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Everything posted by Alie

  1. Here we have snow each year. Right now it's not snowing but it's horribly cold. It's -14 but with the wind, it's -25 Celsius. For those who wonder, it's -13 in Fahrenheit. It's not really hot. But the sun is strong and the sky is blue. Snow started to melt last week and this water is now ice everywhere. Here a picture of my horse in early january. There was 20 or 25 cm of snow...
  2. Are you kidding?? It's absolutly hideous. Nobody wears those yellow glasses now ! My grandpa had one and they came directly from the 80s (or older). It's the only thing in all the pic I saw where I just can't think it's cute on Mika. Well, I still respect your tastes.
  3. The name of the event was really "Ballon festival". I think there are some festivals that are better then others. I wouldn't like to go to your kind of festival. I think it depends of the artist you are going to see. I went to the same festival 3 times and each day was different.
  4. I agree with a few points. I queued in August for the balloon festival in Canada. It was a sunny day, no rain, no snow. It was a little bit hot but at 3:00 PM, we were in the shade of the stage. I didn't drink at all for the whole day because I didn't want to go to the toilet during the show. But we had people with us to talk and the time went fast. I waited 7 hours to see Mika. And I would do the exact same thing tomorrow if I had to.
  5. Absolutly no idea. Probably for the same reason they said in a facebook update: "Wake up in the morning Stumble out my eyes Can't get no love without sacrifice" Who the hell is in charge of writing those lyrics on mikasounds and Mika's facebook page?
  6. I used Poisonyoulove's method and my ranking would be 1- TOOL 2- TBWKTM 3- LICM But in fact, I'm yelling louder when I'm listening to LICM, I'm listening to TOOL almost ALL the time and... TBWKTM contains a lot of my favourite tracks (WAG and Toy Boy). So it's a bit unfair, I love all three.
  7. The lyrics in the first topic are slightly different than the ones we can find on the official website. Which one is good ? In bold are the things that are no exactly the same. http://mikasounds.com/lola-lyrics/
  8. At first I think they were confused between the two versions. I think they'll play Ariana's one now. But I don't really care, all I want is Mika playing on the radio.
  9. Yep But actually, I'm just teasing you, because I'm going to sleep. Good night.
  10. The first but not the last time !!! (I wish) Great job Guy.
  11. I voted for Stardust and Tah Dah. Both of them are just catchy and amazing songs.
  12. OMG I'm so happy !!! Popular is in the new songs on our most popular radio station here! (the 6th in the list) http://www.ckoi.com/musique-nouveautes.php Wierd thing : when you hear the demo, it's with Priscilla. I look at the songs they play and Popular didn't play yet but I guess we will hear it soon, it's just a matter of time. I'm curious to know if they'll play the one with Ariana or with Priscilla.
  13. Oh my.. thank you I found them in 1 min. Those that count like cheating ?
  14. I think I can sit here now. I just can't find 1 and 8 from the FAMOUS scene. Do the clues have a double meaning that I don't understand? My english is not perfect at all. I listen to every song (twice) and look carefully every lyrics but I just don't know.
  15. I registered here only to share my pictures and videos from the Balloon festival. I think I lost my way somewhere.
  16. First year for me, I'm waiting for Saturday !!
  17. Maybe No but What I means, it's that my children music is from the 1990+ and much of yours were from 1970-1980 (or before). I wouldn't offense anybody. It was not in my intention, sorry if you felt concerned.
  18. I'm not sooo old so I was a child not a long time ago. I was listening to these tv show when I was very young. [YOUTUBE]bgRLn3kFRUo[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]f2zlGyUt8x4[/YOUTUBE] And when I was a little older, like 7-8 years old. I was a BIG BIG pokemon fan. As much as I am for Mika right now. [YOUTUBE]eCU_iTr-r4E[/YOUTUBE] And a lot of Disney movies, like The Lion King (but in french from Quebec, yes it's differents voices from the France one)
  19. Merry Christmas you too ! Hope 2013 will be a good year for you ! :) And that Mika will come back on our beautiful continent ! :D

  20. Joyeux Noël et bon temps des fêtes à vous tous ! Je vous souhaite une année 2013 remplie de joies et de santé. J'espère comme plusieurs que cette année nous apportera Mika à nouveau et que j'aurai enfin la chance de rencontrer certaines d'entre vous pour de vrai.
  21. Downloding it right now. Hope it'll work, it's been 3 hours I'm trying to listen to it but the vid bugs all the time... and my computer shuts down so it's my last chance. At least I already saw half of the show ! I can't understand when they only speak dutch but I guess it's not that important. Last time he came to this show, I listen to it too and it was so funny that I couldn't miss this one !
  22. The song is different but it's the same thing as the original. Mika and a female vocalist. Priscilla bring the rap side, Ariana the bubblegum pop side. So what's the difference, for me it's still Mika's song... After 4 listening, it's better, I THINK that maybe I could like it a little. BUT not my kind of music.
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