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Everything posted by Kezza

  1. Hello Hiro, welcome to the MFC!
  2. Thank you for letting me know the difference. ;) Still strange no matter how you slice it. Or spell it!

  3. Hi! I was in Montreal too, I wonder if we saw each other! Longtimer who just lurked for years here myself. Isn't it great when you can live with someone who gets your Mika Mania? My oldest is the one most into him, my middle one not at all, and the youngest feigns disinterest, but she has stolen one of my Mika tees to wear to school more than once, so I think we have a hidden fan here... I'm on the west coast, two states over California, but it's nice to see people in the US, even if you're not from here. Welcome!
  4. Marilyn, I am in accord with you on this. A lot of what turns people off to the gay community are the very flamboyant folks, because that is all they know. As a longtime ally, I have seen this time and time again. They never seem to see the quieter folks who are gay - the two guys who share an apartment down the street, for example, or the women who just spend a lot of time together. I've seen people I used to call friends objectify drag queens, treat them like they were not people but sources of entertainment, novelties. Sorry, they're just people, people like the rest of us. They need love and to be accepted in this world, whether they're in tweed suits with suede elbow patches or rhinestoned gowns. And I even hate saying "they" because "they" aren't a separate species, but part of "us" - the whole human race.
  5. If it's the stuff on my sig, I do. It means "always strange"...

  6. Hello again - and welcome again! LOL
  7. Sadly, I could not RSVP, as I had limited computer and no phone access - which was why I asked that I be kept updated if one was going to be possible when I spoke to you directly, Deb. I left heartbroken that night, as I really had gone to quite a lot of effort to even attend the shows. I feel like a kid being so upset, but after the year I just had - which included homelessness and the death of a parent - I just wanted to be able to say "thank you" to the guy who got me through so much.
  8. Hello Camélia - welcome to MFC, please feel free to explore the forums and see what moves your heart!
  9. Welcome, Noémie! Hope you enjoy your stay with us!
  10. I still need to get pics over to the Gmail account. My review is posted of everything on the 11th reports. Also, still need the PP info from you.
  11. Kezza

    Hi everybody!

    Hello Jovy! Welcome to the madness!
  12. Kezza

    Hello !

    Hello Marion! Welcome to the MFC, hope you enjoy yourself!
  13. I need the link... I haven't been able to play them since I got home because I haven't been on the net since then. (Phone is finicky when it comes to videos.) Hoping to get on today and share with Lauren. No Mika on CD since I got home, my disks got broken on the way home.
  14. Rambo was one bad: gay guy, wasn't he? Ah, the undercurrents in cinema...
  15. Mine will be spent slipping into a coma once I get in from the traveling related to Montreal... which is just as well, given my only loves are my children and grandson, all of whom get something tomorrow...
  16. You will have to do it ten times. When I get home, I'm attacking the inhaler from my respiratory infection and using it, then taking the longest bath I can (after dealing with you know what first) and then I am likely to be in a coma for Valentine's Day.
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