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Everything posted by mary*

  1. I don't know what is it's english name but georgian it is ''mcvadi''
  2. happy from yesterday and sad, coz tomorrow isschool:sneaky2:
  3. I done my homework:winner_first_h4h: happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:boing:
  4. I'm like... I don't know.... I have maaaaaany homework in chemistry
  5. tired, hungry, I'm like hate school but happy because I'm there
  6. Mika and I was in my village, in street and it was night. we were drunken and mika said: ''I don't like singer MIKA, he is ugly and his name too...'' () (it's for fan) and i agree with laugh:biggrin2: then we go to stadium and we were laughing whole way:roftl: it's one of my dreams. one of 19
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