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Everything posted by Emika

  1. Awesome.

    I fell over a tree and hurt my ribs, got called a stalker by a science teacher (a joke) played countdown in German.

    The usual really.

  2. Hi Caz.

    How was your day?

  3. Hey.

    How is everything?

  4. My grade for my film studies essay. I got an A
  5. You MUST read "A clockwork orange" by Anthony Burgess if you haven't already. It's amazing! Oh and "Brighton Rock" by Graham Greene. Both brilliant and I suggest them.
  6. Heyyy.

    I read you're in Hertfordshire.

    What part? I live in Bedfordshire.

  7. I dreamt about being so bored in an exam and Mika just walks in, picks me up and runs off with me in his arms.
  8. You know you're a Mika fan when you refuse to answer to your first name but do to a modified version of it. E.g. I don't answer to Emily anymore. It's Emika or I won't answer you.
  9. Yeah I did manage to get the Rain single in the end but they were shoved out of view all the wrong way round so I complained.
  10. The weather is terrible in Ampthill, considering it is Ampthill. Done my paper round using my sledge instead of the trolly which made me laugh. Fell flat on my face and ruined my new phone. No school yesterday and today but there will be tomorrow.
  11. I'm in the process of making presents for everyone listed on this post who are going to Munich. It will be easier to identify you all so can you please tell me the names of who you are going with. Thanks.
  12. Rubbish. Too much homework to do. I'm ill AGAIN! All of my 'mates' are ignoring me on facebook. Can't be bothered to go back to 6th form. In trouble with my Mum as per usual. Thats how I feel just to name some things that I feel rubbish about.
  13. A bit hungover to be honest. Too much alcohol for me. Love snowball though.
  14. YAY!!! My Mum is better now.

  15. Likewise.


    My Mum is ill so not sure it will be good but i'll try to make it good.

  16. Today I was happy because school was closed due to the 3 inches of snow. It's always a good thing.
  17. Oh that's good.

  18. Sounds odd but what is your name because I need to put it on the envelope?

  19. Yeah I'm good ty.

    How are you?

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