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Everything posted by Littlelady

  1. ok, I dont understand much Italian but I think this episode, casa mika part 3 ist soo far the most provoking one.maybe its my intepretation but I love it
  2. We cannot stop negative cooments and for me it's sometimes hard to ignore them but it is the best way. Hm, the fourth Art of song does not impress me like the ones before but it does not mean that I dislike it. I'm always happy to listen to Mika on BBC 2 and hope he will do it again in future. His covers are great but it is a pity he cannot play his own songs. However, better than nothing( like we have in Germany)
  3. Littlelady


    Hi, welcome and enjoy MFC . I totally agree the vid is funny
  4. welcome and enjoy MFC :wink2:
  5. Hi, welcome and enjoy MFC
  6. Hi ladies, welcome and enjoy MFC. I will be in at the meet up as well. Auguste, maybe you can open your own introducing thread, so anybody will see it or ask our valued moderators for help.
  7. Think it will be available on Amazon Germany as well, maybe some days later, was same with the Montreal CD and Como DVD, and when I was at Saturn Dortmund I noticed both there
  8. Voted! Also Im not part of MFC from the beginning I love Mikas music since beginning and I'm looking forward to celebrate
  9. hi welcome and enjoy MFC, I'm also looking forward to Firenze
  10. Hi, welcome and enjoy MFC und ich hoffe auf ein Kennenlernen in Florenz
  11. yes, could be a great final of the year, fingers crossed for all
  12. hi, welcome and enjoy MFC, happy ending has a special meaning to me but I love most Mika songs very much
  13. the tweet of the taxi driver Mika makes me thinking of a stupid German song from a comedy movie :naughty:
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