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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. My DA is just nollaig.deviantart.com Trust me, that Mika is arguably the best thing I've done, there's lots of messing and experimentation in my art, and lots of Lion King fan art
  2. I just watched The Measure Of A Man again, the TNG ep where Data is subject to a hearing about whether he's a person or the property of Starfleet (and the dude who wants to dismantle him.) Such an epic episode, and it always makes me cry! Data's like a child, and logical to a fault (obviously) but at the same time that logic and childlike questioning makes him say the most thought-provoking and endearing things. <3
  3. Actually on-topic - if I had the brains I would have studied astrophysics, I'd love to have been an astronomer or anything like that related to the study and exploration of space (other than an astronaut, coz I'm definately not brainy enough for that!) And I'm pretty good with theoretical physics, I've learnt most of it just from reading books as I didn't study it in school, but the mathmathics cripples me. CANNOT do math, and unfortunately you need to be able to do it at the highest possible standard to even pass first year in Astrophysics here. In the course in my uni, last year, only one student actually graduated.
  4. @OhMyMika!!: Some people think they know it all when they say stuff like that, and they are blatently incorrect. Once he knows and you know, all's right with the world. Also apologies, I was already p*ssed when people started up. @Cazgirl: Love you but will never budge on astrology. Will grant you it's interesting to read about though. ASTRONOMY, now there's a topic I like! @Riverstwilight: I studied Philosophy of Mind, Science and Free Will, hence my interest in physics and particularly the probabalistic nature of quantum physics versus the deterministic nature of all larger systems. @Everyone else: I can tell you what I DON'T want to do with my life, and THAT is become a public speaker. I suck at it
  5. Racinghorse: Okay like I said, I'm not arguing with you, coz to be honest I've already let rip about religion in schools, homophobia, racism and the general idiocy of the human race on two forums, facebook and with my brother at no one in particular TODAY ALONE. I'm agitated and in no mood to argue. Also it's 4am here. Evolution doesn't require additional energy. I may well get into trouble for saying this, but anyone born with Downs Syndrome, Siamese twins, etc and any other malformations or disabilities in their genetic make up is essentially the kind of mutation that occurs from time to time. It's like those animals that are born with extra limbs or whatever. It happens constantly - and the weaker mutatations die out (in nature, anyway, not in the human world of medicine and superb care), while the stronger ones live on and eventually outlive their predecessors, as they become the dominant form of species. It's not like Pikachu evolving into Raichu, and it doesn't expend any additional energy. Regarding the Big Bang - they do say they don't know for sure in fairness, but it's better than 'And on the first day, He created Light!' or whatever, so I'm willing to hear them out. In fairness, when the Large Hadron Collider does it's thing in a few years, if the world doesn't get sucked into a black hole (it won't, that's hype) we may be a little closer to understanding the 95ish% of energy we actually can't understand just yet, dark energy and so on. As well as that, I'd rather follow a theory that largely works and has a few holes, than 'God happened.' We don't know everything, but that's no reason to dismiss the largely accurate discoveries of science. I prefer to pick a side and learn about it - if everyone sat back and believed nothing the race would end up even stupider than it already is. That's not a good point, that's not knowing anything about evolution. Why some did and why some didn't? Because that's how they evolved! It's chance, luck, genetics, trial and error in mutations. Also, it takes place over a VERY VERY long time - you don't actually see it within a couple of lifetimes. What your cousin said is not a question ABOUT evolution, it's the question to which 'evolution' is the ANSWER. THAT'S IT. I'M DONE. Go read a book on it - evolution isn't even my strong point. Come back to me when you want to talk quantum physics.
  6. Uhh... Evolution? Evolution is the best explanation out there... but I won't argue, unless you turn around and mention Creationism, at which point I'm leaving this thread to rant somewhere I can't get banned, about how much I hate Religion.
  7. Astrology IS a load of crap. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to take some, like, science classes or something. But I still like my starsign.
  8. I just discovered the Mika Quotes thread and I'm about to make my way through all 62 pages.
  9. Overrated. I know we're not meant to talk about them or w/e, but it's what I'm listening to, and I think it's amazing.
  10. Touché! All the characteristic traits are also mine. Loyalty, stubborness, wariness, short temper, determination, being logic-based, but passionate and all of these things to a fault. Also, while I reckon astrology is a load of cobblers, I love being a Scorpio, and I think it's the most kick-arse starsign
  11. Wow, this thread has moved from 'what am I doing with my life?' to astrology. That's quite a leap. I can't comment on astrology, as it'll start a debate. For those who care about astrology, I'm a Scorpio, and surprisingly a textbook one. My brother is also a Scorpio (three years and two days between us) and he is my exact opposite. My dad is a Capricorn, and exactly the same as me. Go figure.
  12. Hopeless. Humans are useless, and it's depressing.
  13. Hiya, just wanted to say I watched your WAG video (when I see links in sigs I can't help but click!) and I loved it! Really made me smile, loved the 'hand puppets' really inventive and it all looked like so much fun! Also, WICKED umbrella! x

  14. Oh, no, I'd love snowy Winters. I can live with cold - I'm happy to wear layers. I'd LOVE snow.
  15. I'm writing on both my favourite song and my thoughts on the album for the yearbook, so I'm choosing Toy Boy as my favourite song, since it's the one that finally totally swung my focus towards Mika himself, rather than just as random pop music. I love all the others too though, so I'm gonna get short comments about those into the Album Thoughts section
  16. I personally call it Not Wintery Enough - unless we get snow (and the last couple of years, we have in January) then it's not actually COLD. It's just a little chilly
  17. Sounds like my best mate's parents. She's 21 and they control her life - if she tried to move out of home she'd probably have to call the cops to stop her dad picking her up and taking her home, but when she's at home they open her mail, monitor her spending, tell her when she can or can't eat and generally tell her how much she's ruining her life. (Which is partially true, she is a disaster in her own way, failing college twice and the like, but realistically they should let her get on with being a disaster by herself at this stage.)
  18. I'm pretty good. I have Tim Minchin blasting in my ears and I'm finally starting on arguably the most difficult bit of art I want to do for the yearbook - what I see in my head when I listen to Dr. John.
  19. That's a great quote, I must remember it!! Have a good night x
  20. Tee hee, don't worry, it's the mistake that anyone who hasn't done philosophy or science for three years in Uni makes!!
  21. At the risk of starting a Philosophical debate, things will only happen as they would happen if you didn't address this topic.... if you adressed it things would happen differently, although still causally That's the difference between determinism and pre-determination.
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