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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. I see that Rufus to you is what Monkees is to me. I take them everywhere. I consider them my first musical love. I like the hallelujah song and the way he does origin of love. Those are the only two Rufus songs I have.
  2. We love you silly Mika Muppet. Take care of that foot of yours. can't have you AS the one foot boy for TOO long. <3 <3
  3. Oh gawd I hated that book. *hides in a corner* Maybe I'd like it now that I'm older I read it in like 4th grade.
  4. I have full confidence in you that your belt masterpiece will be nothing short of awesomesauce.
  5. I just love it XD it amuses me dearly that Monkee is written on it. I almost made Monkee my MFC name but I use Calicoskies everywhere so I stuck with that instead.
  6. It definatly sounds like underwear. Must be teh accent or something or maybe my accent. I've no idea but it makes me giggle. IT also reminds me of the Sean Lennon albumn I have he has some sleepy songs that have a similar pace to By The Time.
  7. I dun wanna go to work tomorrow. I'd rather stay home and play. Also I want a Sock Monkey they are selling at wall mart. I tried to make one once and it came out like crap. I'd love to buy a pre-made one. hrm maybe for christmas!
  8. *sad* No one's been by here to see my amusing mis-heard lyric. *sings all by myself and then I see you in da corner*
  9. Mika is right on par with my other previous (Yet loved no less bands/singers) I think it is safe to say that I will always keep a eye out for him no matter where things go in the future. I just wish I was better equipped monetarily to go off and fan girl with him at gigs. I still feel uber spoilt with You Tube. I did not hae the luxury of You Tube when I was at my hard core Monkee fangirling. All I got was a lousy newletter that came out once a month.. .by snail MAIL and that was even when the internet existed already. XD. Can you imagine waiting a MONTH to find out what Mika's doing? It's almost worst this time because all the happenings are so accessible. I mean I can have the boy's tweets sent straight to my phone to wake my butt up at 5 in the morning.
  10. I’ve not had the pleasure of coming down from a Mika-induced Concert Endorphin high. However I’ve been there with my Monkees before. Becoming enraptured with a band or in this case Mika a big pain in the butt. Though I’m really glad I found him even though it’s caused me some issues. Don’t get me wrong I’m gloriously happy to find that I love someone who makes wonderful music and still alive and not 30 years older than myself. Better yet all you fine people also love him so I have that this time. It’s not as fun adoring a musician who no one knows about or no one digs anymore. It’s just in adopting Mika as my chosen fav musician. It’s got me doing crazy stuff again like watching late night shows I never make a point of watching just so I can glimpse him for a run down of Blame it on the Girls. Or worse yet I’ve begun writing letters agin. I used to write letters to Peter Tork of the Monkees. This time our boy is getting the worse of it. I’ve been able to keep myself down to writing one or two a week though which is not too bad. Becoming what I call a full time fan is not what I bargained for this july when I discovered his Big Girl video. I have not felt this way about any musician since the Monkees. Just confining Mika is in my right age bracket/decade is absolutely crazy. I so rarely dig current music. I had no idea Id’ fall this hard for his music and the man. Being a fan of someone is such a guilty pleasure of mine though I feel really naughty about it. When I was a kid I could laugh it off and go ooh I’m a teenager it’s ok to be all nuts over someone cuz that’s what Teens do. Now I’m 27 and it’s like uhhh.. XD I feel a bit foolish but it’s fun. Ethier way I can't wait till he comes to visit Texas XD.
  11. I still love love love Pick up off the floor Good Gone Girl and BLue eyes are close seconds thoguh. Those are the three I like to sing to the best.
  12. They look related to me but it's hard to tell cause of the wonky glasses.
  13. It wont download. I"ve tried but whatever format they've got it in it doesn't work right.
  14. horrid. had a rather heated argument with my stupid father. He's so possesive over the washing machine.(he is obsessive compulsive go outside of HIS schedule and he gets pissy with you) All I want to to do is do my laundry. But now that we've had a nice yelling match I want chocolate a cuddle and some jazz music
  15. My dad: You mean that Mikey guy who is going to join a monastery? and Oh God his clothes Who lets him out in public like that. To be fair my dad says the monastery thing about every male singer that I love. XD it's getting to be a old line. My mom is being very patient. MY friends just humour me. All my musical tastes generally run rather.. well eclectic my friend always expect for me to have to explain my favorite things. IN Texas if it's not country or hip hop then it's gotta be explained.
  16. hehe I pulled my lay away out of cato fashions. WOOT! new clothes. LOL
  17. I'm seeing a grown up where the wild things are. I really like the wild woodland nymphs. This is a well done video. I don't mind taht the rain is absent I didn't expect him to do the obvious as he generally doesn't it seems.
  18. Haha my work did that this week. On eday we had to do "bad hair" one day was miss match day, and then we had dress like the 80's and "BLue" where everyone dressed in blue. it was .. strange but there was cake so it was ok.
  19. Considering it's 2am I'm going to get my fanny into bed. Good Night Muppets
  20. Completely relate. I've been driving for roughly 2 years. I've been driving completely on my own for 8 months. I was in a car accident in 2003 that made me scared to death of driving. I wasn't able to over come it till I moved hereto Austin. Driving is still super trick for me but I'm able to get back and forth to work on my own allthoguh not many other places as of yet. It's still a work in progress.
  21. That is awesome that you wrote him a book. I hope you've at least photo copied it for yourself. I generally always take a picture or photocopy any art I give away so that I have record that it existed outside of my own mind. I will send lucky gift giving mojo your way. I hope your able to present it to him nicely in a way that you'll remember =-).
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