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Everything posted by Emika

  1. Awwww. I'm sure she will be fine. *Big hugs*
  2. Annoyed! My sister has ripped my sketchpad and it had all my pictures in it for the yearbook so I have to start again now even though the deadline is Tuesday.
  3. GOOD: -Got into 6th form -Seen Mika twice this year -Discovered what I want to do when I get my A-levels -Saw "the 39 steps" and loved every second -Discovered I can do art -Joined the MFC BAD: -Fractured my foot because a fat boy stood on it -Bad health all year -My best mates have moved far away (America, Australia and New Zealand) -Most of my friends aren't in the 6th form with me
  4. Buzzing from a caffine overdose (Not literally an overdose btw)
  5. Some decent choices there! Except mine would be Mika, then Johnny Depp, then I really don't care except the HBC.
  6. Awww. I hate it when people judge Mika on what they hear from others or what they read. One of my friends hates Mika but brought TBWKTM and was like "This is an amazing album!" I was like "see, he's not at all bad."

  7. Hey.

    I'm good thanks. How are you?

  8. Need to get some but still having problems with my bank card. Getting annoying now!
  9. Pretty Women - Johnny Depp and another dude who's on Harry Potter (it's on the Sweeney Todd soundtrack)
  10. Yeah I am. I'm only a bookshelf because we're doing "street of crocodiles" and we want to make it more poignant while Joseph is searching for August, so the bookshelf whispering August makes it seem more insane. It makes sense in my little world.
  11. Was happy today when I got a BIG compliment in drama for my impression of a book shelf! (BTW, this is A level drama - completely daft of course!)
  12. Everything is going smoothly. E.g. good A level grades so far, and as a reward can go to Hammersmith gig as well as the Munich one.

    How is everything where you are?

  13. Hey. Whats up?

    Not much is going on here in Ampthill as usual!

  14. Hello.

    Thanks for accepting me as a friend!


  15. Randomness! I have to go and pick up my GCSE certificates on the 10th December with the whole old year 11 year group and shake hands with Big Nige (head teacher)
  16. I'm going to Milton Keynes tomorrow so hopefully I can get hold of it. Went to Bedford - not there Went to Luton - not there So MK is my last hope because I can't go any further than that.
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