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Everything posted by Alie

  1. You see, I'm exactly at the opposite. I didn't like this song until I heard it live with only Mika's voice and the Polka Dot Choir from New-York. Now I can listen to the reccorded version but before I was skipping it all the time. I don't really like this version because it's not my kind of music, but it's the music that a lot of younger American are listening to.
  2. What a cute message ! I'm in a lot greater mood just after seeing this ! Merry Christmas Mika ! (and everybody else)
  3. OMG what is that I don't know if I like or hate this version. Sooo fast I can't breathe during the whole song. As other people say, it sounds a lot more childish than the original. I already hear about this girl but never heard what she sings, for the same reason I'm not listening to Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber... But the positive sides, it's AMERICAN So fast that you can't understand anything, it's how they like it... Bubblegum too. So that's maybe the best way to get on US radio. And then, people will start to like Mika and he'll come back on this side of the ocean to make gigs.
  4. They were the day after Mika at the festival des Montgolfières ! I went to see them but didn't enjoy my night at all. But it's not their fault, it was just a really bad day for me AND it was just after Mika so I was not really focussing on the show... But it was still a good show and a good band. Maybe not a "fan" but I like some of their songs. It was cool to see them live !
  5. Alie


    Yeah it's sure it's not the same thing when it's an artist from your own country ! I understand that it makes you proud.
  6. Avoir connu ce site là avant j'aurais peut-être été de la blague... J'étais déjà venu mais en voyant que ça parlait en anglais je n'ai pas pensé qu'il y avait des fans du Québec. Donc pas pu être au courant de comment assister à l'enregistrement de Star Académie, pas été au courant non plus des préparatifs pour la surprise d'anniversaire pour Mika aux montgolfières, ni de la rencontre backstage. Pourquoi je n'ai pas connu le MFC avant.
  7. Alie


    I know that it's not exactly the same thing, but it makes me think of LMFAO. Instant huge popularity for one song. Then, their other songs were playing on the radio but first of all, it was only this one. They sold a lot of tickets and had a lot of fans. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like they are not as big as they were last year. I think it will be worst with Psy, as I'm not sure that his other songs will became big hits because they are in (korean ?). Only time will tell us if I'm true. I don't really like this song but the video is funny. But I wont danse on it and listen to it 38472517203044 times like I can do for Mika's songs.....
  8. Wow ! Et vous ne saviez pas encore qu'il venait à Star Académie ?? Quel hasard.
  9. Quelle bonne idée !!! Ça avait pris combien de temps après cette photo avant qu'il revienne ? Peut-être que ça marche vraiment.
  10. I have no idea ! Maybe... or maybe not ! I don't know about our taste but EMD was really popular too. Radios seem to like MIKA's french songs.. but they are not playing his english songs. And a lot of person didn't know it was a song by Mika before I told them.
  11. Il faut pas les écouter eux, c'est malsain J'espère en effet que vous le réaliser ! Ou même simplement de vivre en Europe ! Certains se plaignent quand il n'y a pas de spectacle dans leur ville, mais en regardant autour tu vois qu'il y en a un à quelques heures de route seulement... Voiture, autobus, ça te dit quelque chose?? Perso moi au prochain spectacle de Mika en Amérique du Nord, je me donne un maximum de 6h de distance, quoi que je serais très tentée s'il revient à New-York... qui est à 7h de chez moi.
  12. Karen still going up ! #10 to #4, and now #3 ! http://www.ckoi.com/musique-decompte-franco.php
  13. Merci ! C'est toujours plus clair quand on est 100% à l'aise avec la langue donc je voulais te lire en français. Magnifique expérience, tu as rendu des tas de gens jaloux hihihihi ! Merci pour le super rapport
  14. Congrats !!! You are so lucky !! It must be hard to believe that you were not in a big dream... Could you write your report in french on the french tread ?? Please ??
  15. It's still not legal in France ? What a shame, it's legal here and I think it should be legal everywhere.. Very happy Mika joins this action !
  16. Ohh too bad, next time then :)

  17. Still here ? Sorry I just see your message :)

  18. Great ! I now know a new country. I don't know what Smosh is. I'm a little bit lost right now, but you seem to have a lot of fun.
  19. *give some smarties* I never saw a beaver myself btw. I'ld love to hear that long story someday. Nice to meet you Xenia, I'ld make fun about Serbia too but I don't actually know where it is so I'll just say.. HI.
  20. Because you were far away ? I don't know how it was from the back. But where I was, it's just the best day of my life. I found some confettis from the show in my purse last week. golden girl37 -> Do you have something against Canada ?
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