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Everything posted by Kumazzz

  1. N - JOY ??? Sorry, I don't know about it... I'll search it, could you let me know the keywords ? ( year, country, radio or TV... )
  2. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=923559844376482&id=141820252550449 Flickr https://flic.kr/p/wh6Reu https://flic.kr/p/xeFsTX https://flic.kr/p/wWCd2i https://flic.kr/p/xeF598 PICS
  3. 2009.08.14 - BBC Radio Scotland Mika talked about sisters and brother in this interview. ( I've checked ) http://firestorage.com/download/cd9607c59ce989c12d3773b2eaea27c3d7c3dce5password : MFC
  4. I don't have a time to confirm in this morning. It's D/L link : http://firestorage.com/download/8fb8185c3aa10563a1c54715a08811618c8b52bepassword MFC
  5. about Nina Simone #3950668 Mika in French Press - 2014"Nina Simone. My favorite song by Nina : Mississippi Goddam." #3935998 Mika in French Press - 2014M. Which song, film or book changed your life? "Mississipi Goddam by Nina Simone. She taught me that the saddest songs could yet be wonderful and filled with hope. That's the perfect definition of a good song." #3926065 Mika in French Press - 2014"The opposite is true about Nina Simone. She has a bit of a butch side . That doesn't make her less womanly and she's amazingly graceful." #1 Mika in "Le Matin" (swiss newspaper)If one day you'll need to be a little more introvert, do you think you'll be allowed to? "As nothing is set in advance, I'll never ask myself if my evolution can please people or not. I'll still want to be serious in dealing with fantasy and mixing black and colors together. I love Nina Simone for this reason. She made pub music, night music, with this omnipresent sadness. As did Cocteau. He could speak about poetic matters, surrealistic and serious, but always with an amazing naivety. Marcel Marceau, Charlie Chaplin, there are a lot of genius who helped me to understand that I could, and should, fight to be myself." http://www.theguardian.com/music/2009/jun/14/mika-pop-music He grew up listening to a heterogeneous collection of music — Bob Dylan, Serge Gainsbourg and Lebanese singer Fairuz from his parents, then “pop music in the purest sense of the word, because no matter whether it was a rock song, whether it was a piece of Nina Simone, I could hear the song and I could hear the message in the song and it gave me a certain feeling. It instilled in me this kind of total anti-snobbery.”
  6. Mika talked about Milano from 1:26 to 1:44 in this video.
  7. Mika played at the 63th B-day party of Fawaz Gruosi ( Swiss jeweler De Grisogono brand owner ) la nuova sardegna.gelocal.it Al Cala di Volpe mega party per i 63 anni del gioielliere Fawaz Gruosihttp://lanuovasardegna.gelocal.it/olbia/cronaca/2015/08/09/news/festa-da-oscar-per-gruosi-con-adrien-brody-1.11909722 La Gazetta Fawaz Gruosi, il party è in Costa Smeraldahttp://www.gazzetta.it/Foto-Gallery/Sportlife/Tempo-Libero/09-08-2015/fawaz-gruosi-party-costa-smeralda-120880603881.shtml
  8. Interview at Lokerse Feesten in Belgium: 31 July 2015
  9. Corriere Della Sera http://www.corriere.it/spettacoli/15_agosto_09/scritta-omofoba-poster-mika-cantante-pubblica-non-ho-paura-l-amore-fa-quel-che-vuole-ec2c76a6-3e18-11e5-9df9-e4a39ac26db0.shtml?refresh_ce-cp la provocazione Scritta omofoba su poster di Mika Il cantante la pubblica: «Non ho paura, l’amore fa quel che vuole» L’insulto apparso su due manifesti che presentano il concerto di Firenze La foto diventa virale e parte la campagna #rompiamoilsilenzio «Avevo visto la foto della scritta sui miei manifesti e il mio istinto era di lasciar stare. Che l’odio di alcune persone, una cosa che conosco bene, era meglio ignorata. Ma voi avete ragione #rompiamoilsilenzio. Non ho paura di chi mi discrimina . Nessuno deve averne. L’amore fa quel che vuole». Ha risposto così, su Twitter, il cantante Mika, ai vandali che hanno imbrattato i manifesti del suo concerto, a Firenze, con l’insulto «frocio». E per ricordare a tutti che non c’è niente di male a essere gay ha messo come foto del suo profilo su Twitter proprio le immagini di quel manifesto. La foto, scattata da un utente per strada e postata sul social network, era diventata virale, e i fan hanno reagito con un hashtag contro l’omofobia che è entrato nella classifica dei più usati su Twitter: #rompiamoilsilenzio, per alzare la voce contro chi discrimina. Poi in serata ha deciso di intervenire personalmente. Mika, britannico di origini libanesi, apertamente gay e da anni schierato contro i pregiudizi, ha dedicato al tema dell’omosessualità anche alcuni brani del suo ultimo album, uscito a giugno, No Place In Heaven
  10. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206308203637649&set=a.2362472734915.2130732.1043228003&type=1&theater
  11. Le Télégramme Fête du bruit. Mika a mis le feu ( Mika fired ) © Le Télégramme - Plus d’information sur http://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/landerneau/fete-du-bruit-mika-a-mis-le-feu-08-08-2015-10733327.php
  12. Dailymotion video http://dai.ly/x30ubjl 01:02 Fête du bruit. Snoop Dogg et Mika font le plein
  13. Brittany !! Share your stories and images from the festival? We're ready to be amazed! photo: tiibet http://mikagigs.com/2015/08/08/photo-galleries-mika-festival-fete-du-bruit-landerneau-france-82015/ ======== REPORTS ======== tiibet Blog http://mikagigs.com/2015/08/08/gig-reports-mika-festival-fete-du-bruit-landerneau-france-82015/ ======== PICS ======== tiibet 1 http://mikagigs.com/2015/08/08/photo-galleries-mika-festival-fete-du-bruit-landerneau-france-82015/ 2 http://mikagigs.com/2015/08/08/gig-reports-mika-festival-fete-du-bruit-landerneau-france-82015/ france7885 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/france7885/media_set?set=a.476170782565878.1073741919.100005188807866&type=3 ======== VIDS ======== YouTube vids by K'mille AC #14 BBB / Origin of Love / EMD / Staring at the Sun / Underwater / Love Today / Billy Brown / ======== MEDIA ======== video Quest France #3 Le Télégramme#4 photo Le Télégramme #5 Facebook #11 Facebook #12 Quest France #13
  14. MP3 http://www.mikawebsite.com/audio-mika-en-concert-au-summer-sound-festival-2015-de-rochefort/ Thanks a million for MikaWebsite[.Com!] and Antoine
  15. Sud Quest http://www.sudouest.fr/2015/08/07/en-images-la-premiere-soiree-du-summer-sound-de-rochefort-2091047-1391.php
  16. Elke Briers concertfotografie Facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.880017708761690.1073741976.524733527623445&type=3
  17. Mika en concert à L'Estivale Open Air, Estavayer-Le-Lac, 30 juillet 2015, ©Marc Ducrest https://www.facebook.com/42982238334/photos/a.10153156998233335.1073741841.42982238334/10153156998903335/?type=3&theater
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