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Everything posted by evelyne71

  1. thank you, thank you i missed this program and I really want to listen it.
  2. Hola! Soy de Sevilla pero vivo en Ciudad Real y tu?, jo que marrón que estamos viviendo yo intento no pensar pero es que me da una pena...y encima yo soy médico y no te quiero ni contar lo que se me pasa por la cabeza. ¿ como haceis para hablar por aquí? porque a mi en inglés me cuesta la propia vida. Un beso

  3. Interesting article, I think not always the money you pay for a show is according to the quality of it. At the end of this year I´ll have been in many differents shows, including Mika, U2, Sting and some operas and concerts, and one of the best, without doubt, has been Mika. I hardly knew him before saw him live and it was a surprising discovery.
  4. Gracias!! ( aunque con algo de retraso)

  5. Hola Alba yo me llamo Eva fui al concierto de Madrid, sin pensarlo y sin saber muy bien lo que me iba a encontrar y fíjaté!, luego repetí en Murcia ( las fotos de mi firma son de allí y están hechas sin zoom de lo cerca que estábamos) y estoy deseando de volver. No me verás mucho en el hilo español porque tengo poco tiempo casi que solo leo las noticias y los reportajes, aunque ahora que vamos a tener menos noticias igual me animo.

    Encantada de conocerte ( aunque sea on line..)

  6. Hola Rosa ( creo que te llamas asi), te debo una disculpa porque fui muy borde, pero estaba cansada y cabreada, por muy poco no cogí los números que se repartieron y además iba mosqueada porque no estaba segura si la actuacíon estaba confirmada; se que muchas personas escriben en ambos foros, yo no soy la única que ha hecho comentarios del mikafan, lo de la camiseta me pareció gracioso, pero veo que me manejo muy mal en esto ( y no me se expresar en inglés) porque cada vez que hago un comentario alguien me lo recrimina. Estos foros me interesan sobre todo para obtener información ( noticias, entrevistas, fotos etc) y en eso cumplen mis expectatvas con creces; los demás hilos los leo poco es por eso que entiendo que me cueste trabajo integrarme. Se que trabajais mucho por Mika y eso es de agradecer. No tengo ningún interés en sembrar polémica y espero conoceros en algún concierto, mientras tanto tendré que conformarme con los reportajes y fotos que nos traigais. Besos Eva

  7. SKYNNNY!!!! I was first row and I think he has a normal weight. I´m agree with Mika, if you are independient you can do what you want but not in his official page and I´m sorry I think you have worked a lot but I don´t like that flyers and I think Mika doesn´t need them. ( and the dosis of aspirin is not 600mg )
  8. Hola Marian yo tamién soy de Sevilla!, a ver si nos vemos en algun sarao del niño.

  9. Me too, but if it´s true I´m glad. Maybe we could change the name of the thread...
  10. Ohhhh! the new costumes and stage are amazing Thanks for pics and vids
  11. Yes , I think he is a bit aphonic. and at the final the voice of Imma or Ida ( i don´t know) sounds
  13. No, we are thinking the same, only opera to the begining of the song , but even in the begining, she seems to me very ligth ( in spanish is said "sosa"), "Queen of the night" is a perverse woman, if you look at Mika he interprets that he is scared, and really, she doesn´t provoke fear. I have seen the video several times and every time I like it less, at least in Milan Imma saves de situation. In Madrid gig she seems to me adorable.
  14. Totally agree with you, the begining of the song is rigth, but then Ida is lost, and I think she must put more passion and intensity in her interpretation. The idea is great but they must perfect it, and I really like Mika does with an opera star, it would be incredible! And of course I also prefer Imma.
  15. I agree the sound is different from an Opera House, I agree "Queen of the Nidght" is one of more difficult soprano arias, but I go often to the opera, for many , many years, and believe me, Ida needs a looooot of study and promotion. The time will give or take the reason to me. Nevertheless, the idea of mixing opera and pop seems to me to be very interesting, and who knows? probably we see Ida, some day in a great theatre. I wish her the better.
  16. Very beautiful version of GGG, only Mika can do something like this, but I´m afraid Ida´s "Queen of the nigth " by Mozart is not the best i have ever heard...
  17. What time is the show?, Can I see by internet? Pictures are greats.
  18. I'll post evelyne71 translations (giving her the credit of course) in my clips so everybody can watch the clips and know what they are saying :thumb_hello: Evelyne!If you have a different alias in YouTube and you prefer me to mention that one instead of this one let me know!! No I haven´t a different alias in YouTube, this afternoon I´ll try translate Love Today , now I´m working:aah:
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