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Everything posted by Alie

  1. Today I went to my local Walt Mart and in the CD section, TOOL deluxe was in the best seller section. I was sooo proud.
  2. 200: My middle name is: Marilène, my godmother's name... 199: I was born in: 1993 in Quebec, east side of Canada 198: I am really: a Mika freak 197: My cell phone company is: Telus 196: My eye color is: Blue most of the time 195: My shoe size is: 6 (really small) 194: My ring size is: I don't know ?? 193: My height is: 5"2' 192: I am allergic to: Nothing ! 191: My 1st car was: Honda Civic 190: My 1st job was: maid in an hotel 189: Last book you read: Mockingjaw, the 3rd book of the Hunger Game's series 188: My bed is: too small... 187: My pet: two dogs and a mare <3 186: My best friend: is a Mika freak too ! And a horse lover like me 185: My favorite shampoo is: don't have one... 184: AIM name: what's that ? 183: Piggy Banks are: cool, mine is a cow ! 182: In my pockets: there's nothing right now 181: On my calendar: it's horses everywhere ! 180: Marriage is: far away in the future... 179: Sponge Bob can: make me laught all the time 178: My mom: is just like me... it's freak... 177: The last three cd's I bought were: MIKA's one !! (I don't buy CD really often as you can see) 176: Last YouTube video watched: the story if a little foal who was neglicted and is now beautiful ! 175: How many cousins do you have? : 9 174: Do you have any siblings: 2 stupids young brothers... 173: Are your parents divorced: Nope ! 172: Are you taller than your mom? No... 171: Do you play an instrument? Yes, I'm a violinist 170: What did you do yesterday: School, a riding lesson, watching a horror movie and eat candies !! I Believe In: 169: Love at first sight: No 168: Luck: yes 167: Fate: yes and no... 166: Yourself: no 165: Aliens: yeah but far away 164: Heaven: It's where I am when I'm listening to Mika's voice... 163: Hell: I don't believe in that xD 162: God: No 161: Horoscopes: Of course not !! 160: Soul mates: Yeah 159: Ghosts: No 158: Gay Marriage: Yes, love is love right ? 157: War: yes I believe in war but no I don't think that should exist... 156: Orbs: what that? 155: Magic: I wish it was true and Harry Potter could be real. Which is Better 154: Hugs or Kisses: Hug 153: Drunk or High: Nothing at all ! 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: black haired 150: Blondes or Brunettes: don't know, sometime I'm blonde (natural hair) and sometime I'm brown so I can't chose xD 149: Hot or cold: HOT I HATE when it's cold ! (what the hell I'm doing in Canada) 148: Summer or winter: Summer !!! 147: Autumn or Spring: Spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate OF COURSE !! 145: Night or Day: Day 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds but occasionally... 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate 140: Mac or PC: PC, Mac are too expensive... 139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops ! Safer... 138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: you can't be in the middle ? 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated, I don't want worms to eat me... 134: Singing or Dancing: singing with Mika of course ! 133: Coach or Chanel: ? I don't understand xD 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who the hell are they ? 131: Small town or Big city: Small town 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler ! he's so funny 128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure, I hate my feet 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast ! 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birthday but I really like Christmas too ! 125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate, it's so delicious 124: Disney or Six Flags: Walt Disney World in Florida is just awesome ! 123: Yankees or Red Sox: I hate baseball. Here's What I Think About 122: War: A stupid thing that should exist 121: George Bush: well done he's not a president anymore... 120: Gay Marriage: love is love... 119: The presidential election: take too much time and cost too much money to the population 118: Abortion: good in some case but it shouldn't be part of your montly routine... 117: MySpace: I don't use that 116: Reality TV: stupid but entertraining sometime... 115: Parents: great but sometime annoying 114: Back stabbers: what's that ? 113: Ebay: usefull to sell thing and find what you are looking for 112: Sex: looks cool... 111: Work: necessary but... 110: My Neighbors: really quiet, I don't even know them even if I stay here for 3 years old now 109: Gas Prices: ***** too high !!! 108: Designer Clothes: wierd most of the time xD 107: College: cool but hard sometime... 106: Sports: horse riding is just amazing. 105: My family: you can't chose it xD 104: The future: I'm hopefull ! I wish people will wake up and see how amazing are Mika's songs... Last time I 103: Hugged someone: a real hug.. 3 months ago I think 102: Last time you ate: 3 seconds ago, I'm eating candies ! 101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Last friday, a friend of mine came back from far away for a week. 100: Cried in front of someone: I don't remember ?? 99: Went to a movie theater: two months ago and it was wierd movies... 98: Took a vacation: I had 4 months of vacation from june to october XD 97: Swam in a pool: last summer, but when I can't say... 96: Changed a diaper: a long time ago o_O 95: Got my nails done: at my prom... 3 years ago 94: Went to a wedding: I was like twelve years old... I'm 19 right now 93: Broke a bone: Never !!! 92: Got a peircing: when I was 1 yo maybe xD 91: Broke the law: I drive a little fast sometime 90: Texted: yesterday MISC 89: Who makes you laugh the most: my two dogs. 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: no rent to pay xD 87: The last movie I saw: the hunger games 86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: to see underwater's video !! and to know when Mika will come back to Montreal !! 85: The thing im not looking forward to: my exams next week. I'm stressed 84: People call me: cute and funny but annoying a little bit... 83: The most difficult thing to do is: to chose which mika's cd I listen into my car 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never ! 81: My zodiac sign is: virgo 80: The first person i talked to today was: one of my fellow worker 79: First time you had a crush: I was young, stupid and 13 yo I think 78: The one person who i can't hide things from: one of my friend 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I don't know, it happen pretty often xD 76: Right now I am talking to: my dogs because they make too much noise xD 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: veterinarian maybe, but right now I'm studying to be a veterinarian technician 74: I have/will get a job: in a fast food... 73: Tomorrow: is my halloween party !!! can't wait to see my friends 72: Today: I was working too early and I'm really tired x_x 71: Next Summer: will be fun I think ! 70: Next Weekend: disgusting, I'm working will work like a crazy... 69: I have these pets: two dogs and a horse 68: The worst sound in the world: my alarm clock 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: one of my friend... 66: People that make you happy: most of my friends, they are just wonderfull 65: Last time I cried: I can't remember 64: My friends are: funny and dumb sometime but I like them ! 63: My computer is: 3 yo, start to be slow and old... 62: My School: is 1 hour away of my home so it's a lot of travel for me 61: My Car: belong to my mother xD 60: I lose all respect for people who: can people and animals' life 59: The movie I cried at was: 58: Your hair color is: Chestnut brown with highlight 57: TV shows you watch: Jay Leno tonight show to see Mika ! 56: Favorite web site: facebook 55: Your dream vacation: going in France and see one of Mika's show 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: I can't remember so it wasn't that painfull I think ! 53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium 52: My room is: square shaped ? With 4 walls, a window and a door. 51: My favorite celebrity is: Mika of course ???? 50: Where would you like to be: right now I wish I was waiting for a mika show... that would be so awesome.. I would like to ride my horse too. 49: Do you want children: Yes ! 48: Ever been in love: I had a lot of crush but never been in love... 47: Whos your best friend: a mika freak like me ! 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends but I have few boy friends too ! 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: to be in the shower 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Mika. or some of my friends that I don't see often... 43: Do you have a 5 year plan:? Yes, finish my actual studies, found a job, go to university and become a veteriarian ! 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no ?? XD Talk to Mika could be in this list ! 41: Have you pre-named your children: I have few ideas, I love Romy for a girl and Mathis for a boy. 40: Last person I got mad at: A woman who stole a newspaper this morning ! She was lying to me right in my face......... 39: I would like to move to: France. or Florida if they could speak french XD 38: I wish I was a professional: horse rider My Favourite: 37: Candy: SourPatch candies 36: Vehicle: Horseback ! 35: President: no one, everybody is lying anyway 34: State visited: florida I think 33: Cell Phone Provider: I like telus but I think that Koodo are good too 32: Athlete: Eric Lamaze, olympian in horse riding 31: Actor: Misha Collins (he's f****** awesome !!) 30: Actress: I don't know 29: Singer: Justin Bieber. LOOL no, Mika of course 28: Band: Les Cowboys Fringants 27: Clothing Store: Dynamite 26: Grocery Store: IGA 25: TV show: La galère 24: Movie: Harry Potter's serie 23: Website: Facebook 22: Animal: Horses 21: Theme Park: Walt Disney World in Florida 20: Holiday: My birthday 19: Sport to watch: Horse cross country 18: Sport to play: horse riding in general 17: Magazine: I don't really like magazine 16: Book: Harry Potter (all) 15: Day of the week: Saturday 14: Beach: didn't see enough to be able to juge 13: Concert Attended: August 15th 2012, Mika at the balloon festival ! 12: Thing to cook: Spaghetti because it's easy 11: Food: pasta in general 10: Restaurant: red lobster 9: Radio Station: Rouge FM, they are playing Mika more often than the other ones. 8: Yankee Candle scent: ???? what ???? 7: Perfum: I love watermelons 6: Flower: Lilac 5: Color: between red and pink 4: Talk Show host: Guy A. Lepage at Tout le monde en parle. 3: Comedian: Louis-José Houde. He's just so funny 2: Dog Breed: English cocker spaniels 1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? Yes !
  3. The very first time I really don't know ! I think it was the radio. But the first time I paid attention to his music, it was probably in early 2009 or 2010, I can't remember. I was looking for music to put on my new MP3 that I got for Christmas. I didn't know how to download music so I was picking up randomly in my father's playlist. He didn't have a lot of Mika's song so I put Lollipop and Relax. I really liked Lollipop ! It was one of my favourite song but I didn't pay attention to the artist who was singing it. In June 2011, when Elle me dit was playing all the time on the radio, I realised that it was the same singer as Relax and Lollipop. In few days, I was listening to his other songs, that I had already hear somewhere but didn't know who was singing it. Then I saw his lovely face and felt in love. With his music of course.
  4. I was most excited than tearing up, I could imagine that what I was waiting for since like a couple of month was just standing in front of me :fangurl:

  5. Let's see the good side of this... Joy and Max sing very well, never hear them so clearly.
  6. Nope :crybaby: I was almost crying when I saw this picture for the first time...

  7. Wooow it was so cool to see him singing in Dutch ! I absolutly can't understand a word but it was a lovely song
  8. Totally agree with you and I felt the same when I saw him ! But I didn't go backstage because I didn't know ! I could have been on this picture too... My biggest deception in my whole life I think ! Can't wait for the next show !
  9. Amazing ! So sad I'm not in Europe. Good luck everybody !!!
  10. Mika must come back to Tout le monde en parle. No choice.
  11. He said that he'll come back to Canada too. It was suppose to be before Christmas but finally I guess it will be in 2013.
  12. Yeah I know. I'm 18 but the shows in NY was on my first and second days of school. It's 7 hours to get there so it was like.. impossible. And I didn't have my passport yet (usefull to get to the USA :aah:). But next time I'm ready, I have one now ! :naughty: So yeah I understand your status...

  13. Maybe I'll see you there ! Did you go to an other show before Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu ???

  14. No :dunno: I couldn't go to Star Academie, I had school AND I didn't know how to go there. :doh: And before that I didn't know him very well, I'm a big fan for only one year and a half... So not a lot of show in America since this time... But you can be sure I'll be at the show when he'll come back to Montreal. Or in Ontario.... :blush-anim-cl:

  15. Alie

    MFC Anthem?

    I love those lyrics because they are sooo true. They are awesome, great job !!
  16. He was #1 when he release the album and stay on top for a while before going down. Let's see how long he'll be in the top 10 in USA (a long time I wish but if it's the same thing as Canada...) The radio here I just playing Elle me dit sometimes on the most popular radio (CKOI, they have a contest to win a trip to Paris to see Mika but they are not playing his music, ironic...). On some other radios they are playing Elle me dit too, Karen, but also Relax few times a day... Oh and I heard Celebrate once but it's been a while now.
  17. I have a cold. I lost my voice. How can I sing along with Mika now? I don't use honey and sweetie in my sentences. Problem solved. But I use too much smilies. But not the Mikas' one.
  18. :teehee: Mine are not perfect, my camera is not a reflex... :sneaky2: But it's better than nothing. :wub2: You can steal them if you want. :wink2:


    If you want to see more pictures:


    My facebook album. :mf_rosetinted:

  19. Yes it was an amazing gig ! I was waiting here since 2h30 :mf_rosetinted: That's why I was so close. :wink2:

  20. Mon anglais aussi est pourri et je suis gênée ! Je suis jeune aussi, j'avais juste 18 ans (maintenant 19), mais j'ai l'air d'avoir 16 ans. En tout cas, la prochaine fois je vais essayer de me joindre au groupe du MFC !
  21. Non désolée je ne connais personne là dedans. Et oui je pense que c'est Cassiopée selon sa photo elle me dit vraiment quelque chose. Et l'autre avait une camisole fleurie. Je n'ai pas su son nom.
  22. C'est ce que je pensais ahah ! Euh non ça me dit rien. Ben je ne me suis pas chicané avec personne. On jasait avec les deux filles qui étaient sur le bord de la cloture juste à côté de dcdeb, sur le coin de la cloture Ma cousine (une jeune ado de 12 ans) est venu nous rejoindre mais elle a fini le spectacle avec la famille un peu plus loin derrière. Pendant le spectacle on s'est rapproché de la cloture donc on était les 4 au raz de la cloture. Donc à partir du coin, il y avait les deux filles, moi, mon amie et à sa gauche c'était le photographe asiatique, le mari de suzy our quelque chose comme ça ? En tout cas, on se replace ahah !
  23. Je n'y serai pas. Mauvais timing disons... Hey les franco qui étaient à St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, voici un screen-shot d'un de mes videos de l'après-midi. C'était juste avant que Mika apparaisse (2 min avant parce que la fin de ce video on entend tout le monde crier et moi me lever en catastrophe ) Je crois bien qu'on voit plusieurs membres du MFC hein? Quand je disais que j'étais à côté c'était vrai.
  24. OMG Ok I NEED those tickets. *listen to the radio*
  25. It's my opinion too. They need french songs to fit with the law and they take everything, no matter what the song say. Karen is definitely NOT the song that can boost Mika's popularity... My opinion... I want to hear Stardust or Step with me on the radio. It would be amazing...
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