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Everything posted by Gabry74

  1. It was a pleasure to see you again and I hope to see you again soon in the new tour!
  2. Hi Vanessa! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! I agree with you, Carcassonne gig was so amazing... Before, during and after. Have fun here and see you around...
  3. Hello Brittany! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and I hope you'll be able to see Mika live very soon...
  4. Hi Cat! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! I agree with you, London gig was so amazing! Have fun here and see you around...
  5. Cap Roig’s concert was so amazing! The location was spectacular, it was part of the botanical garden, next to the castle from which you could see an incredible view, overlooking the sea. In the afternoon, with my friends, I attended the band rehearsals and I visited the beautiful garden and in the evening we met with the other MFCrs, near the castle, we ate and drank and we went together to the concert. Mika and his band and the audience were full of energy. I had a lot of fun and excited. I loved once again, acoustic Yo Yo, the ending of Happy Ending and... Everything from the beginning to the end. I’m having an unforgettable summer thanks to them. After the concert, Mika stayed with us for a while and was as kind and helpful as ever. I share some videos and photos: 20220806_224733.mp4 20220806_230227.mp4 20220806_232310.mp4 226131161_20220806_235156(2).mp4 20220806_122708 (2).mp4 1913120040_20220807_015249(2).mp4
  6. Hi Karla! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you around...
  7. Vi ricordo che il MFC sta raccogliendo fondi per aiutare l'Ucraina, in occasione del compleanno di Mika. Avete tempo fino al 18 agosto per farlo. Qui troverete il link per poterlo fare e tutte le informazioni sulla raccolta: Oltre alla raccolta fondi potete anche inviare un video, un disegno, una cartolina, ecc... Con gli auguri e anche partecipare all'adozione di un cammello a nome di Mika. Qui troverete tutte le informazioni:
  8. The Carcassonne concert was incredible! Mika was full of energy and the audience too. There was a perfect chemistry. He liked every fan action proposed to him: the green eyes with eyelids for Yo Yo, the colored lights that lit the arena like a rainbow, the red heart like in 2016, the colored balloons... He wore hats, glasses, necklaces... He made the grandson come on stage to dance with some fans and Maréva to play Underwater. It was very exciting and very fun. I loved the whole concert from the beginning to the end and at the end Mika and the musicians danced the Yo Yo remix with a bouquet of flowers in hand that had been given to them by some fans in the audience. Each concert is unique and special. After the concert we met him in front of his hotel and he was so kind and amazing as always. PS: In the morning we attended rehearsals with the band. I share photos and videos: 20220722_220748.mp4 20220722_231010.mp4 897260574_20220722_232251(2).mp4 20220722_120344.mp4 20220723_002311.mp4
  9. Questa sera alle 8, ci sarà l'IG live del MFC.
  10. Hi Charlotte, I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here, enjoy in Colmar and see you around!
  11. Questa sera alle 9, ci sarà la chat Zoom del MFC. Queste sono le coordinate per poter partecipare: Meeting-ID: 962 437 5954 passcode: U1zd24
  12. I had never been to Aix-Les-Bains before going to Mika’s concert and I fell in love with the lake that I could admire during the waiting hours. The concert was pure energy from the beginning to the end. There were two big stages next to each other and when Mika saw that even those who were under the stage next to his, sang and danced his songs, he left us for a few minutes and went to perform from them. It was a very exciting moment, like when during Underwater, we were one audience with thousands of lights on. I also really liked the ending of Happy Ending, which has changed lately and that he has worn his cloak and crown in Love Today and not in We Are Golden. I’ve seen a lot of Mika’s concerts and I love the way he reinvents himself every time. Every concert is unique and special. I share some photos and some videos: 20220709_234306.mp4 20220710_000132.mp4 20220710_002944.mp4 20220710_003322.mp4 1318705865_20220710_003115(2)(2).mp4
  13. Questa sera alle 8, ci sarà l'IG live del MFC.
  14. Thank you so much to all the people who collaborated to the success of the party! It was wonderful to meet in London and celebrate 15 years of the MFC all together!
  15. The concert at the Roundhouse in London was one of the most amazing concerts I have seen. There was an incredible energy and the chemistry between Mika and his audience was perfect. There were Mikafans from all over the world, but we became one as soon as he and the band got on stage. We sang, skipped, danced... We interacted with him from the beginning to the end. I loved the new final of Happy Ending, the speech that Mika made before Yo Yo and I listened for the first time live to Who’s Gonna Love Me Now, that I love and listened very willingly to Billy Brown. The security service was impeccable. We numbered about 200 people, who entered in the same order. There was a perfect collaboration between us and them. I hope Mika will organize more concerts in this location... After the gig we met Mika and it was a magic moment. (And also Max, Clément and Vincent). I share some photos and videos: 20220703_222730.mp4 20220703_225245.mp4 20220703_225245.mp4
  16. È molto orecchiabile, sarà sicuramente uno dei successi estivi del 2022.
  17. Hi Beth! I'm Gabriella and I live in Italy, nice to meet you and welcome to the MFC! Have fun here and see you in London!
  18. The Zeebrugge concert at Live Is Live was very special. It started raining early in the morning and stopped shortly before Mika started singing, but the audience was full of energy and even those who were not at the concert to see Mika, participated singing and dancing together with us and him. Zeebrugge is in Flanders and Wouter is Flemish, so Mika asked him to encourage the audience to dance in his native language and he did very well , saying that the real leader of the band was Wouter. That was so much fun! On stage there was the magic piano that changed color depending on the songs, from which sparks and smoke came out and that Mika played and on which he climbed and performed alone and with Max. At the pride of Disneyland Paris, instead it was just smoke. Too much smoke... I share some photos and videos: 20220619_205013.mp4 20220619_202043.mp4 20220619_200948.mp4 20220619_211045.mp4
  19. The concert at the Caribana Festival in Nyon was so amazing! I have wonderful memories of the one in 2015, but this was even more beautiful. In the afternoon we attended the rehearsals with the musicians. After the rehearsals I met, with my friends, Wouter and Max and they were very kind! During the concert there was an incredible energy and the audience was like a big family gathered just for him. We sang, danced with him and Mika was moved by the great participation. It was a very emotional moment. During Big Girl he went into the audience right in front of me and I was trying to make room for him, but the people behind didn’t move... I told him I couldn’t move, he smiled at me and managed to get away. When he came back, he went back to where I was, and I tried to make room for him once more but I couldn’t quite... Fortunately, two security guards helped him back on stage. It wasn’t the first time this had happened to me, but it always gives me a little anxiety... After the concert we saw him in the car and he thanked us and said goodbye. It was a perfect concert, before during and after. I share some photos and videos: 20220617_005408.mp4 20220617_001353.mp4 1923848874_20220617_001353(2).mp4 gabry_1974_20220617_tv_2862841327217218890_1_2862841327217218890.mp4 20220617_005652.mp4
  20. Questa sera alle 8 ci sarà l'IG live del MFC!
  21. Mika è sempre il benvenuto e, impegni permettendo, quando ha tempo si collega alla diretta, ma non lo sappiamo mai a priori.
  22. Questa sera alle 8 ci sarà l'IG live del MFC!
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