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Everything posted by Yuna

  1. Ariana Grande Now I can understand why she's star in US. The MV is best TOOL video so far I think..
  2. Deb I gotta print out your post and read 20+ times That's what I wanted to say also, but I'm just a bit straightforward person..
  3. No evident fails? No I don't think so. I've been one of the ppl who directly say here in this forum that something is wrong and I don't like something. When I first listened Celebrate, I got panicked because it's so much under my expectation , I hoped I'm wrong but the result was what I expected. When 3rd album out, I expected this is not the way, even thought something is very wrong around him, maybe wrong with someone work with him or influences him... and the result turned out as I expected. I don't mean I'm that special, but that's what quite a lot of fans thought at that time. I heard reasons from those fans why they lost interest, and I agreed. But I'm still manage to be here, while those fans left somewhere else. Yup I got lost kind of trust from his works and decision and it's been a while. Bunches of His fans left this world, saying he got lost artistic senses, even someone says he might have someone around him messing up his decisions. I can shut up and leave also like other unknown fans, but I don't want to do like that. I love Mika, and his music career till 2011, and sincerely hope it got fertilized as time goes, last as long as possible. He can do some sidejobs for fun, for money, for various reason, if not invade his artistic career. But you know what, apparently this is time to concentrate on music itself, to make up kind of 'failure' of 3rd album. or at least, time to practice his singing. Honestly, most of his TV promo live was crap, and a mess, completely lack of practice. If it's all because of those damn sideworks he's been preparing for, this is a disaster. Cant understand why no one tells him TV live singing should be completely different from small club live in front of familiar faces! The answer is one. No one around him told him. or someone told him but he didn't listen. I've seen so many artists falling down, successful ppl are often got pigheaded and stubborn because they already experienced their success for their own decision, Those ppl doesn't listen someone else, just love to lick sugar-coated words from loyalty fans. I don't want to see my fave artist goes like that. And fear it's going like that more and more.. Sorry for being too harsh here, I admit someone might be uncomfortable to read this.
  4. so well written message! hope Mika read this...
  5. If it's all because of money, I totally understand that as a human. But that doesn't mean I can support that kind of career change as his fan.. I'm not his mother or sister, but just fan of Mika the Musician!
  6. so well said Christine.. for same reason I feel like lost something these days.. I strongly doubt why he should make these kind of career change, for me just seems very opposite to Mika himself wjo sung 'Grace Kelly' on his debut.....
  7. what does 'go through prod' mean? anyone please ?
  8. Thought this is just random shirts Mika liked, but found out this is part of collaboration with JBC the Belgian brand... well.. saw the pic in the morning and thought that's this one..
  9. inevitable when you're in Mika 'Fan Club' , not just in random music forum
  10. I heard that Coldplay cancelled SA tour last year...for some reason? Anyone knows why? And Wonder they're preparing next album atm...
  11. it was not a kiss, but just a 'hi!' thing .. haha those youtube fans should watch Adam Lambert kissing on the stage with his bassist
  12. [YOUTUBE]xZ1OjpGt5Os[/YOUTUBE] Personally, this is the best performance of Stardust I think.. 12097598273 th times I say, This should be single of TOOL ....
  13. Tried some of his songs on Youtube.. and very very hard to find any special something... umm... pretends quiet a lot, it sounds..... hm.
  14. Oh wow as soon as heard her 'La La' I was like 'OMFG this is GLINDA!!!!!' :aah: I have that OST album but didn't pay attention to the name of the actress.. She has really amazing voice.. so unique and so Glinda But sorry to say when she sings with Mika , it's.... oh No no no no......... Think they have problems with mixing their voice key & range ...
  15. yes Universal Music promotes her putting a title '2nd Mariah' blah blah... She's totally new one but the lable is doing huge promo for her... (Much more promo than MIKA ) Think she's one big card from Universal Music Label ..
  16. hmm... I thought it's not bad.. it suits well with his stage props.. something vintage...
  17. Thank you for the interview! hmmm... I think Big Girl MV is one of his best MVs so far... Underwater and Happy Ending is... in opposite part of my list I feel frustrated whenever feel like I have a completely different taste of something from my fave popstar
  18. Indeed , he never miss notes...so powerful even touching highest part
  19. I think it's not bad, if properly banned during entire tour. I prefer to listen in live or proper CD recording... listening new song in badly recorded one ruin the expectation of the song itself....... I once experienced that from some of TOOL songs..
  20. According to the blog she stays there for working-holiday program ... yes it's def only $40 , thinking of his gig in Seoul generally costs $90 to $130
  21. One Korean fan's blog - sorry all written in Korean but you can see some good pics here http://blog.naver.com/lllollol6?Redirect=Log&logNo=80185975428 quote under the 3rd pic is - Mika crumpling the note written '15 mins left'
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