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Everything posted by Kumazzz

  1. I didn't know about Fedez before XF 2013 !! Is he a popular rapper in Italia ? http://video.sky.it/xfactor/puntate/fedez_alle_audizioni_di_milano/v172481.vid [sky]172481[/sky] http://video.sky.it/xfactor/puntate/live_5_lapertura/v178942.vid [sky]178942[/sky]
  2. Grand Hotel Vesuvio https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=757690277586517&set=a.216489398373277.55123.211146935574190&type=1&theater ... quando un'artista tocca le emozioni più profonde di ognuno di noi...si chiama MIKA!!!! Il Grand Hotel Vesuvio TI ASPETTA!!! ...When an artist touches our souls...his name is MIKA! Grand Hotel Vesuvio looks forward to welcoming you once again! GRAZIE!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=757534304268781&set=pb.211146935574190.-2207520000.1400736354.&type=3&theater Twitter Drawing from the guest book in Naples hotel this morning "il mio amico Vesuvio guarda con occhi segretamente aperti" http://t.co/dtAE5meRzi
  3. Thanks a lot for the the transcription !! at least, I could understand the interview by Google translator. [Google translator] Mika : Hi Caroline Caroline : Okay you see? Mika : There is something that worries me here is you say " rest " , but .. no .. it should not , it should not be put to rest Caroline, how it must s' put in background. Caroline: Oh yes, I know * laughs * Moderator: Caroline, have you wanted to Mika when he eliminated you ? Caroline: Oh not at all, when you're getting in this machine there, you know this is a game and that point you have to leave, ben unless you win, my goal was not to win, I wanted to do my best at all stages . Moderator: Mika , is that it was a heartbreaking moment for you ? Mika : Yes it's on, it's very difficult , we must choose in the moment and you understand everything that happens behind the scenes in the course of the week . And Caroline, it was really difficult for me. At the same time , I knew that even if someone does not win, they have the opportunity to make very beautiful things . Millions of people have followed every talent that followed Caroline. Everyone tells me about it and Elodie . They also tell me about Kendji , whoever win, but Caroline and Élodie , they have become a little beating heart . And I think Caroline has something very very special. I think she can enjoy even more freedom now it may have to assert themselves a little more and make the choices to be made . Moderator: Does it surprise you that Caroline Mika say that, I see you are quite affected ? Caroline: Yes, a little , well firstly it makes me a bit odd that it is the phone. I'm a little excited . Moderator: I think she does not realize Mika , the surprise is complete! Mika : No, but you have to imagine I iamgine for Caroline , Caroline and I can speak a little for you and even for me . We finished there just a week and really it's like when you're in the vortex of this program and this competition is very intense. When it stops , it sure is hard. With hindsight , one can realize how it was an experience that was very constructive . I hope she 's okay. Caroline: Well yes ! Mika : I think I was enormously constructive . Caroline: Yeah, but I also learned a lot. Thank you to you again, I learned a lot from you! Mika : Thank you, frankly, why you thank me ? The competition does not work if there is not a talent ébouffriant level . Frankly, it's you and some of your colleagues, they have the heart, you are the blood in this concept , without you, there is nothing. Moderator: Mika , you see yourself Caroline at a certain age , you started early in music, I thought maybe he sees himself ? What did you have that particular contact. Mika : There are some particular thing that I discovered when I was younger, it was a person , then I opened my mouth and I was someone else. Singing gave me the freedom to express myself without fear , without fear of contact with people. I think I found it in Carolina . It sings because it has to sing, that's why it touches us when she sings . That 's why she has power . You can have a great voice , but without that side, you can not make it any emotional or sincere. I think that side, this transformotive side , I saw myself when I saw Caroline. I think it has great potential . I'm not going to say to be polite ! You something, you should go to the bottom , 100 %, with madness, without fear , we must find your identity that you write songs, you surround yourself very well. You have to fight , I'll follow you, I'll listen to you. If you do what I think you'll do , we'll meet again.
  4. http://i.instagram.com/p/oQpGhzTiPu/ And again.
  5. Backstage pics from Mr.Luigi de Magistris ( the mayor of Naples )
  6. Thanks a lot for posting !! I tried to record the audio file, but couldn't ! Could anybody D/L or RECORD it please ? http://ici.radio-canada.ca/emissions/le_reveil_nouveau-brunswick/2013-2014/chronique.asp?idChronique=338602 and hope translate his words. :EDIT: It's the Mediafire DOWNLOAD and LISTEN MP3 link. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/be6lkuh09j7mnka/2014.05.20_Quand_Mika_devient_«coach»_de_Caroline_Savoie_en_direct.mp3
  7. Pics from Yahoo news https://it.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KLdSZK2HtT0REAuSsdDQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTI2czU4NWo2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM0YzQxMjE0Mi00NmVkLTMwNmUtYWYzNy01OTk5NDdiZGVlNzIEZ3BvcwMxMQRpdANsYXQ-?back=https%3A%2F%2Fit.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dmika%2Bnutella%26imgt%3Dlatest%26ei%3Dutf-8%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26ri%3D11&w=1024&h=1539&imgurl=d3.yimg.com%2Fsr%2Fimg%2F1%2F4c412142-46ed-306e-af37-599947bdee72&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fit.omg.yahoo.com%2Fphotos%2Fnapoli-mika-sul-palco-per-il-compleanno-della-161420377.html&size=203KB&name=Napoli%3A+Mika+sul+palco+per+il+compleanno+della+Nutella&p=mika+nutella&oid=4c412142-46ed-306e-af37-599947bdee72&fr2=sb-top&fr=&tt=Napoli%3A+Mika+sul+palco+per+il+compleanno+della+Nutella&b=0∋=288&no=11&ts=&c=0%2C51%2C199%2C250&s=0&imgt=latest&prtnr=Kikapress&sigr=12rn07he9&sigb=135lg96sk&sigi=11pohv6t8&sigt=124ep6c8i&sign=124ep6c8i&.crumb=pkleNV0ZzT7& https://it.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KLdSZK2HtT0REApSsdDQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTI1cThzY3NnBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkNzJjZWU2MS1iNTBmLTM0MWMtYWE2ZC05MzViNTk2ZTljYzcEZ3BvcwMxBGl0A2xhdA--?back=https%3A%2F%2Fit.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dmika%2Bnutella%26imgt%3Dlatest%26ei%3Dutf-8%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26ri%3D1&w=1024&h=1539&imgurl=d1.yimg.com%2Fsr%2Fimg%2F1%2Fd72cee61-b50f-341c-aa6d-935b596e9cc7&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fit.omg.yahoo.com%2Fphotos%2Fnapoli-mika-sul-palco-per-il-compleanno-della-161420265.html&size=171KB&name=Napoli%3A+Mika+sul+palco+per+il+compleanno+della+Nutella&p=mika+nutella&oid=d72cee61-b50f-341c-aa6d-935b596e9cc7&fr2=sb-top&fr=&tt=Napoli%3A+Mika+sul+palco+per+il+compleanno+della+Nutella&b=0∋=288&no=1&ts=&c=0%2C46%2C498%2C544&s=0&imgt=latest&prtnr=Kikapress&sigr=12rg9kcam&sigb=134m3tn6d&sigi=11pljgbgs&sigt=124ep6c8i&sign=124ep6c8i&.crumb=pkleNV0ZzT7& https://it.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KLdSZK2HtT0REAtysdDQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTI2NnFnYXQzBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjMTdiZDJlMS05N2YyLTNmNjEtOWMyZC1mNTJlMTRlOGY4N2QEZ3BvcwMxMARpdANsYXQ-?back=https%3A%2F%2Fit.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dmika%2Bnutella%26imgt%3Dlatest%26ei%3Dutf-8%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26ri%3D10&w=1024&h=1539&imgurl=d2.yimg.com%2Fsr%2Fimg%2F1%2Fc17bd2e1-97f2-3f61-9c2d-f52e14e8f87d&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fit.omg.yahoo.com%2Fphotos%2Fnapoli-mika-sul-palco-per-il-compleanno-della-161420599.html&size=186KB&name=Napoli%3A+Mika+sul+palco+per+il+compleanno+della+Nutella&p=mika+nutella&oid=c17bd2e1-97f2-3f61-9c2d-f52e14e8f87d&fr2=sb-top&fr=&tt=Napoli%3A+Mika+sul+palco+per+il+compleanno+della+Nutella&b=0∋=288&no=10&ts=&c=0%2C32%2C199%2C231&s=0&imgt=latest&prtnr=Kikapress&sigr=12rgv19pg&sigb=135c58rji&sigi=11p3hsal9&sigt=124ep6c8i&sign=124ep6c8i&.crumb=pkleNV0ZzT7&
  8. http://news.kappaelle.net/in-centomila-a-napoli-per-mika/ FULL size (3072 x 2048) https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5557/14249895853_1b8c71ac87_o.jpg
  9. http://lacittadisalerno.gelocal.it/foto-e-video/2014/05/19/fotogalleria/tutti-in-delirio-per-mika-1.9258487
  10. http://velvetmusic.it/2014/05/19/mika-concerto-napoli-duetto-con-chiara/
  11. http://velvetmusic.it/2014/05/19/mika-concerto-napoli-duetto-con-chiara/
  12. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2014/05/20/cinquanta-anni-della-nutella/151302
  13. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2014/05/20/cinquanta-anni-della-nutella/151302
  14. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2014/05/20/cinquanta-anni-della-nutella/151302
  15. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2014/05/20/cinquanta-anni-della-nutella/151302
  16. Cinquanta anni della Nutella. Napoli invade piazza del Plebiscito (FOTO) http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2014/05/20/cinquanta-anni-della-nutella/151302 ( I don't like watermarks very much )
  17. https://it.tv.yahoo.com/foto/napoli-mika-sul-palco-per-slideshow/napoli-mika-sul-palco-per-il-compleanno-della-161420471.html;_ylt=Apm8Y7xigQjq.D1_3Ch7bHT4M4d4;_ylu=X3oDMTNrNjI5cWloBHBrZwM3NjZkM2M3NS00ZDYxLTM1MjYtYWI3ZS0zYTJhN2EwMjYzYzAEc2VjA01lZGlhQ2Fyb3VzZWxQaG90b0dhbGxlcnlDQVhIUgR2ZXIDYzBmMTA5MDAtZGY3MC0xMWUzLWI3ZjktZTI0OTIzMzIxM2Ji;_ylg=X3oDMTBhbGdnY2JkBGxhbmcDaXQtSVQ-;_ylv=3
  18. https://it.tv.yahoo.com/foto/napoli-mika-sul-palco-per-slideshow/napoli-mika-sul-palco-per-il-compleanno-della-161420471.html;_ylt=Apm8Y7xigQjq.D1_3Ch7bHT4M4d4;_ylu=X3oDMTNrNjI5cWloBHBrZwM3NjZkM2M3NS00ZDYxLTM1MjYtYWI3ZS0zYTJhN2EwMjYzYzAEc2VjA01lZGlhQ2Fyb3VzZWxQaG90b0dhbGxlcnlDQVhIUgR2ZXIDYzBmMTA5MDAtZGY3MC0xMWUzLWI3ZjktZTI0OTIzMzIxM2Ji;_ylg=X3oDMTBhbGdnY2JkBGxhbmcDaXQtSVQ-;_ylv=3
  19. Pics by Yahoo TV Italia https://it.tv.yahoo.com/foto/napoli-mika-sul-palco-per-slideshow/napoli-mika-sul-palco-per-il-compleanno-della-161420471.html;_ylt=Apm8Y7xigQjq.D1_3Ch7bHT4M4d4;_ylu=X3oDMTNrNjI5cWloBHBrZwM3NjZkM2M3NS00ZDYxLTM1MjYtYWI3ZS0zYTJhN2EwMjYzYzAEc2VjA01lZGlhQ2Fyb3VzZWxQaG90b0dhbGxlcnlDQVhIUgR2ZXIDYzBmMTA5MDAtZGY3MC0xMWUzLWI3ZjktZTI0OTIzMzIxM2Ji;_ylg=X3oDMTBhbGdnY2JkBGxhbmcDaXQtSVQ-;_ylv=3
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