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About Patty70

  • Birthday 05/16/1970


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    In any other world you could tell the difference

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  1. I'm always late, I know, but I'd like to report some impressions about the concert in Verona. Mika's presence in the Arena was our big dream since some years and to be there together meant a lot for Italians fans. I think some concerts have something special and a sort of magic that simply happens and we can't predicte. Ok, the location was axtraodinary for its beauty but the extra addiction was the energy and the warm embrace of the audience around Mika. I was very grateful for the kindness and respect in the public when Mika went down many times in the crowd.. And also the unexpected fan action about Good Guys was so impressive.. I was very happy for him!!! The best moments were without any doubts Yo Yo with the intimate atmosphere and the bubbles that embraced the scene; Happy Ending with the peace symbols on the big colored flags.. Stardust in the middle of the Arena with all the audience singing at one voice. And for sure Good Guys, a very beautiful and sweet song. I was in the third row and I think behind me there was @Anna Ko Kolkowska I'm not very good at filming videos during the gigs, I prefer to sing and dance and I have infact bad quality in videos.. Or too short pieces of songs.. 😅 I loved as many of us all the special effects... Bubbles, confetti, smoke and the giant Heart of course. With a little sadness we miss the gigs in the theathre that we hope will be reorganized in the future. When me and my friends went out of the Arena, we saw the little crowd in front of the artist's exit and when Mika arrived I wasn't be able to see nothing.. 😅 I'm still in the Mika's bubble and now I hope he will end soon the album, so we could hear at least new music. Some photos, Sorry for the bad quality.. 😅 VID_20220919_213918.mp4 VID_20220919_213918.mp4 VID_20220919_213918.mp4
  2. We think the gig could be filmed for the TV or a documentary.. Who knows? But when He came out after the restaurant or after the gig, I don't remember well, behind him there was also Tiziana Martinengo, the woman who helps him with the production of casamika. Maybe he prepares something for the Rai TV... We don't know.. 😅 We are waiting as usual.. 🤨
  3. He said we were in a place where we could do whatever we wanted. The most embarrasing thing for people who are out of tune like a bell (we say that in Italy) is to sing alone in front some people, but in the shower we have not this fear, we can sing. We were not in the shower that night (thanks God 😂, he thought to the rain at the Tim Awards) in the Arena where there was the biggest choir ever saw in this place: US 🥺. He asked to turn off all the lights, and he said the beauty to sing in the dark was due to the fact that we didn't share this special moment on the ####ing instagram 😍🤣and all the crowd agreed. Then he said that we had to sing in the loudest possible way, beacause of the nice american tourists , two 74 y.o men he met in the afternoon that came in Verona to visit the Romeo and Juliet's little balcony (that doesn't exist), He invited them to his concert but they didn't want to go because it was to late and they preferred to sleep, he said we had to wake up them that were in the bed near his hotel with our singing. 😂
  4. I saw the link above and I think it would be nice give him a box of roses, or the wine and flowers 🤓, a useful and beautiful mix 😅
  5. I’ ve sent the money for me and my Friend. Thank you again😊
  6. I’m in (Patty Torrebruno) and also my friend Cristina Caleffi. thank you very much🤗
  7. He sang only “Underwater” but his voice was not in the best shape, He looked tired and not in his usual humor, I mean it seemed he was a bit sad or ..not very happy, but maybe it was my impression..He left the stage in a hurry and they only mentioned the gig in Verona on 19th September. I don’t know why but it is all very strange..🧐
  8. No, it’s crazy!!!!! Think the reason to cancel all these concerts is his busy planning…it’s not an acceptable reason, anyway I assume we could talk for hours and days and we couldn’t be able to find why He took this decision. I think the communication from him and his management is not really good in general, but this time He took a big risk, because certain fans can forgive him but the public in general see this choice in a very bad way. I prefer believe there are very serious and good reason for that😅😓
  9. I need an information, a friend of mine bought a digital ticket for concerts in Rome, through Tiketone , but she tried to fill the form for refunding but the system doesn’t accept any code… Some of you have similar problems? The ticket has a only a qrcode and a number under the qrcode. If anyone could help…thank you in advance!
  10. I asked ticketone for refunding….so sad 😔 Anyway I will be in Arena🤞🏻🍀. I don’t know the real reasons for all this but now Italians fans are very confused and disappointed, I hope he will explain in the future more than what we red about logistic problems… The theatre is a magic place for me, I love theatre…And I loved that idea of a more intimate show, I hope in the future He will be able to return with the same project. So hard to be positive now..but I try😅😮‍💨
  11. Thank @dcdebfor the news. I hope Mika will be better soon, we are human not robot, so it can happen sometimes.. The important thing is going all well for him.
  12. I think the right thread is here. They will put the code on Monday when they'll have the info from Mika's team.
  13. I got my tickets for Milan ..very very very Happyyyyy😍✨. Now I wait for Verona…🍀🍀🍀🤩Hope this time will be better🤞🏻 Tnanks Deb and MFC.
  14. Tanti auguri connie_21.gif

    1. Paoletta


      tantissimi auguriiii 

      ad auguri GIF

    2. Patty70


      Thank you very much😍😘

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