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Everything posted by Yuna

  1. I don't mind if he's coming in freezing winter cuz we dont have to que outside
  2. Forget it. Timezone of Mikaworld is Totally different from ours.
  3. I tweeted about Adam Lambert a lot yesterday and Mika started follow him. just sayin.
  4. From Mikasounds FB Christmas Eve is here!! Have you finished you Christmas shopping, are you setting off to see family, and g etting in the Christmas spirit? To help you along, we want to know, which of these Christmas covers by Mika is your favourite? · Vive le Vent · Let it Snow (Sun bizarre/ korea footage) · Merry Christmas (War is Over) (from wogan show) what is Korea footage?
  5. The show seems very impromptu and a bit chaos, but if see through every detail of the show is totally under control by Paul de Leeuw. Not every TV host can do this, but only really professional and experienced man can do like this. I'm so fascinated by his every comment and action in that way, even focused on Paul than I do for Mika this time. Exactly
  6. Oh Mika's gonna sing in Korean finally.. ? Cooooooooooooooooool
  7. This show makes me love that Paul de Leeuw guy again... He's really a professional and must be a respected TV host loved by whole Dutch ppl...
  8. I love that song but I am one of those who dislike the studio version... sounds weird but I'm like that
  9. What a bubble teen pop song! Never imagined Mika would do these kind of work It's more " Popular song -Ariana Grande (ft Mika) Good song for her who is called Ariana, and composer Mika, but think not the best for the singer Mika , IMO
  10. Really wonder what is in that box.... (eyeball shirts? ) Happy for whoever she/he is, and please let us see what is in it
  11. Yeah When he jumped into the crowds while singing Lovetoday, we could see two security guys got totally frightened and followed Mika immediately Can't believe he jumped into this total crazyness.. but we enjoyed that and nothing bad happened (except some ppl could be squashed to die) [YOUTUBE]Jya_NV0uBp4[/YOUTUBE] Thankfully he is very open minded to fans getting involved to the gig.. without faith and trust he can't do that. So... we need to make and cross our line not to go too far.. That's our part.
  12. yeah If I were a celeb, I might love to go one place far away country and meet hundreds of fans greet me, but if I'm travelling around for months and see ppl surround me at every airport I walk in, I'll be sick of that If happens 1~2 times in life it would be happy thing, but if everyday? Noooooo... And Mika always stays at the specific hotel and that hotel is just 5 minutes walk from my office...but I had never tried to came across him near there.. (but the band members came to the coffee shop in my office building, and came across them because I WAS THERE but that's their fault, made me totally nuts to see them in a quite place )
  13. That's crazy Even 14 years girls know that that's rude behavior no one will be happy with that. At that airport greeting (I was not there) 'Don't ever try to touch Mika' was the first ground rule between fans. (one fan broke that rule and asked Mika to hug her, and thankfully he said 'Sorry No', proud he helped the fans to keep the rule) And in Korea there's no fandom culture in mothers age (over 40~), hardly exist over 40~ Mika fans, so can't imagine the difference between ages. And agree on that Mika encourages all kinds of crazy things to the fans, like stage envasion stuff.. very dangerous you know...
  14. That's debatable... when he came to Korea for the first time in 2009, about 30 ppl went to the airport to greet Mika, with loads of banners and flowers and presents so on.... I saw some vids and he looked so chuffed and enjoyed his fame...he even introduced his crew to the fans and his manager encouraged to fans around to go to him more close, suggesting he'll look at their stuffs while they're with Mika and have their time And on his second visit, no one appeared at the airport and he was more like 'WTF?' We say the very first visit after 3 years could be a excuse for the airport greeting.. and think when we say he like or hate the airport greetings, it must depend on his mood. Funny thing is, After the show last year all securities and crews suggested us to go to the restaurant Mika have dinner after the show, letting us know where this place at and how to go. They even asked fans to go there, and fans said 'No we're not going that private place so shut up and tell us when he would come out of the backstage door' That was funniest and weird situation ever! And on the next day the local promo team literally broadcasted where he is by twitter, and encouraged fans to come to some specific places and street to see Mika. Of course fans went out to the street, and came across Mika walking around, and Mika signed fans and took pics with all of them. All those things were planned by TM and promo team, but no popstars had done but Mika is only the case did like that.
  15. Yuna


    yeah and when Gangnam is my hometown
  16. Yeah That should be! Dear Sir please be MUTE in January..
  17. Let's see.... He put Asia first, and N.America, then S. America, Does it mean he's touring in this order ? Anyways... nothing planned for January I think... no ticket news or something...wonder what's his plan atm ..... mysterious guy
  18. Well...when I was in France he said he'll tour Asia at the end of Nov or beginning of Dec, and few weeks ago said he will tour Asia in January but no ticket news yet, and now he says he will tour next year but doesn't mention when it would be... He's such a teaser and I'm quite used to this ...
  19. Thank you so much! will share through @mikafanskorea
  20. Yuna


    I know that! I saw it on TV news and it really was a well made masterpiece.. I loved this London Style Parody (and found a familiar face you know ) [YOUTUBE]lMmyeXeXeK0[/YOUTUBE] and this vid - Jimmy once tweeted this, [YOUTUBE]fDHPhc3mn8A[/YOUTUBE]
  21. Any recordings please..? my wireless internet unconnected during the middle of MYH
  22. Sorry to hear that... when contact to backstage ppl as a fan, we sometimes should take that kind of rudeness from them.... I used to talk to backstage ppl as a fan rep, whenever doing that I pretend to be cool and extreamly professional someone... never try to cross their line ...... even never mention Mika's name and pretend I never interested in any of Mika things I'm good at doing that or those ppl are on guard and I know that make me feel bad so.... Please understand them... from their experience they might know that around a popstar there must be quite a few crazy psychos trying to sneak into backstage...
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