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Mina Alisa

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Everything posted by Mina Alisa

  1. HVALA HVALA, MA SAV JE DA SE SVUNESH, znash imam ja jednu tajnu da ti kazem ali drugi put sada mi je kasno sutra me chekaju ulice i parkovi Pariza daih otkrivam :teehee:

  2. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! da se taguju ljudi, strashno!! neka, mozda je neko ponosan na poklon, rekla sam mozda! Shto su ti lepe fotke ovde, ko je taj divan dechko ko viri :P ?

  3. AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW I swooned when I saw that and wanted to make a gif but i was dead hahahah Thank you for saving this cute cute cute moment
  4. This is so awesome!!! I just can't believe I watched MIKA IS ONE OF THE KIND WITH HIS IDEAS!!!!
  5. I just want to tell one think that I don't like about this not so much news.... The thing about all of this it's they show it like it's the biggest think ever, like his music and new upcoming album is not that much important like this news, and I think it's really sad. Just get over it and we want to share news about new album and upcoming tour... Today I saw on one TV station same and same new like on others sites etc... But they didn't tell anything about TOOL or something else about him ... That is from me
  6. That is awesome!! Well no one can resist to his beauty Well you gave her shirtless MIKA how not to like that
  7. hey hey

    can I ask you something???

    Can you please help me stay on 3rd place by voting for me on this competition


    Thank you so much :huglove:

  8. hello :)

    I remembered you like my work so can you vote for me on this competition


    It's very important to me

    THANK YOU!!! xx

  9. Thank you so much ... you are the real friend :huglove:



  10. Thank you dear, but now I am at 5th place now :sad: and I have 4 days to get on 3rd place :aah:

  11. People please VOTE FOR ME HERE!!! http://www.talenthouse.com/creativeinvites/preview/af69f1ad5ddc96141cba11464e2ec891/675
  12. No ... you can vote only once with one account :wink2:


    And I just saw I fell on 4th place ... I really need to be in first 3 to win something :sad:

  13. Thank you so much :huglove:

  14. hello Wonka :biggrin2:


    Can ask you to vote for my collection on this competition :huglove:



  15. Hello hello :bye:

    Can I ask you, please to vote for my collection on this competition :huglove:


  16. Hello :bye:

    I didn't see you here a lot any more... We used to hang out on so many treads ...


    Can I ask you to vote for my collection on this competition :huglove:



  17. Hello!! :bye:

    Can you please vote for my designs here ... It's a competition and it's very important to me :huglove:



  18. hello hello hello :huglove:


    Can I ask you to vote for my collection of coats here :huglove:



  19. Hello dear... Can I ask you .. please to vote for my collection on this competition ..

    Thank you ♥


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