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Everything posted by nanuk

  1. Can anyone translate this? Thank you so much!!: Wub2: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BWIpCceCYAEa41U.jpg:large
  2. I found this on twitter: pic.twitter.com/O2YECMiLcp https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BWEdZw6CYAE9jYx.jpg:large
  3. It cann´t be downloaded from the link but if you put in, the download link, on this website, you can download it.: http://keepvid.com/
  4. Don`t worry, just want to see the videos. Thank you very much!!:wub2::wub2:
  5. Someone saved these videos? I couldn't see them:emot-sad: Thanks for everything:wub2:
  6. Oh! Arrived late! The videos cannot be viewed. Someone saved those videos last concert? I was excited to see some of his last concert,...,we will take time to see another. Thanks anyway,
  7. 4:15 Can anyone translate what Morgan says about Mika? from minute 4:15 in this video: Thank you so much! http://it.omg.yahoo.com/blog/oh-my-gossip/morgan-non-modello-vita-fiero-figlie-195947958.html
  8. 1:15 Can anyone translate what he says about Mika? from minute 1:15 Thank you so much!
  9. Links: http://rapidshare.com/files/3851782684/20-12-Mika-LaVoz-1.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/3239322379/20-12-Mika-LaVoz-2.mpg http://rapidshare.com/files/3266397849/20-12-Mika(Bisbal)-LaVoz-3.mpg
  10. Mika was to the program directly from the airport. He couldn´t rest nothing, maybe he wasn´t sad,only he must be very very tired. He is a human, perhaps?
  11. I think Mika isn't lying, he was ill and his voice isn´t well. * Why do you think that isn't true? Listening to his recent performances, it is clear that his voice isn't good. Seeing some recent photos, it´s clear that isn't physically well, he is very very thin. If he has to cancel, I think it makes more sense to cancel the concert to affect fewer people and not a big concert, with more people affected. I say this but I am sad, I have friends who were going to the concert, was his chance. I'm just trying to understand Mika. After seeing his performance in Madrid, and in other concerts, I think it´s clear that Mika has no plans to cancel any concert. In Madrid it was a small and not crowded and he was very ill. Not the same sing two songs on a TV show to do a concert two hours. Examples: minute: Sorry for my english,so bad:sad:
  12. I think Mika isn't lying, he was ill and his voice isn´t well. * Why do you think that isn't true? Listening to his recent performances, it is clear that his voice isn't good. Seeing some recent photos, it´s clear that isn't physically well, he is very very thin. If he has to cancel, I think it makes more sense to cancel the concert to affect fewer people and not a big concert, with more people affected. I say this but I am sad, I have friends who were going to the concert, was his chance. I'm just trying to understand Mika. After seeing his performance in Madrid, and in other concerts, I think it´s clear that Mika has no plans to cancel any concert. In Madrid it was a small and not crowded and he was very ill. Not the same sing two songs on a TV show to do a concert two hours. Examples: minute 0:35 Sorry for my english,so bad:sad:
  13. Does anyone have saved this video? The link does not work. It was so fun to see Mika dancing near the piano. If anyone has this video, I'd like to see it. thank you very much!
  14. Espero que alguien que acudió al concierto de Barcelona se anime a contar sus experiencias aquí.Especialmente si alguien participó en el coro,eso tuvo que ser muy emocionante.Me gustaría muchísimo leer alguna crónica en español.
  15. Other : http://twitter.yfrog.com/j8cgjjlfjgopcmauprfhmsptz This person was the makeup artist in this video. He is up more videos. Mika seems a bit boring ... Let's see if they put funniest videos...
  16. Ok @mikasounds fans!! I can now release my illegal behind the scenes video clips from the #Mika #Underwater music video..here they go.. Maxi ‏@maximaximaxi @mikasounds kept catching me shooting behind the scenes videos of him...(VIDEO) http://yfrog.us/m9ribnrqomfkrhqknusfznqnz … http://twitter.yfrog.com/m9ribnrqomfkrhqknusfznqnz
  17. Jodi perhaps gives us a clue to solve the mystery.... JodiMarr @toferbrown @JodiMarr subtle hint 2 my fave singers 2 get over here sit on bench w/ me make more magic @mikasounds @KChenoweth Ver conversación Responder Retwittear Favorito Más 14 nov Jodi Marr ‏@JodiMarr @toferbrown it's a subtle hint to my two fave singers to get over here & sit on the bench with me and make magic! @mikasou Ver conversación 14 nov Jodi Marr ‏@JodiMarr Knabe piano restoration officially begun! Ready for new songs !@mikasounds @kristinchenoweth pic.twitter.com/SxqUwOYn Ver foto
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