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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. yeah, he's totally smizing! during last cycle i told my sister Mika should be America's Next Top Model, she just laughed at the idea maybe if she'd had a banana he'd have been more interested
  2. there's just one thing that would make it cuter... MIKACHU the KITTEN!!!!!!!
  3. *pictures this happening* look to me like he's waiting for someone to spank it i was all depressed because this pic is from Philly Oct 18th 2009 & that's the gig i most likely could have gone to if i'd known about Mika back then, i was in Philly from October 4th-12th or sometinhg, GAH I COULD HAVE WITNESSED THIS REAL LIFE but your's & Elina's comments cheered me up!
  4. i think Tyra Banks would call what he's doing here a "booty tooch"
  5. i'm bad at keeping things a surprise but i promise i won't tell her :thumb_yello:

    i thought that might be the case about your name :naughty: my real name is danielle but i much prefer dee.

    just a couple more Qs :teehee: do you have any pets or brothers & sisters? what's your favorite school subject?

  6. i've seen the third one (too many times than is healthy i'm sure) but never this one t4p!
  7. t4p Annie! i won't quote it all since the pics are kinda big, but his expression in that last pic is priceless what a great trick Mika teach me how!
  8. don't think i've seen this one before t4p! i love Mika in these kind of regular eyeglasses, even more than sunglasses because we can see his eyes. i really hope some of his Lozza ads are in regular glasses
  9. side Bob, looking a little smooshed... the back Bob might be littler, but Bob is better than... sorry i don't know what her butt's name is ^that one^ is nice, but closer is even better
  10. Astor asked in this thread before, here's some of the responses... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3578761&postcount=346 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3578762&postcount=347 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3578978&postcount=349 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3578979&postcount=350 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3578994&postcount=352 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3578999&postcount=355 i hope these help!
  11. do you want live pics? and do you want any band members, or just more current ones, or what?
  12. +1 for both comments but especially the second i hope you don't mind Droopsy, but i had to save your sig the first moment i saw it
  13. i noticed him, even if he wasn't shaking his butt around oh, Julian Casablancas? i know who that is, just didn't recognize him
  14. that's why i was reluctant to say it but then Mika made me say it i'm sorry, but i don't know who Julian is
  15. really? i never got that sense about you at all i was actually thinking of saying in my last post something about how i'd rather be turned on by your sig than be amused by it no need to turn that dirty, too late! yeah, if you didn't already guess, i miss your dancing Bob gif
  16. my cat wears a collar around her neck when i remember to put it on her, she seems not to mind it :teehee:, is that what you mean by chain, or do you mean a chain leash?

    i was just wondering about the labels because i don't want to get you a bunch of snacks that you can buy where you live, that might be pretty boring for you :aah:. do you get a lot of english imports there?

    you're first name is MarĂ­a, right? is that what you like to be called, or do you have a nickname you prefer?

  17. yes thank you for posting the link Dreamerxd! i'm loving the Care Bears stuff too i want it all! they have so much Mikaish stuff the Marmite lunch bag made me lol so hard
  18. i've only been on this site for a minute but already i'm loving it too much! i have an Oscar hat that would go perfect with this: ooh i want the Cookie Monster shirt too, i have a hat to match that too! neither are as cute as this though...
  19. i love accesories esp necklaces & bracelets, no earrings though. no allergies. i love sweets, especially fruity candy and dark chocolate, salty things are good too. i love wild cats, ferrets, slow lorises, really any kind of animal but especially cute & fuzzy ones. i collect rubber ducks, stickers, nature stuff (like rocks i find, leaves, acorns, those kind of things), coins, nail polish, and anything remotely Mika-related.

    do you like accessories too? how would you describe your style? are there any snack food flavors you absolutely don't like? i looked up a bit about Costa Rica :teehee: but i was wondering do you have a lot of English language product labels there, or are most products in Spanish?

  20. i looked through your hot seat thread but i have some more questions; like, are you allergic to anything? do you like sweets, or salty foods, or chocolate? what are your favorite animals? do you collect anything? anything else you'd like me to know?

    sorry for all the questions :teehee:

  21. that's fine w/ me too :)

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