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Everything posted by BiaIchihara

  1. very nice this pic in your avatar, where did you find it???

  2. British band Coldplay released the video for the single "Christmas Lights" launched especially for the festive season. Despite being a holiday song, the new music follows the profile of the other compositions of the group and promises to please fans. The track is available for download at iTunes. This is the second good news of the band this week. In last Tuesday (30), Coldplay confirmed they will play at Rock in Rio 2011. The schedule for the day October 1, entitled "Alternative Rock Day" also includes the mining of Skank. Watch the clip "Christmas Lights": (source:http://www.cifraclubnews.com.br/noticias/23486-coldplay-banda-libera-clipe-de-christmas-lights-assista-aqui.html )
  3. big thanks for those beautiful smiles, hun :huglove:

  4. Bem Vinda Jess!!!!!!!!!!!! [2]

  5. *missing you and your pics in grey undies thread and in my wall*

  6. I'm gonna use my 200th post to send my BIG thank you to the MFC (for who doesn't vist MFC frequently, 200 posts is already too much), so here I go: Altough I join MFC a few time ago (almost a semester to be more especific), I'm already feel like I was part of The Incredible Golden Kicking Ass Mika Family, beyond looks like I knew some peeps from ages too. Marvelous peeps whose wich I had the pleasure of met, even so distant of them. I had lots of laughs and another many happy, insane and crazy moments (blame it on Mika ), but the most important, I learned something very valious with a friend in MFC: the desire to find the friends I made throughout the world without leaving home, comes down as the purest form of friendship, that one wich comes without fear, without waiting for each other, that one which comes from body and soul. Once again, BIG thank you to my sweet newest family and all the best and MIKAstic to all :biggrin2: Beatriz
  7. pois eu vou pra aula ao natural (eh a preguiça e a falta de tempo tbm, mas eh mais a preguiça) kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    pra vc tbm e sweet mikastic dreams =*

  8. thanks for letting twitter more MIKASTIC xD

  9. faz o que acordada, mlr??? XD

  10. Por questões quilométricas (moro em Fortaleza), financeiras (gastar dinheiro com passagem pra ficar só um fim de semana não dá pra mim) e por estar em período de provas, foi principalmente por morar longe, mas vi o show pela internet - lindo e cute como sempre - como consolo =/

  11. minha foto fazendo sucesso no orkut e no MFC xD, e aí, como foi ver o magrelo de pertinho???

  12. prazer em conhecê-la, by the way tah add, como me encontrou??? ^^

  13. Relax Big Girl Blue Eyes Billy Brown Rain BIOTG Happy Ending Love Today We Are Golden Grace kelly Lollipop
  14. ceci, how was the show???

    were you a big girl??? XD (tell me evertyhing, sweet)

  15. for a while not, but we're keep on trying =)

  16. Let's tweet to @mikasounds #WelcomeMikaSouthAmerica

  17. Let's tweet to @mikasounds #WelcomeMikaSouthAmerica

  18. did you make a thread about #WelcomeMikaSouthAmerica???

  19. Let's tweet to @mikasounds #WelcomeMikaSouthAmerica

  20. Let's tweet to @mikasounds #WelcomeMikaSouthAmerica

  21. Let's tweet to @mikasounds #WelcomeMikaSouthAmerica

  22. thanks for add me and for put this AMAZING pic :blush-anim-cl:
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