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Everything posted by Kumazzz

  1. Chords TV http://chords.tv/mika/no-place-in-heaven/ All She Wants http://chords.tv/mika-all-she-wants-chords/ Good Guys http://chords.tv/mika-good-guys-chords/ Last Party http://chords.tv/mika-last-party-chords/ No Place In Heaven http://chords.tv/mika-no-place-in-heaven-chords/ Oh Girl You're the Devil http://chords.tv/mika-oh-girl-youre-the-devil-chords/ Staring at The Sun http://chords.tv/mika-staring-at-the-sun-chords/ Talk About You http://chords.tv/mika-talk-about-you-chords/
  2. Album review OndaRock http://www.ondarock.it/recensioni/2015_mika_noplaceinheaven.htm No Place In HeavenProbabilmente c’è chi non ce la fa più a ritrovarsi il faccino sorridente di Mika un po’ dovunque da un paio d’anni a questa parte, lasciandosi influenzare anche da quella che è stata ed è tuttora la sua esperienza come giudice di X-Factor Italia, ma non è questa la sede per parlare di talent show e simpatie personali. Qui si parlerà solamente del suo ultimo album, “No Place In Heaven”, a partire dalla copertina coloratissima, com’è l’indole di Mika, e dai richiami vagamente futuristici di scritte e strutture architettoniche alle sue spalle. La ricetta musicale è la solita che ha fatto la fortuna del cantautore anglo-libanese: pop scanzonato, allegro e vivace, con la differenza che in "No Place In Heaven" ritroviamo un Mika più smaliziato e, soprattutto, più intimista rispetto al passato, che pare accoglierci confidenzialmente nella sua vita, facendoci passeggiare tra ricordi più o meno dolorosi, miraggi di felicità e messaggi di speranza. Entriamo così, con passo leggero, nel salotto ordinato di un ipotetico Mika mai esistito, se non negli auspici della madre: tappeto persiano, una bella moglie e lavoro rispettabile da giacca e cravatta (“All She Wants”). L’atmosfera ruvida delle parole (“All she wants... is another son”) viene però smorzata dal ritmo goliardico del brano e dai coretti sixties, e l’insieme più di una volta riporta alla mente Rufus Wainwright. In effetti i cori hanno ruolo preponderante in tutto il lavoro: si fanno corposi e robusti, ma anche ironici, in “Oh Girl You’re The Devil” e nell’ottima “Promiseland”, si vestono da musical in “Rio”, accompagnano senza sopraffare nella title track, e sono, infine, femminei e cristallini in “Good Guys”, probabilmente il pezzo dell’album che funziona meglio e rimane più impresso, grazie al disarmante candore che gli appartiene. Partendo da un aforisma di Oscar Wilde (“Siamo tutti immersi nel fango... ma alcuni guardano le stelle”), si giunge a un delicato ringraziamento agli eroi della sua infanzia, quando il piccolo Michael sperava di poter avere, un giorno, la loro stessa audacia che aveva fatto luccicare i suoi occhi di bambino. È grazie a un lavoro di chiaroscuri che emerge la silhouette di questo lavoro: perciò, oltre a canzoni più colorate ed eccentriche, si fanno spazio anche ballate talvolta appena accennate, che sembrano nascere nel momento stesso in cui le si ascolta, dal cuore di un pianoforte e timidi pensieri (“Hurts”, “Porcelain” e le emozionanti “Last Party” e “Ordinary Man”, quest’ultima vagamente eltonjohniana). Si capisce, dunque, quanto “No Place In Heaven” sia un lavoro permeato da un senso di vulnerabilità ma al contempo di libertà, ossia quel binomio di sensazioni che si provano nel momento in cui ci si riesce ad aprire ed esprimersi in maniera totale. E qui Mika riesce a esprimersi eccome, cesellando quindici brani certamente pop e immediati ma anche ricercati, sia per ciò che concerne l’aspetto musicale, e in modo particolare gli arrangiamenti, sia per ciò che concerne i testi. E non ci fa mancare proprio niente: neanche una perfetta hit estiva, “Staring At The Sun”, e un paio di deliziosi episodi in francese, con “L’amour Fait Ce Qu’il Veut”, in cui si pone con allure da vero chansonnier pop, e “Boum Boum Boum”, contenuta solo nella versione francese di “No Place In Heaven”; qui il ritmo si fa più serrato e trascinante, avvicinandosi pericolosamente e a Stromae e a sonorità latine. “No Place In Heaven” sfiora l’ascoltatore, lo trascina in una maestosa danza di luci, colori e vanesia leggiadria, ma gli impone anche imprescindibili, per quanto semplici, riflessioni dentro sé. L'album pop dell'estate è proprio lui. (28/07/2015)
  3. DAVID ATLANTA Album Review: MIKA’s No Place In Heaven http://davidatlanta.com/2015/07/album-review-mikas-no-place-in-heaven/ MIKA is back again with another round of whimsical, story telling in his latest album No Place In Heaven. The fourth studio album by the colorful Brit is probably his most open and revealing album to date. From the album’s opening track (and first single) “Last Party” to the album’s finale “Good Guys, Night Time Mix”, the theme throughout the entire album is a bittersweet joy that’ll make you get the feels. MIKA has a style and way about his music that will take you all over the place… which can be a good thing but only if it is in small doses. One track might make you feel like you’re at Woodstock, while other tracks might have you feel that you are in an underground, disco club. Disappointing to many original MIKA fans, the majority of the album’s songs feel a bit Debby Downer. However, if MIKA’s goal was to make an album that is a bit less Glam-Pop and more lyric driven then he definitely succeeded. Not that he ever was shy or hid the fact that he was gay, this album is definitely MIKA’s most revealing out of all his previous albums. It’s more mature. The album is laced with tracks yearning for love (“Good Wife”), finding it (“Talk About You”), partying (“Last Party”), acceptance (“All She Wants”), and the struggles of it all especially with being gay. Probably the most discussed song off the album is “Good Guys” which is an open ended question highlighting the lack of gay, male role models around today. I personally don’t get it. With a slew of amazingly talented artists, athletes, and entrepreneurs out there today, any young gay boy can have someone to look up to and be inspired by. Neil Patrick Harris, Ricky Martin, Lee Daniels, Stephen Fry, Ian McKellen, Tom Ford, Anderson Cooper, George Takei, Jason Collins, Gareth Thomas, Bryan Singer, and so many more have all proven that you can be gay AND be successful at what you do. MIKA is included in that list as well! I suppose that there can be more “good guys” out there and maybe that is what MIKA is asking in the song. Out of all of the songs on the album, “Good Guys” is probably the most beautifully written track and definitely the one you’ll play over and over. On another note, some of the songs on No Place In Heaven do sound very similar to some of MIKA’s past songs. “Oh Girl You’re The Devil” (even though it is probably the most fun song on the album) sounds like his “Popular Song”. Also, the chorus to the album’s title track “No Place In Heaven” sounds extremely similar to The Supremes’ “You Cant Hurry Love”. Another standout track off of the album is the bonus track “Promiseland” which does sound a bit like a knockoff Maroon 5 song but it’s sooooo good! All in all, No Place In Heaven is a definitely a great album – a tad melancholy but great nonetheless! It’s not as colorful as his past albums but, then again, MIKA is evolving as an artist so it is refreshing to see him try something new and succeed at it. Even though the album doesn’t have that standout runaway hit like “Grace Kelly” or “Love Today”, you’re guaranteed to enjoy this album just as much as you did his first three. Standout Tracks: “Promiseland” “Staring At the Sun” “Rio” WEB magazine
  4. Non Stop People http://www.non-stop-people.com/actu/musique/mika-devoile-son-secret-anti-fatigue-amusant-inspire-de-celine-dion-84591 Mika dévoile son secret anti-fatigue amusant inspiré de Céline Dion ! Mardi 28 Juillet - 10:42 Google translator New writing project by Mika In the process, the one who had confessed his homosexuality suffered spoke of his projects. So while his latest album came out there just a few weeks, here he is already working on the next: "I have already started another album, I do not want to wait two or three years between each album" he has said. Finally, the one that made shocking statements about his father has found a new vocation, as he said: "I am writing a book," Diary of a Western optimistic 'It. talk about my frustration when I get in a supermarket, a large format, and that all I want is to buy something, I go out and about to spend 300 balls and I even found what I wanted ... (...). It's about how I see myself in the mirror when I'm dressed and even when I'm naked, "he concluded I guess the interview was broadcasted on Tuesday 28 July. http://video.lefigaro.fr/tvmag/video/mika-devoile-son-secret-anti-fatigue-amusant-inspire-de-celine-dion/4380487367001/
  5. Thom Sweeney https://www.thomsweeney.co.uk/ INTERVIEW http://www.kaltblut-magazine.com/mika-new-single-the-interview/ Mika said Actually three years ago, I walked in a suit tailoring place in London called Thom Sweeney and I ordered ten suits. Esquire : Meet the tailor - Thom Sweeney http://www.esquire.co.uk/style/fashion/2709/meet-the-tailor-thom-sweeney/ That said if a client wants very structured shoulders, or to radically change the house silhouette, it can be done – when Thom Sweeney made stage clothes for Mika they went far beyond Savile Row norms.
  6. Grazia's ( Tillymilo ) PERISCOPE video VK  Whole of the Concert ( 2 hours ) http://vk.com/video232312753_171341648 YouTube Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfkwp5oQ7MKtKrWT0_HlewPR5oR58Jxkf No Place In Heaven Relax (Take it Easy) Talk About You Popular Song Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Rain Billy Brown Blue Eyes Grace Kelly Underwater Good Guys Elle me dit Stardust Happy Ending Over My Shoulder Last Party Origin of Love Lollipop We Are Golden Love Today
  7. at Tarmina, Sicilia 2015 http://www.lasicilia.it/gallery/mika-concerto-al-teatro-di-taormina
  8. Facebook Fotografie Eventi https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=436048089916386&id=198236817030849 https://www.facebook.com/198236817030849/photos/a.199238746930656.1073741828.198236817030849/436050316582830/?type=1 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=436050729916122&id=198236817030849 https://www.facebook.com/198236817030849/photos/a.199238746930656.1073741828.198236817030849/436050813249447/?type=1 https://www.facebook.com/198236817030849/photos/a.199238746930656.1073741828.198236817030849/436050869916108/?type=1 https://www.facebook.com/198236817030849/photos/a.199238746930656.1073741828.198236817030849/436051096582752/?type=1 https://www.facebook.com/198236817030849/photos/a.199238746930656.1073741828.198236817030849/436051186582743/?type=1 2048 x 1367
  9. mikainstagram https://instagram.com/p/5mKPq8ziFE/ Yesterday night Cattolica https://instagram.com/p/5mKiY9TiFf/
  10. 今 初めて知りました。 これは完全にパクりを超えたモノでしょう! 今 Twitter をみたら 白々しい tweet の ずうずうしさ...  https://twitter.com/VickeBlanka/status/625418683737706496 @mikasounds follow してないし…  もう この話題は 止めませんか?
  11. Grazia's PERISCOPE SONG LIST PART-1 https://t.co/yOYZHcE8xi 1. We Are Golden 2. Grace Kelly 3. Talk About You 4. Blue Eyes 5. Staring at the Sun 6. RAIN PART-2 https://t.co/UiI838Y774 1. Promiseland 2. Underwater 3. RELAX 4. Good Guys 5. Over My Shoulder 6. Origin of Love 7. Stardust 8. Happy Ending 9. Last Party 10. Love Today 11. Ordinary Man 12. Lollipop
  12. https://twitter.com/lwrightmusic/status/619146162461872128 Lewis Wright ‏@lwrightmusic Evening rehearsal #Rome #Orchestral #timpani #mosquitos #bats #gelato #nofilter https://t.co/CoNNIwz3rd
  13. NOT ended yet, it works till 24h. Could you try to CLICK the start !!
  14. Grazia's PERISCOPE SONG LIST PART-1 https://t.co/yOYZHcE8xi 1. We Are Golden 2. Grace Kelly 3. Talk About You 4. Blue Eyes 5. Staring at the Sun 6. RAIN PART-2 https://t.co/UiI838Y774 1. Promiseland 2. Underwater 3. RELAX 4. Good Guys 5. Over My Shoulder 6. Origin of Love 7. Stardust 8. Happy Ending 9. Last Party 10. Love Today 11. Ordinary Man 12. Lollipop
  15. 2014 Giornale Delle giudicarie Gennaio 2014 issuuu http://issuu.com/matciag/docs/giornaledellegiudicariegennaio2014
  16. Gli italiani hanno sempre ragione : 24/07/2015 Mika canta Good Guys e Grace Kelly http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-1f0b6e28-23f2-479d-9dc9-bfa3107c2af7.html#p= "Good Guys parla dell'ammirazione dell'artista per i suoi eroi gay adolescenziali, citandoli per nome uno per uno: Rufus, Auden, James Dean, Emerson, Bowie, Wilfred, Owen, Kinsey, Whitman, Rimbaud, Wharhol, Porter e Cocteau. Il pubblico poi chiede a Mika di cantare Grace Kelly" VK http://vk.com/video232312753_171338407
  17. Valeria MalavendaUnderwater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS947Z5wcS0 Happy Ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oZq5qHa21g Elle Me Dit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDxl6SBFGY4 No Place In Heaven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwOc4RFQMNI
  18. Beautiful Penniman family !!! MIKA official ‏@mikasounds Just off stage. WHAT A SHOW ))! Meanwhile back at home in London https://instagram.com/p/5kyYV7TiBC/
  19. Instagram mikainstagram changed his profile photo ! ( July 25, 2015 ) https://instagram.com/p/5kd_svziFV/ mikainstagramHarpers Art China shoot https://instagram.com/p/5keV7GTiGD/ mikainstagramHarpers Art China ❤️✌????????
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