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Everything posted by Poisonyoulove

  1. They weren't even asking, he just announced that he'd thought of the perfect name. This . . . it's kind of my fault then, isn't it? AND I HARDLY EVER POST IN THIS THREAD.
  2. Bob casts his spell on EVERYONE who sees him.
  3. To quote a Peter Gabriel song . . . In your eyes, I see the doorway to a thousand churches In your eyes, the resolution of all the fruitless searches In your eyes, I see the light and the heat In your eyes, oh, I want to be that complete I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes
  4. I found this one in my folder, I don't remember if it's been posted.
  5. And inevitably, on the day it's released, we'll all be waiting and then someone will post to ask if it's out yet!
  6. So really, Bob is like David Bowie's Area? Except sexier.
  7. Since when has anything Mika's done ever topped 'Bleeding Love'? (Answer: everything he's ever done is better than Bleeding Love . . . even Erase.). There, I fixed that for them.
  8. You wouldn't have thought of that on your own?
  9. Kids re-enacting the Black Knight scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! [YOUTUBE]ZxIY4rangb8[/YOUTUBE]
  10. When Bob wants to dance . . . BOB WANTS TO DANCE.
  11. I dreamed that two members of the MFC had come over to my house. They were long-time members, but I don't know who exactly they were supposed to be. One looked like Dr. Crusher from Star Trek: TNG, the other looked like Cheryl from Hollyoaks. I was expecting to squee about Mika with them, but they were really stuck up and made condescending remarks and wouldn't really talk to me. Eventually I got annoyed enough to scream at them "GTFO OF MY HOUSE!" And I went upstairs to check my computer. There was a new thread on MFC about a new song. There was a video of Mika performing the song at a piano, and I guess he had released it to give us something while we wait for the album. I can't remember the lyrics, but the title had the word "firelight" in it, and it was slow.
  12. You're welcome! :biggrin2:


    Thanks for the recommendation, they sound really good. I enjoy when rock music has classical instruments.

  13. Nice! I've never seen this one! . . . the pockets on his jeans are bigger than Bob himself.
  14. How about some hot Summer-vacation-Bob to warm up a cold winter morning?
  15. From http://engrishfunny.failblog.org/ . . . Apparently there's a KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) restaurant somewhere in Asia mislabeled as MFC!
  16. His sexiness caused some poor lady to explode! All that's left of her is her underwear as it goes flying through the air! I'm sorry! . . . or possibly you're welcome?
  17. We are the chosen . . . here's a pic of Bob letting us know that we've been chosen.
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