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Everything posted by francoise

  1. Rainsonagi, Kiara_m, Mango, Yuna, Mlle Ryu, LadyJane JJ, laymay kang, Gclef and all the others... YOU ARE INCREDIBLE GIRLS... so creative, talented and passionate... As I said before, your amazing involvement have made of this gig such a great moment.. Everything was perfect I'm so glad and proud to have shared my 1st Mika gig with you here in Korea... Mika shoud be proud also to have fans like you and I better understand why he came back here so fast ... after only 6 months... You made of this gig an unforgettable memory.. Thanks also for all the pics and videos... I am also so happy to have met you ...even if it was very fast.. I know you were very busy at this time.. Thanks again :flowers2: :flowers2:
  2. You really did a fantastic job tonight!!! Thanks so much I'm sure that Mika will keep this korean gig in his mind for a long ...and we also..
  3. Hi Yuna,


    Came back home?

    What an amazing gig, isn't it?

    Did you see him for the M&G??


    And BTW, congratulations for the work you did with Mikaholix. It was amazing

  4. I hope so.. But I don't still understood why this song does not do as well as it deserves... It should be a huge hit all over the world..
  5. No AOW, no PUOTF, no I See you, no Toy Boy, ... So many songs are missing... Think gigs should last 3 hours.... But at least, Kiss Ass was there...
  6. We are Golden @ Seoul Thanks again to Ike88:thumb_yello: Can see the golden glitter showers at each 'We are Golden" and Mika playing with it...
  7. Dizzy.. Seoul gig is over...my 1st Mika gig.. it stunned me How can I sleep after that????
  8. Will try to give the sequence Relax Big Girl Stuck in the Middle Kick Ass Dr John Blue Eyes Good Gone Girl Billy Brown Touches You Rain Blame it on the girls Happy Ending Love Today We Are Golden -------- Grace Kelly Lollipop But not totally sure... He looks so happy during the gig .. he keeps on smiling, laughing, ...
  9. Just came back home... IT WAS TRULY FANTASTIC!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: Such an amazing atmosphere and I would like to take the chance to congratulate all the Korean MCFers fans for their amazing involvement in doing of this gig such a great moment. We had plenty of events thanks to all of them. Paper planes on Happy Ending, which seems to really touch Mika, golden glitter rain on WAG and glowing lollipops... Everything was just perfect. His voice was surreal despite of 3 consecutive gigs. He is the best showman I have ever seen. His charisma and energy are simply incredible. So many feelings and emotions… So much joy from the crowd. Even if I saw a lot of videos of the Imaginarium tour through the MFC, I was surprised at each song because of a new intro or a new arrangement that Mika performed during the gig. For the trumpet solo of SITM, he asked us to sing with him and it's was really fun... WE ALSO HAD KICK ASS LIVE... :thumb_yello: I exit the gig deeply moved... and MORE FAN THAN EVER.... Sorry, no pics or videos - I was too far from the stage.. Sorry also for my poor english..
  10. Are you going to HK to see Mika?? Waaoo You're so lucky... I'm really happy for you I hope you will see him at the To Fu event.. I lived 2,5 years in HK but never had the chance to see him there..
  11. Avec grand plaisir... J'espere que nous aurons aussi Kick Ass en live....comme au Japon
  12. Anyway, I gonna see her show but I can't get out of my mind Mika's gig for a second... Have rest tonight. You're right, we need all our energy
  13. A toutes celles et ceux qui vont voir Muse au Stade de France aujourd'hui ou demain HAVE FUN J'aurai bien aime y etre aussi mais demain je vais a mon 1er concert de Mika a Seoul :boing: Et comme dit French Deb, on peut pas etre partout... N'hesitez pas a nous faire un petit report ici ou dans le Muse thread... ca nous ferait plaisir..
  14. Ashamed... My daughter is doing a theater show tomorrow afternoon with her schoolmates but to be honest, I'm a lot more excited by my 1st Mika gig tomorrow evening... I am a bad mother...
  15. Same as you Mango :clap: :clap: ... See you tomorrow
  16. :wags_finger: NO NO NO I have to stay away of this thread!!!! I don't want to read reports or see pics from Asian tour Just want to keep the surprise for Seoul gig saturday.... Please!!!! Do not tempt me......
  17. SO HAPPYYYYYY coz my 1st Mika's gig is saturday :boing:
  18. Thanks for this great report. We can fell how much you enjoyed your day and it's really a great pleasure.
  19. Et oui, ca approche a grands pas. Je suis hyper impatiente mais j'essaie de me raisonner parce que je sais que ca va passer tres tres tres vite (trop pour quelques chose qu'on attend depuis des mois)... Mais il faut pas se plaindre, c'est deja un tel bonheur de pouvoir aller a un concert .. Ce qui me chagrine le plus, c'est que l'amie qui va m'accompagner n'est pas une Mika Addict comme nous toutes ici. Et du coup, j'apprehende de ne pas pouvoir/ oser me lacher ..et crier ..et sauter ..et danser.. comme je le voudrais ou comme je le ferai si j'etais entouree de MFCers.. ou alors au risque de passer pour une folle @ Sweetieval Courage pour ton retour a la vie normale, j'imagine que ce n'est pas facile. Il ne reste plus qu'a te repasser en boucle les albums et videos du MFC.. Mais je me demande parfois si c'est pas un peu ca aussi qui entretient la Mika depression??? Au fait, a quel concert etais tu? A bientot
  20. Ooopsss yes of course, you MUST read Kick Ass!!! Sorry for that
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