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Everything posted by Melyssa

  1. J'aurais une tenue bleu blanc rouge, et sûrement un petit accessoire en lieu et place de mon accessoires habituel. Mais -me tapez pas !- les drapeaux et trucs qui clignotent et tout ça me fait un peu peur je dois avouer, j'ai peur que certains soient embarqués dans leur élan et passent en mode euro 2016 :/
  2. I went through some books and I found it. Lucky I remembered it was with Martha because , hum, it would have taken me a while otherwise XD. So it's in the very first pages of The Pirate Loop (if anyone is interested by a bit of context, they are attacked by robots and have just discovered that when some music is on, the robots stop attacking and... dance ): To resume, Grace Kelly saved Martha and the Doctor (and the robots were condemned to listen to it on loop until the end of time ) And as for the Writer's tale, here it goes (again, a bit of context: the writer's tale is a compilation of emails between the then showrunner R.T.Davies and journalist Benjamin Cook. We follow all the steps of the making of series 4.)
  3. I think I remember it was with Martha, they went to see a gig or something, but I wouldn't remember the title (I've read them at the time of publication so it's quite a long time ago and it's a lot of book stored in my head ). If I get it right Martha's brother didn't like him, might be why I decided I didn't like Martha's brother XD Also, talking about the Doctor Who-books-Mika combo, I assume it has already been talked somewhere here but there's a lot of Mika in the Writer's tale (the 2008 book written by Russel T Davies, commenting the writing of season 4). He explains that he uses music a lot to find inspiration, and it was Life in Cartoon Motion which kicked him into the writing of series 4 - and also that the then future companion was sort of born out of Any other world. This new companion finally never showed up as Donna came back but he still used what he had written and put a lot of it into Donna, and you can actually feel the song quite strongly in her. (Also, there's quite a few lines involving Mika not wearing any pants in that book )
  4. Nothing new, just that they've been preparing it for months and it's gonna be a one time only show, just for this night and then it's over. Then Nikos asks if the coaches will be there, and the answer is no, or just in the audience. (and Pagny, like the rest of the country, finds the new name of Bercy ridiculous and refuses to use it xd)
  5. I absolutely don't know her as an actress, but I have a complete faith in the cast directors. As for the way she'll be written, well, I'll just have to wait and see... I just hope she'll be, you know, 'normal'. Not another Most Important Human Being Ever. A Rory, please, give me a Rory Which won't be before a very long time, as we know At least on telly, BUT there still is some some NuWho coming soon as, after the War Doctor, River, Churchill, Strax, Kate and Torchwood, it is now Ten and Donna that are joining the ranges of Big Finish with their first set of audios out next month and I am really upper excited by this - maybe I am the only one here listening to Big Finish's DW audio dramas but really they are as good, and sometimes even better, than the TV show - it has nothing to do with the BBC audio dramas that were a bit childish. Really, if you don't know them yet and want some Who during the gap year, give it a try, it's awesome! (my personal big faves are the 8th Doctor stories, The Chimes of Midnight is one of the best thing the whoniverse has ever produced )
  6. Part 2/2 The problem when he's using speakers as a stage: he becomes to big for my ridiculous phone lens Thse are the 3 ones I really wished I had my camera :/
  7. Some pics, but they are quite ugly as I didn' take my camera so it's all with the old phone (truth is we were quite a few who left our cameras in the car, because it was our first gig since the country is in an official state of emergency with very strict search rules for gatherings. And it was written in huge that cameras weren't allowed and that we would be searched 2 times. Turned out we probably could have bring in half a BestBuy in our pockets ) So sorry, it's blurred and small but if you look at it on a small screen like your phone it's not bad Part 1/2 Plaaanes!! (well, just a part of them xD) Obviously we can't see it on the pic but he's having fun putting confettis on himself
  8. Before I start, a big hug to all those with whom I was lucky enough to share those moments, it's always so good (appart from the drunk driver in the middle of the night. This wasn't good ) I am sorry, I said I'll learn to keep it short. I just didn't say when . Same as usual: sorry for the mistakes, probably even more than usual as I am happily floating on the fever cloud. (pour les francophones, la même chose en français ici) Oh, it feels so good. I'm having some difficult times in life and was lucky enough to cross road with the best antidepressant ever. I'm not sure doctors would agree to prescribe him, considering the state of my throat/head/back/feet, but the mood is brilliant. And how happy he was to be there, really, he was jubilating. And he was in big form, a bomb of energy. And to complete the packet the audience was fantastic, very reactive and super dynamic. He sends a wave of energy, we throw back twice as much, he adds to it even more. All hail the virtuous circle of happy madness. So, Bourges. On a weather point of view, Bourges knows how to be original: it is raining and it's so cold and then all of a sudden comes a bright sun and you're so hot. And just as you begin to make yourself comfortable and turn into a reptile, bam, rain and cold come back. After a while the weather itself doesn't remember what it's supposed to do and throws rain and sun at the same time, so one can have fun taking pics of rainbows while you're trying to survive Fear Factor season 5: the opening of the Gates of Death. You survive, and you think the worst is behind you. But then comes Marina Kaye, the first act of the day. Truth is it wasn't really her fault but that of the sound-men who succeeded if they were intending to sabotage her. So they over saturated the basses. And I don't think you could imagine what it means for the first three rows if you haven't lived it (and so I wish you to never understand me on this). People were crying of pain, including a little girl behind me. It's not just that it was "too loud" :the vibrations were so strong that they actually made wind when they were blown off the speakers. For real. Imagine how violent it must be to do that. It was paralyzing your whole body, and all you could do was to curl up and to fight not to throw up, as vibrations made your stomach go up in your throat. A thought for the security team who was already very nice outside and who tried their best to bring us as much ear plugs as they could, at least we could protect the kids and the most sensitives. So, it started well. Thank God the second act, LEJ, had a good sound. They're very popular in France but to be honest I wasn't that big of a fan. But I have to admit that on stage they really are good, full of energy, funny and very touching. And also very hot! Anyway. A team of busy bees running all over the stage. A curtain falling to reveal a giant stained-glass door. A heaven sign going up from the floor. The lights going off. The crowd screaming. A silhouette sneaking to the piano. A series of notes flying in the air. A voice raising. Porcelain. How happy I am to have it live. How beautiful he is when exist only him, his voice and his piano on such a beautiful song. Him in a suit, which should make me moan (because suits on stage, what an idea) , except it's a tailcoat so of course it's so cool. He starts playing his next song while... Opening the piano?! But what for?? Because all of a sudden a million confettis are springing from the inside of it! Reminder: when confettis arrive, I am 4. I love having them at the end, but at the beginning it's actually quite awesome too. Mostly the surprise was awesome. He was there for 5 minutes and already I was ecstatic. Confettis are still flying when come out hundreds of paper planes (which had made a great activity during the afternoon, it took quite a few hands to build this squadron xd). Planes are everywhere, and it works well, and already he's having fun with them. He will keep playing with them from time to time during the gig. To resume, the show has started 5 minutes ago and the stage is already full of planes and Confettis. What a lovely mess. So it's under a rain of unidentified flying objects that he starts Grace Kelly, of which he'll dust the French lyrics. I am not a fan of the French version but the idea is still good for festivals, where part of the audience is here for the Printemps de Bourges and get the opportunity to discover him on stage - they just see it like a sweet nod for them. My brain isn't big enough to give you the setlist in order but without surprise it's the heaven tour's one. Big Girl and its prayer come for a visit, and he’s gonna put himself in every position to make us sing , before ending up lying on the floor. “I’ll stand only when you’ll sing loud enough to wake me up!” Good Wife comes too, and Talk about you, and Good Guys, and Boum Boum Boum… Boum boum boum on which he reminds us that in here we can do whatever we want without the fear of being ridiculous. We’re at home and nobody will judge us. I am always touched by those words because this is indeed the only place where I feel a 100% free to be myself and too let it all out without fearing for a second to be mocked. Lollipop in its “train” version “I wrote it on a train, but that was before doing the add for SNCF!” Without any reason he’ll start fixing confettis on his forehead and will keep them for the whole song, like it’s the most normal thing to wear. I really like those shared moments with the band, when they're all at the piano; they were very cute having fun all together. I don’t even remember on which song he did his stunt but the scene was golden - not really for the fall but for his reaction : as he was gesticulating like a worm, he slept on a paper plane and ended up on his butt (no worries, no hurt done). Immediately he laid down as if it was completely intentional. He turns his head, sees us laughing, and he was upset like a kid, that was so funny (sorry Mika, but it was funny ). As a revenge he took the incriminated plane and completely destroyed it, while still glaring at us (but not too seriously, he was also laughing. But he was upset with his fall for real Xd) Also comes Elle me dit and he turns out to be unable to get more than 2 lines right in a row, ends up completely lost and sign us to go and kill him now to end up the drama . He told us at the beginning of the song that his mummy (mummy. Yes I am 32 but mummy!” thought it wasn’t normal that it was Fanny Ardant playing her role in the videoclip because “she’s too thin!” He also adds that tonight he can talk bullsh*t because mum is not here… but not too much because she’s gonna check on youtube later . Come my tears as always on Happy Ending, I gave up hope to be able to deal with this song. I don’t know what happens when I hear the first notes, it’s like my body takes charge of everything without asking for my opinion. The end that he’s giving us, as it’s becoming usual, a capela. It’s gonna take some time for him to be able to make people silent but if it is usually annoying this time seeing him laughing while trying shut up the troop was quite funny. “Well I tried to sing without the mic but I think only 40 people could hear me” he says humbly with a laugh. I think you’re wrong, big boy. Last Party. The song that can be taken in so many ways that it always feels like it’s a new one. The only constant is its way of being overwhelming. For me this night it was the outlet for all the tragedies we’ve been living in France and all over the world for the past months. If it’s the end of the world let’s party… in tears and with the heart in the throat, but without ever stopping to dance. Let’s party... Love Today is already here, that moment that I love and dread because it’s the end. But he’ll make it last for a long time. How we’ll dance, how he’ll jump, how I’ll never understand how the body of this man works for him to be able to take those crazy poses. He’ll steal my neighbor's flower glasses and Ani’s flower crown because “we have to get the flowers out, it’s spring!”. He saw all those people wearing flowers everywhere (we were quite a lot, it looked really nice ) and decided to join the spring spirit gang. The combination crown/glasses was… interesting . As he’s on it he finds a Pikachu costume for Max, who jumps in it and comes running behind the flower guy, what a delicious picture they make Pikachu, the Giant Guy and all their friends come to salute.. And then leave. As always I feel like it’s been going on for 20 minutes only, whatever my watch is saying. Of course once outside it’s raining, but not for long, just enough time for everyone to definitely look like nothing, and Mika to notice “Oh, it’s been raining during the wait! But no, stop it, it’s spring!” he’ll say before starting to chat with everyone he can get his hands of. Lovely guy. It was funny because quite a few people who were hanging there were not really waiting for the artist exit, it was just festival-goers who were used to this festival where nobody ever leave the security of the stained glass. So they were quite chocked to see Mika wandering in the middle of it all of a sudden 40 minutes of walk later, I finally meet my mattress (after having visited the biggest hotel room in the world ). The body screams, the throat has given up (I am still completely voiceless today) but I feel fantastic in my head. I am happy, and serene. I had kind of forgotten those feelings exist. The gig was fantastic, and in my case it was also salutary. So finally, despite the side effect, maybe it should be prescribed by doctors.
  9. Bonsoir à tous! J'ai profité de mon long (loooong! interminaaable) trajet retour pour écrire sur Bourges. Je suis désolée pour la longueur, il fallait que je m'occupe Xd
  10. Oh, well, no pressure then So sorry for your phone *hug* Thanks for the pics. I so, so love this one. I wasn't expecting it at all and when it happened I think I looked like a 5yo entering Disneyland for the first time, it was fantastic
  11. I'm selling one standing ticket for Strasbourg, pm me if interested Je vend une place pour Strasbourg, placement libre debout, envoyez-moi un mp si intéressé
  12. Well FNAC is a very serious seller, they usually propose preorder only when they already have pre-pruchased their stock and if they present a title and a release date then I suppose those have been officially confirmed by editor during the process. Which wouldn't prevent an eventual official change of title/date in the future , of course, but I would really think they are up to date with LATTES, the french editor (and would actually be the first ones to inform us about a change if one have to happen ) The book is also available for preorder on Amazon.fr
  13. Well that was luck because I saw that happen, people not allowed to get in because they didn't confirm and the place was full, so so just in case try not to forget next time . (also on saturday there is more people asking for places so they block the confirmation option once it's full: don't wait for the last minute to confirm, sometimes it closes 2 hours before the announced time) Anyway, my 100th report of The Voice, 3 weeks late: I am trying to break my own record of lateness "Mika, why are you the only one still up? Again?" I am so very late (let's face it: I was feeling lazy) and so I am gonna put 2 sessions in one report (so the battles of Tuesday the 15th and Thursday the 17th of december) because, like last year, I can't manage to be interested by battles and end up travelling in my head, watching Mika yawning, not listening to a thing they're saying (and it's even worse now that I have no one to translate to Xd). Also, as we already stated that my memory is a disaster I've managed to forget everything in 3 weeks and can't even make sense of half my notes. And that's how I end up with my shortest report in 2 years of the voice recording, hurray! (Also, obviously, don't ask me what songs he chose for his contestants because... dunno, don't remember ) For the rest, let's start by stating that Mika was sick, and very well sick . He was oozing fever on tuesday night, and he was coughing like mad and... well he was having micro naps, but real ones. He looked like me falling asleep when not needed (except that I have less cameras pointing at my face. Also he was taking notes with his little pen and his little notebook, which he doesn't do usually, so he REALLY was looking like me ). For the last recording session 2 days later he was still coughing a bit but he was far better. His voice was back, as well as the usual energy which makes him act like a clown for half the night. But then he was quite spoiled, our sick boy, in between Nikos who wanted to give him honey (and Garou who wanted to give him whisky because 'it kills the bacterias" (let's add right now that Garou was sick too on 2d night, bust mostly... a bit drunk)), and his little cup of infusion with meds in it (which made him run after everyone taking his cup, screaming "NO YOU MUST NOT DO THAT!!!". On one night we had a group of nurses in the audience, and so Nikos said to Mika that they were all ready to take care of him if needed. Seeing it was only women Garou and Florent suddendy found out they were very sick too and needed nurses indeed. Seeing it was only women Mika took his very deep voice and said "no no it's okay my voice is back thank you". Anyway, he's sick but he still have to sing the opening song. On tuesday his voice stops on higher notes, on thursday a photograph is masking the prompter so he gets the lyrics wrong. I don't know if they managed to get a good tape on saturday but I do hope or else the director will have quite a puzzle to do as they didn't ask them to redo it :doh46: . Yet he was in a singing mood on this thursday; and as they were getting the set ready he kept himself busy by singing Florent's new song as if it was a piece of Opera. He'll get Garou and Zazie in his choirs and gave his representation until the producer told him that we have a tv show to record now, if it's okay for you. On the other hand it seems that fever has a direct effect on his memory, as he was unable to remember the name of any contestant. It's not just that he was asking them to repeat it a couple of times, but he also had to check on his notebook twice in one sentence. He was even trying to revise during the songs, and you could see him taking his notes and repeating the names of the singers 10 times in a row, trying to fix them in his head. (To his defense, no one has a normal name this year, really. One of them even seems to be out of a factory, as he's called ED14 or something...) He had his little moment of loneliness when he went mad about an add he had seen when he was 6 (every year at the voice a new add pops up with him xD) and so nobody understood what he was talking about and it weeeent for about 5 minutes. And 5 minutes more when it came back during debriefing "no but I swear she was on a cart! It's not that I am cultured, I walked past it with my mum when I was 6 it wasn't on purpose!" I don't remember how him and Nikos went to talk about "getting out of the woods" but it ended up with Mika saying to Nikos "No but I say getting out of the woods I'm thinking of Shakespeare you're thinking of Boulogne woods!" (a big park in Paris famous for its prostitutes, dunno if it's a known fact worldwide or just for us ) Let's go for random: One night he was attacked by a bug and ended up doing his arm dance to chase it (not so funny to read but always fun to watch ). He was very delicate with the contestants, as usual, the winner being this, for a talent a bit too nervous who was moving too much "I like your voice but the sketch you're doing I really don't like it". And of course he invented a lot of cute french idioms that I can't translate, like "ton mal à l'aise" or "des choses qui sont très beaux". And last but not least, he was scolded more than once, mostly because he kept standing up when everybody was seated. He said at one point that it was because he coughed everytime he seated - which was true indeed: he WAS coughing a lot when seated. But was what really happening was that his energy was back and he was just unable not to move everywhere Xd. And then... that's all I remember Thursday was the last recording of the year, so at the exit he did as he has done last year: he came by foot with the dogs to wish a merry Christmas to everyone. It was a bit of a mess but, well, it's not his fault and it was cute of him really .
  14. Just caught-up with the Christmas special (so spoilers ahead,probably). It's a fun romp, not going too deep but allowing you to have a good time, like often on Christmas. I have to confess Christmas special never are my fave eps and this one won't be the exception but I love River so much that just having her back is a Christmas treat in itself. I admit I was close to share a tear when they finally reached Darilium (I definitely cried a few years ago in the minizode where Eleven is all dressed to take her in... ) But the truth is that Big Finish has just released his first River Song boxset yesterday and I am planning to listen to it today and THAT's my real Christmas present from the whoniverse, can't wait!!!
  15. I guess it's not really an info but I thought it might be reassuring to hear anyway for Americans: We had a quick chat with Mika at D8 two days ago and he said about an American tour that "we are trying but it's a bit complicated", he explained that it's in the plan but there's a few things to deal with first to make it happen. But they're on it
  16. Well, he was lucky, because as Chloe said everything can happen in that show, and it is not that often that a guess gets out with his clothes still clean xd. The presenter often gets a bit over excited when he likes the guest and yes, he do love mika. They all do (they have talked about him a lot as they debrief the voice every week when it's on) , except for one who didn't have the guts to open his mouth now that Mika was there (and here again it is a luck they all liked him already because they can get quite trashy when they don't) But it was good that he went in it, because it is an extremely popular show among youngsters and young adults, and it really has a lot of influence. And by the way we just learned that the show reached its biggest historical audience yesterday, YAY! (but I still don't understand why there was a cow in the hall tho xd)
  17. Yes, it says that due to the place's amovible configuration, the "gradins" zone is numbered in reverse order, thus row 1 is the further from the stage. Zones "orchestre" and "balcon" have normal numerotation (so 1 is the closest to the stage - but I don't even know if there's Orchestra for this show, it might have become the standing zone for us) Yeah you'd better not, you know what will happen if you do I have my ticket, although I am far from sure that my boss will give me the 2 free days I'll need
  18. Oh well apparently the internet has as much love than hate for this season finale ! (spoilers incoming about Hell bent) Me I have to say that I did like it, actually. Very much. But my problem, for a change, is Clara. Or not really, it's not even her fault, Clara on her own is a nice girl, but... too many story arcs all about her, too, tooooo much of Clara being the thing that makes the world turning or in more cases not turning. You can't have so much about a character that is just here for a short period in a 50yo show, it can't work and we have now reach the point when so much as been done around her that everything is actualy begining to contradict the rest. And that Clara's personnality doesn't even make sense anymore. And now I am torn between beeing sooo happy that Ashildr has her own TARDIS and with that the possibility to continue her story somewhere in the whoniverse and the fact that, oh sh*t, Clara is also aboard, can this TARDIS just blow up in space please? And it annoys me because I didn't care about Clara but it didn't mean I hated her. I don't want to hate her but they're doing their best for me to do so. I would have loved Clara if her story has stopped after she sacrificed herself by jumping inside the Doctor's timeline. I would even have probably liked her pretty much if she'd have stayed after that but became a "normal" companion. But now clearly I am in a Clara-is-the-centre-of-it-all Overdose. And this is sad because not only it makes me dislike her but also it makes me rambling for 5 minutes about an episode that, I swear, I really liked. Less that last week's one (but then Heaven Sent was close to perfection for me) but still. I love episodes that are twisting The Big Mythology of the show, I love the hundreds of new things to explore that we have, I love the risks taken, I love that there still can be so much fresh air in a show that is so old. I love Twelve (and again, how brilliant is Capaldi). I love Ashildr. I love Gallifrey. I love that we keep killing Rassilon (he's like the Kenny of DW really Xd). But I don't like this tendency of wanting to turn every new companion into a demi God, again and again and again. Please let the next one be a normal lad, and let him or her be perfect in his normality. Let him or her be us, that's what we need from a companion. But then who cares as long as the sonic screwdrier is back
  19. Okay, after Diagon Alley we're being chased by a Dementor in a castle where stairs and corridors are moving "It's a killer puzzle box designed to scare me to death, and I'm trapped inside it. It must be Christmas!" Instant Cult Episode Seriously, how I LOVED Heaven Sent. So, so much. I haven't felt that rush of excitement in front of Doctor Who for quite a while, and it was so good to get all these different emotions and this "WTF" roller coaster feeling again (spoilers about Heaven sent upcoming, by the way) On the first, easy plan, it was an absolutely brilliant way of showing the madness of grieving without going too far into pathos. If I wasn't moved at all by Clara's death last week I have to admit the desperate speech of the Doctor in the TARDIS pulled some tears out of me. "Whatever I do, I'll remember, and you still won't be there" But then almost all of the enraged speeches in the TARDIS made me cry, so much intensity... (and then I cried again when I saw Gallifrey's Dome, because once I began crying there's no way of stopping me Xd) But also we went so deep inside the Doctor's head, we saw him being completely deconstructed, I just love that so much. So many things to get from this episode, you can watch it a hundred times (or 2 billion years Xd - the amount of loops (that aren't even loops) done is enough to make my head spin for eternity.So many Doctor's skulls Oo) and still have something to discover it in. And that's when you have an episode depending entirely on Capaldi's talent (and the amazing photography, let's mention that) that you realise even more how lucky we are to have such an incredibly talented actor as the Doctor . This Doctor is at the same time so fragile and terrified and so strong and devastingly enraged, and that's just fascinating and shattering to watch. His variations on "Just for once, please, let me loose" were heart breaking and so intense, and his anger is terrifying. And the physical suffering he is enduring to, wow!! Seing him crawling on the floor for hours, leaving blood behind... and realising he'll have to go through this agony over and over again... saturday night family show, my friends! And so many powerful quotes. I love powerful quotes, I used to note them in a notebook before. I think I would have noted 3/4 of the episode this time. "When you loose someone, the first day isn't the worst. It's all the days they stay dead" .. And let's not forget the music, oh my, it was ripping me appart.... But also, humour and gags, and nice blows on the 4th Wall ( It was so cool I felt like I was the companion "I am nothing without an audience" Xd. ), mixing fun and tragic and horror and intensity, a thing in which Moffat masters when he wants to, really (as well as loops and stories told in a complete disorder). I have to confess I bursted into laugh when the Doctor screamed "This is theatre!!" and raised the skull No, really, this episode is a total winner for me, not only in the Whoniverse but in the TV world in general. My head is completely buzzing after one viewing and I can't wait to watch it again and go deeper and deeper in it.
  20. Well, the older guy is Johnny Hallyday, and he would drown out anyone (Here he is THE singer, like, it's Elvis really. He's been around for more than 60 years and it's THE icon. He just rules here. Singing with him is actually a privilege. But his car almost ran over me a few years ago so he's not my best friend now ). Also I knew they were singing together but I didn't know (purposely didn't try to know) they were singing Requiem pour un Fou . That's a very, very powerful song from Johnny from the 70's, telling the story of a man who became mad because of love, in the song he is surrounded by the police about to be arrested as he just killed the woman he loved because he couln't stand losing her, and now he is about to kill himself before being arrested so he could be with her forever. In the end he let the policemen shoot him dead. The summary just sounds weird and crazy but it's in fact quite tragic. Like an old Greek tragedy but with cops Xd.
  21. When we asked the cameraman (who was pretty annoying, filming me and my friends all the time saying "I need to film beautiful girls" ???? (yeah well you're being heavy and you're hiding the stage from me with your bloody camera, thank you)) he told us he was filming "for a TV documentary". Sounded weird but that's what he told us. And yes they were filming in Brussels too, if I remember he filmed the whole show in Brussels and a mix of the show and the audience in Amsterdam (and I kinda yelled at him in the middle of the gig when he began to put his camera in my face again in Brussels Xd)
  22. Some Sarah Jane adventures episodes are awesome, really (not especially the one with Mika in it tho Xd) I tried not to open this thread before watching Face the Raven to avoid spoilers (kinda useless as twitter has already spoiled it all for me). Ok I didn't try not to cry... because I didn't want to cry at all Xd. Not that I wished Clara's dead but... i didn't really care, sorry Clara! But I liked the athmosphere of the street (which I'll keep calling Diagon Alley because it's easier to remember Xd). And I really, really do like the strange love/hate relationship we're being given between Ashildr and the Doctor, oh, so many new things to explore with them, please keep going on with this storyline <3. And just the idea of this immortal soul stuck with a tiny human brain is so cool to explore. Also, Maisie Williams is absolutely brilliant in that role; so it makes me even more eager for moaaar
  23. There are battles on the 12 too, they just haven't opened reservations yet. Actually they normally never open them that early but they always have quite a hard time fulling the place for the battles during week, that's probably why they opened the week dates before this time. The 12 being a saturday they know this one won't be a problem @Minh Ahh
  24. Yes Nikos said it yesterday, Mika will do the first day of Printemps de Bourges (so 12 april), and then Bercy's date has been given, it's gonna be the 27th of may. All this to be confirmed by Mika's team of course, let's remember that Nikos invented some Zenith dates for Mika last season
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