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Everything posted by Melmo26

  1. You are correct! I /emoticons/converted_wink4.gif" alt=";)" srcset="/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="16" height="16" /> haha how are you?

  2. The twins, Bob and Clint, went off to form Hidell, and that didn't really work for them, so a few years later they did Same Same...again not real big, but you can hear their music on youtube. I /emoticons/converted_smile1.gif" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="16" height="16" />


    Thanks! My camping trip isn't until June, but I always get really excited for it about this time of year when it starts to warm up. It's been really beautiful this past week! In the 60s and 70s I believe :) That's really warm for PA haha we're used to a lot of cold weather, but I live for summer time :)


    I hope you have a great week :) TTYS (talk to you soon)

  3. Yeah it's been about 9 years since they were together. Now, I've followed the drummer and bassist (the twins) since, and they've had a couple dif't bands and are in the studio now working on stuff, but they haven't released anything in 4 years lol. Yes, I'm totally obsessed with them too lol. Although, I never got to see them in concert :(


    Rabbits are cute...my favorite animals are ducks :) They are SOO cute and I collect everything that has ducks on it haha.


    I hope you have a great day as well! And if I don't hear from ya soon, have a great weekend! I'm going to a bonfire tomorrow :) I love this warm weather over here :) I'm completely ready for summer, and my annual camping trip with my bff ;)

  4. PS I saw some of the vids of Derren and he is very funny haha :) I personally think Mika is cuter though, but I drool over anyone with curly hair hahaha

  5. Haha that's funny that you say that...I can't stand cats either! haha I'm more of a dog person, but I don't have any at the moment.


    Garfield is cool...I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tokio Hotel!! I hope they come back to the US so I can see one of their concerts! I also still love a band from when I was 16 called The Moffatts...they aren't together anymore, but I still love their music :)


    As far as cartoons go, I love Sailor Moon and Jem...haha Jem was my favorite saturday morning cartoon as a kid...but to collect anything of hers requires a lot of money that I don't have lol.

  6. http://shop.sanrio.com


    They have a LOT of HK stuff :) Maybe your mobile phone is there? They have really expensive things, but also little things like pens and wallets...but I love it all :) Even if it's just hello kitty stickers hahaha I can't believe we're having such a long conversation about HK :) Btw, the sandwich maker puts a HK face on the bread of my sandwiches!! haha it's so awesome!

    I had something like a tamagotchi once...it was a little ducky..but it always died because we weren't allowed to have them in school :(

  7. I had a great Easter, thank you! It was fun watching my son try to find his basket lol...I kinda miss finding a basket lol I'm one of those adults that refuses to grow up in some ways lol. I have a lot of HK stuff, but my favorite so far is my HK sandwich maker lol :)

  8. Thanks! I'm obsessed with Hello Kitty....almost as much as Mika lol. You have a wonderful week too, and a Happy Easter :)

  9. Haha speaking of that, I was watching an old Christmas cartoon the other day, and Santa was reading differen't Christmas letters that kids sent in, and the one kid's name is Billy Brown!!! Hahaha i about died laughing! it's around 1:38 hehehe
  10. My best friend reminds me of Mika haha not exactly the same, but he's 6' and skinny and has curly brown hair
  11. Thanks for adding me :)

  12. Thanks for adding me :)

  13. Thanks for the add :)

  14. Thanks for adding me! I love your sense of humor :)

  15. Thanks for adding me :)

  16. Thanks for adding me! You have some of the best posts lol :)

  17. Thanks for the link :) If you need any more in the future, feel free to holler at me haha! Thanks for adding me

  18. I want to be a USA rep too :) How do I go about doing that? lol

  19. Silly? Well then yes, that's DEF Mika, hands down! Hahaha
  20. Thanks! Although I'm still not a fan of the word lol I'll stick to my tent and marshmallows lol
  21. Haha okay, after a year of confusion, can someone please explain to this Us girl what being "camp" means? To me, "Camp" is where you pitch a tent in the woods and roast marshmallows lol. I'd guess that it means cheeky, but I don't think that's right, considering I don't think Mika is cheeky lol.
  22. Haha I saw the first pic and thought the same exact thing! LoL dirty minds think alike
  23. Every "USA" American is some sort of a mutt...unless everyone in your family is native american...but I like that we're so collectively full of so many other places I, myself, am Irish (mainly), German, and a little bit of Blackfoot Indian. It's an interesting mix I guess, but hey, I can cook potatoes like it's my job, and I can handle my liquor lol (tee hee jk) But anyway....I really think this will be what breaks him through over here I'm jealous of you guys overseas b/c I don't get to hear him on the radio or see him much on tv
  24. Thanks! Glad someone agrees Well, more than just one person haha
  25. I personally think it's a great song! I absolutely love it, and while the video doesn't really capture the typical "Mika-esque" sort of moves and flair, it's almost like a new side of Mika that we've never seen, or haven't seen in a while....his love for comic books.... I think the video is set up in the comic world...even when he's standing on top of the roof top. (Which btw my fav part is where he leans back and pushes out is right arm when he sings "We are strong"...ahh...hehe) I also think it's okay that's he's branching out and sort of trying something a little out of the norm for him I love when people are open-minded, especially artists like Mika I can imagine being on a road trip this summer with my best friend and this song blaring and it'd be like the summer song of 2010...hehe...I love this idea anyway Have a wonderful day! thanks for letting me share my input
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