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Everything posted by Milda

  1. She's kidding, that IS Mika Or maybe you know that and you're just joking too?
  2. It's again me with my new Tofu dolls Here it is...
  3. Really?? Awwww, that just made my day and I have more tell me if you want them and I will post them somewhere or will send to you by PM YKYAMFW you can't stop creating Mika tofu dolls
  4. So I came back after an hour and there is still nothing??? :shocked::aah:
  5. Nooo, I need to go now :aah: please, hurry up @labelbarclay I can't go before I hear that song :aah:
  6. I would say this waiting is killing me quite fast :aah:
  7. Today I don't know what that word means :excite:
  8. Can't wait for the whole song I'm too excited :boing:
  9. Not sure if this wasn't posted already. Mika appears from 2:23 to 2:33 [YOUTUBE]MwjKMiEw-NI[/YOUTUBE]
  10. NOOOOO!!!! :shocked: Are you familiar with man, who has curly hair? His name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Hope you will sleep well now EDIT: As always I'm too slow, you already got the answer from others
  11. Hi! I'm looking for picture, where Mika is wearing this jacket anyone have it?
  12. I wasn't sent here, just wanted to say that Mika really needs to change that title. Too many MFCers are sent here because of this
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