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Everything posted by flavia110

  1. And if it's not reaction you could scream at him "HEYYYY" and if his scream looks like Love Today's chorus, well you would have found the right boy!
  2. Ok we should create an appreciaton thread named "Mika's moves" The thread that make me laugh a lot is "Mika's skinpores" ahahahah I love it, is so freaking amazing Ok, we are OT now
  3. ahahahah I probably would die twice! The first when I met him dressed like that and the second when I finally realized I run away from mika! Yes definitively, also if I am a small fan so he could kick me away also with is smallest finger but it would be definitively more cool your scenary :naughty: I'm going to have nightmares tonight!!!
  4. Ok, definitively if I met a black figure like that of almost two meters I'd run away screaming!!! And this is Mika??? Oh my god, appearances are deceptive!
  5. Inoltre stavo pensando una cosa... noi stiamo parlando in italiano ma siamo fuori dall'italian threaaaaddd
  6. Ormai le lasagne di Roberta sono leggendarie!!! Un giorno dobbiamo fare un lasagna party
  7. It's an amazing show for me! Interviews last like for ever! I'm excited!
  8. Ok, here is the thing. If could possibly exist in this world something I could love more than Mika, well, that's is Mika's nose! It is so addictive to me also if I must admit that when I saw Mika and I had chance to look at him while other people was getting their signs... I didn't watch his nose but his legs... LOOONG LOOONG LOOONG legs, I don't know why, but his legs stole the scene at that time :-) but when I looked at his face, well I had the chance to see closely the thing he is do with his nose when he smile, sorry I can't remember the right word and it was so amazing So his nose defended his position in my heart despite the threat of his long skinny gorgeous legs (which didn't caught my attention before ) So I really don't want to miss a single picture of this thread
  9. La penso come te! Se questo posto non esistesse dovremmo delirare con noi stesse, visto che intorno a noi non ci sono persone in grado di CAPIRE!!! Io ti capisco, e mi sento capita qui riguardo a quello che possiamo provare per lui, anche se sono convinta che ogni persona ama aspetti diversi di lui, o prova cose diverse MA comunque lo amiamo e quindi questo fa di noi persone fortunate per il fatto di poterci incontrare in questo posto così speciale e così aperto anche nei confronti delle persone nuove! E poi, se è vero che un fanclub rispecchia il suo artista, questa ne è la prova definitiva... è fantastico, davvero, io se fossi in Mika ne sarei davvero orgogliosa, ma infatti lui lo è e lo dice ogni volta che ne ha l'occasione quindi... yeahhh!!! :thumb_yello:
  10. Forse prima era visto come uno dei tanti artisti internazionali e per questo non avevano ancora capito fino in fondo il suo spessore, adesso è anche uno dei nostri!
  11. Thank you , I hope we will meet the next time! It would be a pleasure to me because I love MFC so much (cit. Katy Perry)
  12. I think there is a good chance he could sing OOL because this is one of the songs he had revisited in songbook (also if this is the UK Radio Edit I think). And this song is extremely important!
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