edward (as performers, not singers) and Joe Mc(something). His name escapes me!
  3. I'm with you on the Mika. Not so much Daniel Radcliffe but he's ok. Really bad but I LOVE Johnathan Rhys Meyers and Henry Cavill (he was the fave for being Edward Cullen for twilight, he should have been).
  4. and read this article about it. http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news?id=50431 I mean does anyone actually care if they caught the same plane to LA? This would so put me off being famous. Never having any privacy.
  5. I'm fed up with this Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart dating thing! Everyone is like "they're engaged" or "they have split up". I'm losing my mind over it. (That was random enough I hope.)
  6. Oh. I so want to carve turnips now! I'll go to tesco tomorrow. YAY!
  7. A North thing? I'm more Southern. I thought it was traditional globally.
  8. I absolutely love carving pumpkins for halloween! Is it just me or do others love it too?
  9. Very ill as usual and very tired because my cat woke me up at 2am and I couldn't get back to sleep.
  10. Sorry but I completely disagree. I would imagine it is a stereotype of someone, not sure who, but maybe he saw someone who is "the lonely alchoholic" and decided to add to it to be over the top and the masterpiece was born. IDK though, this is just my imagination of it.
  11. And cheers for the http://www.mvv-muenchen.de/ site. It is helping but it is in German and i'm struggling a bit with the site because google auto translate isn't very accurate.
  12. Well, if I fly, we should arrive in Strauss airport at about 9:05 am if I leave Gatwick airport at 6:15 am OR at 15:50pm if I leave Gatwick at 13:00 pm. So, i'm not quite sure yet but I think it will be at 9:05 am to be in Munich. I really do appreciate all the help. Thanks so much! Much love to all Mika fans for your help.
  13. CONFUSED! I just looked at the trains in Munich and it is similar to London underground, but I have no idea which 1 I need to take from Strauss airport which will take me closest to the venue. Can anyone tell me please? I know it's a bit early to think about this but I prepare in advance!
  14. Thanks. I have a purple one already, I was just wondering if there was a Mika patterned one about.
  15. I can't stand the fact that I am obsessed with Mika (not in a stalker way, more an inspired way.) Nothing helps me except thinking that one day I will be a famous actress and be good friends with the Penniman family. That stops my depression, even though I know it will never happen, I like to think that it would and helps me stay away from having to see a therapist with clinical depression again.
  16. Hi. A bit of a silly request, but does anyone know if I can get a Mika patterned passport cover because I want my passport to look nice? Strange, I know. If it is possible, can you tell me where from?
  17. Why are colds so depressing? I'm going to pump my body full of vitamin C before I see Mika in Munich for definate and possibly Hammersmith so I wont be coughing all over everyone and more importantly Mika. I can't wait!
  18. Awww. Hope you get better soon. And tell me about depression. I was clinically depressed for 3 years but i'm all sorted now thanks to a therapist.
  19. Euugghh I feel really sick. I have a really bad cold. AGAIN! I've had like 3 colds in a month. Is anyone else ill?
  20. Who's arguing against eachother? What did I miss? If anything, this has brought on a sense of unity as Ingie just said, with everyone getting together to support Mika and defend his name against these false claims Sorry wrong thread! On some of the other threads people were arguing over this situation and I had this thread open and the other one and typed on wrong one. Really sorry.
  21. I should so go, but I really can't miss school on monday because it will be close to my A-level exams, but can't go day before due to family arrangements. I don't care about bad A levels actually because I have to see Mika! I'll be there if there are tickets left next week because I have to wait so long before I get paid!
  22. This is ridiculous! This bald guy is obviously stupid. We all know that. We all seem to be arguing with eachother over this when what we should be doing is supporting Mika. Here most of us are friends and were are all part of a community. Lets not all fall out because someone is so stupid and can't tell the difference between a live and recorded performance!
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