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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. Bah it just means I'm in stinky texas. Central Time zone n' all. Tis why I'm always late for the party but it's all good.
  2. Take Care, Night Night. Nuu I'm a night owl the evening is just getting started for me it's not even 8 p.m. yet.
  3. *shifty eyes* You Tube is such a joyus place to find random clips of mika. Thoguh most of this is brand new to me I'm sure many of you guys have gone over everything with a fine toothed comb
  4. Ugh. Thanks for reminding me I work in 15 hours. I dun wanna. Silly angry applaince people it's much nice to sit here and play.
  5. It is lovely darlin' I did something similar with a monkee concert gig when I was in highschool.
  6. Meeks Blames it on the Girls so I think it's ok. Ha ha I luckily no longer share the computer in the common areas. I have mine in my room so I can be goofy to my hearts content. However my family has determined that I am now certifiable since I've become interested in our dear boy.
  7. When I was still in Lurking Under-Cover Monkee mode. This is the first thread I came to. *shifty eyes* Hee Hee so it would not surprise me at all
  8. It's official. I can't sleep cuz I come in on everything late. Is it over yet or can I continue on my wishful thinking? XD
  9. Wow. Lovely pictures, audio and everything. What AWESOME story about the jacket. This is the first I'veheard of it but then again I'm the bebe Mika fan. Gots lots of catching up to do it seems.
  10. Grace Kelly - Itunes Festival style. I'm trying to organise my mp3s so I keep flipping around to al ot of things. It was Janis Joplin a few minutes ago.
  11. Mika and I are about 11 months apart. Does that count for older? I wanna hear Mika sing some lullabyes. I love Lullabyes type songs. I have some by almost all my favorite artists.
  12. We are Golden is definatly a coming of age song. The music video is really what whats the song for me. *shifty eyes*
  13. What a lovely treat to find after coming home from work. Mika is such a charmer. Tank's Bienie!
  14. One day maybe my tempting descriptions of Texas will make you curious enough to have a gig here? Yes Yes?
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