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Everything posted by Charlotte_

  1. Ok I downloaded that thing so I'm able to watch it now. And I think I know how to disconnect so that's no problem. But I keep hearing this male voice giving me info about it but I can't find where it comes from! This is driving me crazy!
  2. Lovely interview! He said the name of a new french song! Something like "L'amour dans mauvais temps" ? Can't wait to hear!
  3. Okay so here is my report: It was the most amazing night of this summer, that's for sure! I loved the other shows as wel, School is Cool was sooo amazing and Arsenal was pretty good too. But LMFAO isn't really my thing, I mean the show was big, with a lot of colours and confetti but it's not about their music anymore, it's just a bunch of people "wiggling" on the stage. But then Mika came and he totally blew everybody's mind. I was in the front row, with my banner. He didn't see the banner but that's okay, I didn't have a lot of expectations on that so I'm not dissapointed . Lola was just amazing live but the song I enjoyed most was Underwater. I don't know why but it gave me goosebumps . I was standing in front of the cameraman and he liked filming me (probably because I was singing along with all the new song while the people around me were just listing) so I was alot on the big screen . After the gig, a lot of people came to me "Hey, you were the girl from the screen!" Haha, I'm famous . We didn't have time to go to the artist's exit so I didn't get an autograph. But it was the best Mika gig I had so far
  4. Yup, that's what we're going to do. It's way to big to hold it up.
  5. Ja het jouwe ook! Ik heb je vorig jaar gezien (nuja vooral je spandoek) want je stond redelijk dicht bij mij op Les Ardentes
  6. Ohja dat snap ik. Het mijne is gewoon een laken. Dus als ik het opplooi komt het wel in orde denk ik. Als er er iets op zeggen, zeg ik gewoon dat het een dekentje is voor 's avonds als het koud wordt
  7. Zou het ook niet mogen als we het gewoon opvouwen en ik onze rugzak steken?
  8. Oh yeah! We can act like we're the hands in the music video Ok, so here's a picture of my banner! I think it's a little too big actually but I'm very proud of it
  9. We could all wear the same colour? Or spray our hand with glow-in-the-dark-spray If it's dark, it really gives a nice effect
  10. I have made a HUGE banner with my friends! It's so pretty We worked soooo many hours on it, I'll post a pic later
  11. I voted for Lola and Make you happy. Those songs really do something to me, I can't really discribe it but only a Mika song can have such an infuence on me
  12. I'm very curious to hear it live! I wonder what he's going to do with the robot voice
  13. You're so right! I love my dog like hell, I wouldn't replace him with any dog in the world! Not even Melachi!
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