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Everything posted by clara_mika

  1. I've started learning Italian because of Mika :)

    1. frenchfan84


      Most people in here consider that I'm fluent in English Thanks to him... I understand italian and spanish Thank to him as well... He just made me fond of languages ;-)

  2. I totally love the new song! I keep putting it on replay and I'm so addicted to it already. Staring at the sun is awesome too, and I can't wait to hear the complete songs. Also the lyrics of Good guys that we have heard so far are incredible, I love the way he writes, he always makes me get the chills. I really think the album is going to be sooooo good if it keeps this kind of sound!!
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAAAY MIKA!!!!!!!!! I wish you have a perfect day because you totally deserve it :huglove:
  4. I LOVE IT!!!! I am addicted to it already! There's just one thing that I don't like about it and it's that I don't understand french as well as english but that's fine hahaha I think he did a great job, again. :wub2:
  5. If anyone needs a link I used this one: http://www.stream2watch.me/live-tv/tf1-live-stream I loved it tonight!!! It was really hard to understand but I got some things. It was perfect when he sung I'm gonna be watching every Saturday for sure!!
  6. happy new year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3
  7. I love the drawing!! and my 3 most important resolutions are: -not care so much about what people may think of me -spend more time with my family -and basically be happy and enjoy every second ^^
  8. WELCOME I hope you enjoy it here!!!
  9. Igualment!!!! /emoticons/converted_stickouttongue5.gif" alt=":P" srcset="/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="16" height="16" />)

  10. I sent the question on twitter and on the webside, I asked him what can i do to lose my stage fright. But how can we watch it? I mean when are we gonna know what questions did he answer?
  11. OMG I can't wait to see it!!!! I'm sure it's gonna look AMAZING <3
  12. No crec que surtis pitjor que jo hahah i iaa això ho he pensat, hi han moltes fotos no se com s'ho faran per posar-les totes!! ahha com ho faran perque ho vegi?

  13. No crec que només has de dir d'on ets al correu quan enviis la foto ;)

  14. Si te las de fer sola, posa el temporitzador i corre haha t'ajudaria a fer-te-la pero no se com... a mi me la farà el meu pare, però no se perquè sempre surto fatal quan faig lo del cor... enfin

  15. Encara no me l'he fet, però demà ja estarà, et fa res si te l'ensenyo demà? :)

  16. De res!! Espero que hagis passat un gran dia

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