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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. I'm in a Dean Martin kinda mood. Listening to "You Belong to Me" Love Love LOVE that song.
  2. It's always quite when I'm here. I always toss it up to time zones cause you guys usually post a BUNCH when I'm off at work and in bed. <3 I'm on a lot to cuz I be a internet nerd
  3. I think narrator is saying the person he is singing to told him he could have one more chance. It does not directly say so but I think he's saying that He wished he had more chances (for example the three chances but he was only allowed one) I still think the person he is singing able did not let him have the chance he asked for.
  4. Tank' yoo. Awww hampsters are cute. Mine were all evil though. I still love small fluffy things which is why I have birds now
  5. I recieved my new car today. WOot I be stylin in my black PT cruizer. XD other than that I'm stressed as heck at work.
  6. Good Evening guys i just pryed myself away from my shiny new car. Which much to my family's dismay I keep refering to as "Humphrey" Most Definatly. Cannot WAIT. and now I got my PT CRuizer so we can go to the concert all stylin' like. He's got to come back so I can see him :'( I wanna see him in concert so bad. I don't believe I know .Thoguh I can turn it off and on. I work in a cal center and ocassionally I'll get my customers stop in mid sentance and they are like... YOU AREN"T IN CHICAGO ARE YOU? I'm like hee Nup! LMAO and don't forget my favorite southern prhase ever "Oh it's just down yonder past that hill over thar" *dies*
  7. I've never heard I'm falling *sigh* The suckyness of being a nooby fan. I really like I see you. It reminds me of Social Anxiety though. I still really like it it's insecure and vunerable perhaps not as much as I'm falling but I wouldn't be able to compare.
  8. stressed. we are trying to buy me a new car and it's making me want to roll into a little ball and yell. STOP make it STOP lol. My dad is a drama queen so it's not helping much.
  9. I'd be down for that cept for i can't get to florida. I really should save for a new refrigerator but I may have to make a "mika gig fund" so that I can blow it on one lovely night of mikafulness. Since he's being a stinker about moseying to my dear texas. I'm sure he has to go where the moolah is but still. I'd like to have him here.
  10. Poor form on the venue's part. I'm sure Mika will be able to turn it around eitehr way.
  11. Definatly I've already got plans for a special Texas Tour postor with our names on the back. I've not started it yet but I've got sketches ready for it. It will be fantastic I'm sure. Meh I dun wanna go to work tomorrow I'd rather play here at MFC instead of dealing with my whiny customers.
  12. You know when dhe does come down this way we are going to have to come up with something uber special to welcome him.
  13. I just had a 10 minute conversation with my mother over Mika's hurt foot. XD she humors me so well.
  14. What's not to love. He is a adorable boy he is. Tis all his fault the situation we've put ourselves in XD
  15. Naw, Your just a Mad Mika Fecker like the rest of us crazies. XD
  16. See I can't even bear to watch the videos because I haven't gotten to see him. I watched a few when the tour first started but I've sworn off them for a while Hrmm I'm seeing a pattern.. SEE MIKA can't listen to the cd. Don't SEE Mika and can't watch the videos.
  17. It does take a special quality to be a Mad Fecker <3 Kinda like Mad Hatters only wih more sparkles.
  18. Hrmmm sounds like a cocktail of Love Today followed by BLue Eyes and One Foot Boy should get you back on your feet. LOL Least that what I play when I need to get giddy.
  19. I did the dopey I'm In LUUUUUUUUUURVE smile after the Oklahoma six flags Monkees concert. I forget what year that was but I was high as a kite for days after that.
  20. I don't even hang at the Monkee's forums anymore. not that I don't love them anymore than always but I've grown tired of the hard core monkee fans. They are older and far scarier than I could ever be . The Sims 3 forumn that I love to lurk out are down right insane when it comes to posting rules. But they are handy so I lurk anyway.
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