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Everything posted by Fangirl

  1. Woah, woah, woah. EXCUSE ME?! I want to go to your school! No pictures of Mika in my school.
  2. Twas very fun... I forgot to take the pegs out of my pockets after doing the washing, and so, a game was born! Nearly landed us a class detention though. I thought I made the rules very clear. Keep the peg on for 1 MINUTE. NOT THE WHOLE LESSON.
  3. Inventing a little game called 'Stick The Peg on The Substitute.'.
  4. It's fine! :biggrin2: You weren't that late!


    My dog was called Dakota, and she was a Dalmation-Labrador cross. She was so cute! I miss her... :tears:

  5. My drum teacher rules. He says he likes me 'cause I don't whine. I just get on with it. AND he was the first person to call me Bam Bam. (Stupid Mika. Stealing my nickname.) Today he said: Alex: Emma, what subject do you hate on a Monday? Me: History. Alex: Uh-huh... And when do you have it? Me: 2:40PM. Alex: Your drum lesson next week is at 2:40, and we'll make it go on for long, 'kay? He's nineteen , and quite good looking if I do say so myself.
  6. Today was the funniest day. (I had not listened to Mika in 24 hours, so I was very... Jumpy, I guess.) Me: *falling asleep in class* Amelia (Best friend): *whispering/shouting* EMMA! MIKA'S IN THE CLASS ROOM! Me: WHERE?! (Not whispering) WHERE WHERE WHERE?! WHERE!? TELL ME NOW?! My teacher: Emma, what is wrong? Why have you disrupted my lesson? Amelia: Mika-related Miss Smith. My teacher: ... Understood. Teacher: So, when it rains... When it rains.... I heard a song like that. Royal Albert Hall or something. Me: IT'S BY MIKA! Amelia: Oh my God... Now you've- Teacher: Really? What's it- Me: IT'S CALLED RAIN. YOU CAN GET IT ON iTUNES. Teacher: That'd be nice, but I don't ha- Me: USE MINE. Amelia: EMMA. SHUT. UP. I was like . And some random things from other people throughout the day: "Mika the music teacher. He'd be fired. He'd just be like '****ing LEARN BY EAR!!'... I wish he was our teacher. That'd be... Friggin' AWESOME." "Swear on Mika's life..? Oh never mind, you would never do that. Even if you WERE telling the truth." "Mika's a weirdo... But he cures cancer." "I want to put you in a coma. Because I want to see if I played Mika music, if you'd wake up. I bet two-hundred pounds she would." -Random friends "Okay, pretend you're Mika's drummer. You CAN'T SCREW UP. If you do, he'll hit you with a... A... His microphone. NOW, I KNOW he'd never do that, but we cannot risk it. So, don't screw up, alright, Emma?" -My drum teacher. (I didn't screw up.)
  7. :roftl:


    :lmfao: She now has a certain soft spot for Over My Shoulder. Why did she have to choose THAT ONE? :aah:


    I am a ninja. :mf_rosetinted:




    She still hasn't noticed. :blink:


    Funny you mention that... :biggrin2: I went to a sleepover, and we were all feeling bored, so I put on the TV, only to find that We Are Golden was playing. We had a mini-dance party, and then my friend said: 'Emma, I wonder what would happen if Mika came into one of our lessons and took you away." We were all betting (Not including me. I was daydreamin.:aah:) what would happen, and Livvy, my best friend shouts: "Wait, people! Face the facts! HE WOULD TAKE HER AWAY! No more Russell Howard (:wub2:) or Mika talk FOREVER!!!WE COULD LIVE IN PEACE!" I was about to protest, but hey. I'm being taken away by Mika. :biggrin2:




  8. *goes to the Mika-gasmics thread, and steals some photo paper.*


    :lmfao: She's now singing Rain, because my friend called me and that's my ringtone... IT HURTS! I can't sing to save my life! :aah:


    He did it yesterday too... Oh my... He went to a person: (He's one of those guys who helps with computers over the phone.) "Okay, your computer's not turning on? Is there power anywhere else in your house? No? Then that's why ***hole." *hangs up*


    I'm worried about how long he'll keep that job. :blink:


    Oh, my mom told me I couldn't watch TV for long, because I had to go to bed. What did I do? Without her noticing, I carried the TV UPSTAIRS, into my room and put it on my bed, and watched LiveICM with a bowl of popcorn til 2AM using headphones. I wonder how she didn't noticed..... I'm a ninja!

  9. I wish I did... Hm, I hardly go to my locker, but I WANT A PICTURE. I just have that eyepatch one that hasn't been taken out of my bag for a while... :teehee:


    Oh for-... My mom's trying to sing Grace Kelly. It. Hurts. My. Ears. :roftl::teehee:


    My dad does that. He nearly got fired for it! :aah:

  10. It's not THAT long, in my opinion... 7 questions and a description.


    I don't like the fact I say things out loud! In tests, I kinda... Say the answers out loud, and end up getting in trouble! :aah:

  11. I'd want him to do my French homework! I'm RUBBISH at French! *goes to do homework*
  12. :bye::biggrin2:


    I'm good, thanks! I have Q Magazine, and I'm on Mika's page. :teehee:(Lol, I first wrote 'thing', cause I couldn't think of the word 'page', and then I went 'I'm on Mika's thing' out loud, and I just shuddered. :roftl:) You?


    Gah, my dog wants to go out. I hate it when your nice and warm, and then you're interrupted by someone telling you to do something... :sneaky2::aah:

  13. Yes, how very dare he. :shun: :shun:


    McWilliams? :lmfao: My friends's last name is McWilliams! She's part Scottish, I think. :aah:

  14. Oh! If your watching the Biz Session thing, then you should know that HE STOLE MY NICKNAME!:tears:


    My nickname's Bam Bam, because I play the drums. :tears: :tears:






  15. I love the Bizarre section. Every other day there's something in there about Mika! ...




    Is that good or bad? :roftl:

  16. They have no idea how much super market music affects us. :shun::roftl:


    The Sun, in the Bizarre section. :naughty:

  17. Grace Kelly... But I didn't know who Grace Kelly was, so I thought she actually SANG it. My friends got quite annoyed with me.
  18. 33 days, I think. :roftl:




    I HATE THAT TOO! But I have something a little more annoying, in my opinion. Matalan playing cheap covers AND Christmas music. I got so annoyed that I switched on my iPod, only to get my mom to tap me on the shoulder. I took out my earphones to hear the beginning of Big Girl, and I was happy... Until that guy started to sing. IT WASN'T MIKA! I WAS SO UPSET! IT DIDN'T MAKE ME WANT TO DANCE LIKE THE ORIGINAL, IT MADE ME WANT TO HIT THE GUY WHO SANG IT!






    On the plus side, I stole a Mika newspaper article from a hospital. More of a plus for me, anyway! It was about the eyepatch! :roftl:


    I'm hungry...

  19. That sounded so odd. Imagine if I just walked up to you and said that.
  20. My shoulder aches still from that silly guy. I was listening to Mika at the time, and Toy Boy was on. I was at the point where it went: "When your only son's wondering what to be, tell him the story of a boy like me..." Then FWACK! Right there. My mom found it hilarious! My nan. She's... Sick. With something. A heart attack or a stroke or something... Hello! I'm going in a bit because of my internet but hi!
  21. ... I want to hug you. (It may sound creepy, but I mean it in a friendly way! )
  22. I just got hit by an old man who was shirtless and had wet himself with a slipper. I hate hospitals.
  23. I think Mika music... I got woken up at 3AM this morning, 'cause paramedics were with my grandmother. I was really scared, but then I realised that my iPod was playing... Blame it On The Girls... I felt calm and happy then. I find it odd, and cool that Mika's music comforts me when I'm angry, or scared or just feeling down... **OFF TOPIC** But what's weird is that I was listening to Toy Boy while waiting for the hospital elevator, and I go to the part where it goes: "When your only son's wondering what to be, tell him the story of a boy like me..." An old man who was shirtless and had wet himself hit me with a slipper. Hard.
  24. Okay, I'll go with a ponytail!


    You're gonna be in a comic!:boing:

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