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Everything posted by Melmo26

  1. I'm 27 and I will cook for anyone...even a very fussy or picky eater, so I think Mika would be a good challenge (and a LOT of fun) to work for :) Hahaha How old are you?

  2. Aww well have fun in school! I'm going for culinary arts :) My dream job would to be Mika's personal chef in 2 years lol but doubt I'll ever even meet him lol.

  3. Hey hun, how are you? What are you gonna go to school for? :)

  4. No problem sweetie :) Have a good day!

  5. Hey there! Thanks for adding me! I know I don't know you, but I really wanted to say that I'm sorry about your loss. I hope you find a way to stay strong, and know that you have some virtual friends who are here for you :) Take care hun, and hang in there! -Mel

  6. Btw, thanks for pointing out my "oops" the other day when I created a repeat thread hahaha. I don't know what I was on that day, but I swore I didn't seen anything about his lips lol....perhaps I didn't have my coffee that day ;) lol

  7. Thank you so much for closing that lips thread. My navigation skills need some tweeking haha I'm a little embarrassed, but thank you for the link to the other one!

  8. You know what? I like the way you think! What have you got to lose? I say ask Derren to go for a drink :) Sounds like a good plan, you'll have to let me know if it works ;) That's so cool that you get to see him so much :)


    Yes, I am oober pumped for my camping trip lol.....I always look forward to it, every year! Haha it just makes me happy being around a campfire, spending time with my best friend and my son, no family, no worries....and beautiful scenery!


    I think Remember the Time video is neat when he spins and turns into the swirling sand (or whatever it is lol). The other one you mentioned is neat...have you seen the "behind the scenes" of that video shoot? Hahaha omg it was hilarious! Chris Tucker had MJ laughing hysterically!!


    My mom really liked her purse and encouraged me to make some for my sisters for Christmas :) I think it looks hilariously homemade, but cute :)


    You have a great weekend as well and take care! Peace, Mel

  9. Je conviens avec vous. Avez-vous souhaitez joindre?
  10. I am doing pretty well :) Omg you like MJ too? haha that's awesome! I guess it's not so hard to find another fan of his, but still exciting lol. Glad you got to see Derren and had a good time :) Running off of 2 hours sleep? Haha I did that this past Sunday (it was Mother's Day). I stayed up making a purse for my mom. I'm not much of a seamstress, but it turned out fairly decent. Lets see, I've been getting my paperwork together for school. They should soon be sending me my schedule and registration letter and then I'll be heading to classes in June! I'm so excited to learn about different styles of cooking and cuisine :) I'm going to be a chef, if I didn't tell you already ;) And of course, my wonderful camping trip is in 34 days hahaha. My best friend is even excited now! LoL


    Well take care :) My top 2 fav MJ songs are "Earth Song" (b/c it's so beautiful) and "Bad" hahaha omg I LOVE how he looks in that video!!! LoL What do you like from him?


    Later gator & Peace, Mel

  11. Reminds me of the one part in the movie "There's Something About Mary" lol :roftl::naughty:
  12. Haha that's true....maybe because he's drowning in white in his apartment? LoL It looks clean that way, but it's too much white for me lol

  13. I'd want his Donald Duck bicycle! hahaha I <3 Donald Duck!!
  14. I'm with you...grey is nice in photographs, but it doesn't make for sexy underwear hahaha....maybe he thinks it matches everything? lol

  15. I'm pretty good. It's only 8:30pm over here so naturally, I'm not tired lol. But everytime I go into the chat no one is there lol. Figures. I really think we should have a collection to get Mika some new undies hhahaha...maybe just tag it "From: Anonymous" lol

  16. Hey woman! You're up pretty late haha :) Hope you're having fun in the threads lol

  17. Hey Chantelle!

    How are things going with you? I hope your internet situation gets fixed soon :) Just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing. How was Derren Brown on the 3rd? Later gator, Mel

  18. I'd like to join this thread Nice to see a decent amount of Americans on here Hello Americans! hahaha
  19. Oh yes it does! PS this is my 100TH post!!! Woo hooo
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