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Everything posted by bopsterjazz

  1. Dear Mika, I'll send you chocolates if you give us a video, or a tweet, or something that seems really insignifacant to you, but to us will mean the world. Unless you don't like chocolates...maybe I can make you prettiful shoes! LOLZ (the Z stands for Zebra!) Wanting a mini-update, The child who just ran into the boogie man, and gave him a boogie.
  2. I haz headache. . . I no wantz no headache. . . I take nap now. YESH!!!!!!
  3. haha thanks guys! I try. PS, I friggin love this thread! A&J, that was awesome. . . in a can! Yeah, I went there!
  4. Me: Hi, Mika. Mika: Me: Hi, Mika! Mika: Me: HI, Mika! Mika: Me: Aren't you gonna say 'Hi' back? Mika: Me: But. . .but. . .but WHY NOT?!?!? Mika: Me: Ok, fine, be that way, I'm just gonna go see how Neo is doing! So there! Mika: Museum telephone hours are from 8am to 10pm. We thank you for your interest in the arts. . . Now please hang up. Me:
  5. I just woke up from a nap. . . so, I'm tired/refreshed, and hungry.
  6. My. Hair. Is. Purple! So, yeah, that's how I'm feeling. It's quite easy being purple. Maybe that's why Prince likes it so much.
  7. "We got a free movie on Net. . . Block. . . tings."--My mother
  8. I completely agree! I'm kind of heading in that direction, because of the school I'm attending. But these careers are also good if you like to travel, you can live practically anywhere, and you tend to love your work. Sometimes you get sick of your own creations, but it's all worth it if you know you love what you're doing. The only thing that makes me kind of nervous is the fact that not many people make much money doing it, and the only reason I'm worried about that it that nowadays, it seems you have to have money to survive. It's kind of daunting, especially when you know there's no certainty with it, and there's no right path to follow for it. School can only get you so far. And you're selling yourself, your thoughts and ideas. It's kind of personal when someone criticizes your work, and it's easy to get defensive.
  9. I was really angry with myself, because I brought all the wrong stuff to school (because classes switch from day to day). But when I went to buy a hot chocolate to make myself feel better, they gave me the wrong change and a cinnimon roll! And when they served iced coffee at lunch they ran out of ice, and it ended up tasting better than usual! Plus we discovered a new (and maybe the best) Thai restaurant in town! hmm, this is all food related. . . . aw, who cares! I have heaven in a cup right now: Thai Iced Tea! Bottom line, I'm extremely happy!
  10. I don't like being called: loser dumb nerd (yeah, contrasting labels, it confuses me too) ugly Briley (they didn't understand my handwriting) boy gay dike 10 that kid druggie (just because I like loose fitting clothes)
  11. Last night, I had a dream that Mika had a girlfriend, but this girlfriend turned him mean. Except when he wasn't around her. We went shopping for some reason, and he offered to get me a mario hat (don't ask ) but then his girlfriend showed up and dragged him away. I tried to chase after him, but my feet were in too much pain for me to keep moving. That's when I woke up and realized I'd fallen asleep with my shoes on. There was also something about making a video involved in it, where everytime she was in the shot, he'd get really angry and frustrated, but as soon as she left the shot he was fine again. 'Twas a weird dream.
  12. "Tip toe Though the tulips!" and "Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It's not your fault!" Smelly Cat's only stuck in my head because I had to perform it last night for a concert. And I missed the third verse. . . but that's only because I over rehearsed it. I rehearsed that song to oblivion, and when I played it I got ahead of myself. But at least I recovered well!
  13. I'm confused about the words that are spewing from my mouth at the moment.
  14. I feel like I've lived in a windowless, doorless room for the last 6 months and just when I found the spoon that I have used to dig me out of it, I was kicked back into the hole. . .
  15. (I call Mika) Me: Mah Mah Mah Mah! Mika: Me: Mah Mah Mah Mah! Mika: I wanna hold 'em like they do in-- Me: No! Those aren't the words, silly man person! Mika: Wait, what? They're not? But I did a cover of that song and it had those lyrics! Me: Covers mean nothing! Mika: But. . . but I did my research and everything! I even talked to Gaga herself! Me: That was just a lie. Just so she could laugh at your mistakes. Now, do you wish to know the real lyrics, young Mika? Mika: I don't know what I know anymore! Me: (starts singing anyway) I wanna duel 'em like they do in Yugioh! Face down, face up, Then Time Roulette GO! I love it! All I do is just believe in da heart of da cards! Then I kick some butt when I use Swordsman of Lanstar! Oh whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh! Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes! Oh whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh! Ain't no surprise, check out my Red Eyes! Can't beat my, Can't beat my Brooklyn Rage! I don't wanna be a furry! Mika: Wait, you mean those have been the lyrics all along? Me: Yes. Mika: And what Gaga wrote? Me: Is just a cheap imitation. Mika: Me: You should be!
  16. YKYAMFW you're listening to a song by someone whose nothing like Mika and you think, "Hey! Those are the same notes that are in We Are Golden!" Or You're just messing around on your guitar or keyboard and you end up playing the first part of Toy Boy.
  17. "This is a song that I wrote you for your birthday, Because I couldn't be bothered to buy you anything, And I know you might think this song required more effort Than going out and buying you some thing. But I can promise that it didn't. I'm not even going to include your name in this song, Because that way I can use it on somebody else, And if you listen closely then you might be able to tell That I only bothered using 3 chords. I guess that just shows you how much I care. Happy Birthday, Insert name here. Congragulations on living another year! Only joking, I did get you something And it's right here! Get it? I got. . . I got you an album! Aw, forget it." lolz!
  18. I'm just learned how to make paper cranes! Plus I heard a story that if you make a thousand you get a wish, or you can give your cranes to someone and they can get a wish! So now I'm determined!
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