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Mina Alisa

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Everything posted by Mina Alisa

  1. :shocked:


    Pa ne mogu da verujem da josh uvek nisi upoznala komshije sa novim MIKOM :P Ja mislim da su neki vec nauchili Overrated :naughty:

    Naravno pre nego shto sam slushala album bila sam zaljubljena u Make you happy :wub2: volim Stardust :pbjt: Jako mi se svidja Step with me, naravno Underwater :wub2: i Tah Dah :teehee:


    Jednostanvo nema pesme koja mi se ne svidja, ali dobro i na TBWKTM nisam imala pesme koje sam preskakala ali zato na LICM nisam mogla da podnesem Over my shoulder :sneaky2: Tako da mi je ovaj album skroz :mikalove:

  2. Maybe he didn't like Big Girl video cos he was surrounded with so many girls
  3. hej hej :das:


    Sha ima??? Htedoh da te pitam koja ti je omiljena pesmica na albumu posle preslushavanja 87626527635974095743 puta?? :aah:

  4. I love this version so much I like when MIKA sings some of his songs in unplugged version like WAG or something like that ... and the parts he adds are .. like here China boy part
  5. Hahahahaahah This interview is awesome HAhha made me laugh so much Thank you for posting this
  6. I love the artwork for the alum and I always loved every artwork that MIKA and Yasmine did cos you can see the love they put there during the work. I love love love how you can see brush strokes ... I know that you can make that only if you do it everything with your hand and brush and without programs like Photoshop ... When I was in high school they taught us how to paint but to look like is not paint with brush but still I like that here and on every other MIKA artwork
  7. hmmmm I don't know what to say, yes I like this song cos it's on french and MIKA sings ... MIKA + French = BUT still that is not song that I fell in love first time when I heard and Blame It On The Weather is that song ... sooo I WANT FIRST SONG
  8. hey hey, vidim da si komentarisala ovu pesmu Comme un Soleil Mal Luné gde si je chula???

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that pic can stare at it for hours
  10. Jao jao jao kako ti je predivna karta za recept shto si napravila za MIKU ... mnogo mi se svidja... a ti rekla da si radila na brzinu :shocked: uopshte tako ne izgleda :no:

    Moja je tako shlb bez p :mf_rosetinted:

  11. hahahah he said: "men with big boobs" too any times He is so cute
  12. I know we heard just a lil bit of this song but I already LOVE IT ...
  13. This song is not my favorite on album but still it's in first 5 favorites...
  14. Thank you and you have the best siggy EVER Yes it's kinda dangerous but I was during the day, it's because of Pigalle... and you can imagine how men looked at me there walking wearing this But I had lucky cos I met one french guy who helped me to find it and I wasn't alone
  15. This august I was in Paris and found Bistrot 82 Had drink there https://p.twimg.com/A191DvbCAAEG8W7.jpg:large
  16. iako nisam upoznala tamo puno ljudi bilo mi je predivno a sada ne smem da odem i da pokusham da se proshetam gradom, sigurno bi mi bio odvratan. HAHHA

    Da da nove pesmice, a ja vala nemam para sada da naruchim album ... nadam se da cu imati uskoro :pray:


    A shto se tiche Mika Serbia vidim ja da sam ja najvishe tamo aktivna :naughty:

  17. From Twitter Radio Creme Brulee ‏@rcremebrulee "Celebrate" by #MIKA (@mikasounds) is getting 8 plays a day on US radio station Radio Creme Brulee: http://ow.ly/drjyV #TheOriginOfLove Expand
  18. haha ha znam to, i meni se deshavalo da mo ostane upaljen MFC

    Nazalost, vratila sam se :crybaby:

  19. ej ej ti si online, pa zar nije pochela shkola??? Odmah shtrajkujete :bleh:

  20. pa da evo me pishem ti iz Pariza. Dosla ovde da se malo setkam i razgledam, trosim pare na gluposti :sneaky2: Kao sebi sam rekla ok, necu kupovati nishta iznad 10 eura ali to ne znachi nishta kada uadnesh u ranju sa enormnim popustom, sve je od 5 do 10 eura :doh: UZAS!!!! Sada sam resila da 3 dana ne obilazim radnje :naughty: danas cu da idem na plazu da se suncam i obilazim parkove. A poslacu ti u privatnoj poruci moju tajnu :teehee:

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