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Mikasister last won the day on May 24

Mikasister had the most liked content!


39,321 Excellent

About Mikasister

  • Birthday August 26


  • Bio
    Yo siempre a tu lado y tú junto a mí

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    Near Barcelona
  • Interests
    Mika, music, traveling, theater, musicals

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  1. And suddenly by surprise lots of new ppl appears online :shocked:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Some people come and go. Some come and stay. We cannot blame them. People like artists but they don't need to follow them on a daily bases. I think that only a little part of fans are hardcore fans. I am a person which is fan of only one artist at time. So it's all or nothing. But most of fans are checking news only from time to time. If they just want tickets - good luck for them. I didn't win anything here. 

      The forum is for us to communicate between us. There are people looking for information about Mika. And they will find it on MFC. 

      I used to run a blog about a Canadian actor not very famous in Europe. And I did not care if I had 10 readers per day or 100. It was not a reason of writing it. I was happy that anybody could read news about this actor. Now, with Instagram and Twitter I don't need to update my blog. But till now people read my old posts and comment them. 


      But you never know who will stay. Well if they read this thread I don't know if they would dare to write any greeting post.  😱

    3. silver


      Actually the new members are from all over the world, so I don't think they just want tickets.  When we publicise things on Twitter and FB, a lot of people who didn't know about MFC get curious about us, and so we get new members.


      People have always come and gone - many reappear when there is another album or tour.  Like Anna says, they just don't feel the need to check in daily.

    4. Loo


      [Definition: advertising
      feminine name

          1.    The act of exerting a psychological influence on the public for commercial purposes, especially to make a product known and to encourage its acquisition.]


      True but....  215479.gif.fa4f0a1f39500a470902059e05529b1c.gif

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