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Everything posted by Alyara

  1. I guess Mika will be relieved since he probably won't be the only one to make mistakes in Italian That is, if Skin doesn't speak much better than him
  2. I agree, I loved the new song right away, which is very unusual for me. I hope it'll stay on the set list
  3. You're SO right. I couldn't stand him but he made me laugh hard
  4. I don't think he'll ever give up on his music, if that's what you mean (sorry, it's late and I'm sleepy) but that maybe he cut out the travelling a bit for the reasons I've said before. It'd be handy if we could separate the musician from the man, 'cause I can see how these things can be bad for his career and consequently for his music but since we can't and he's both at the same time, I'll always put the man first and the musician second, even if it would mean giving something up as a fan. I always think he doesn't owe us anything and it's up to us whether to be his fans or not, so I'll just take what I get. It's only a matter of points of view I guess.
  5. Well, things change. One thing is knowing how something's going to be like, another one's living it at first hand. He did it for a while and maybe only then he realised how hard it really is, I don't know. I don't have the answers, I'm just guessing what his reasons may be. Loving it and being happy don't make it any less tiring, so he still does it because he loves it, but not full time, because maybe he can't take it anymore. And frankly I'm happy he decided to slow down if that's what he needs, I'd never want him to get sick or be on drugs or such things just to keep up with his super busy schedule and of course I'm sure we all agree on this. Let's let him live his life at his own pace.
  6. I'm not saying you can't be disappointed, I was just replying to this That's why I said I don't get the point of comparing him with whoever you want. And yeah, some members of his family travel with him but not everyone, but maybe the problem's not just the family, maybe it's constantly being on a plane/train/bus/whatever, maybe it's something else. I don't think you can really call that a regular life even if his family is with him, can you? I understand what you're saying if I think of him as a musician, I understand his latest choices aren't good for his career and are disappointing to his fans, but before being a musician, he's a person and as a person he has the right to seek his own happiness, that's what we all do in life, don't we? Maybe he's perfectly fine with the career he has now and it's just us who think he really cares for his worldwide fame, while he doesn't. He may have chosen to give up on something in order to gain something else he wants more.
  7. I really don't understand all this comparing him with other musicians. Everyone's different, what's the point of doing so? How would you (in general) feel if someone told you how to live your own life or expected something from you just because someone else is doing it? I've been compared to other people many times, I've had people telling me ''Why don't you do as *name* does? Why can't you be a little more like *name*?'' and I tell you it's not nice. Because I have my own needs and tastes and feelings and what not and I honestly don't care about what others do and I don't think Mika should care too. It's his life, his choices and he has the right to do what he thinks it's best for him, regardless of what the rest of the world may think.
  8. That's what I thought too, that maybe he wants a more regular life and that he's trying to avoid the isolation he mentioned more than once and tv shows provide both. I can understand that. Always going back and forth must be tiring and I think if he doesn't feel like doing it all the time, he doesn't have to. I personally don't know yet how to feel about it. I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy seeing him on my tv once a week for some months, but last year he seemed kind of uncomfortable at times and I felt sorry for him, therefore I hope at least this year things will go better without Morgan the drama queen.
  9. Yes,''and to the romance when I was 14 years old/and to my heroes that were dressed up in gold''. That's what I hear. Also the very last line, I hear ''where have all the good guys gone?''
  10. This place is amazing, people are still welcoming me! Cool! Thanks a lot
  11. I'm so not saying he's not responsible for the consequences of his choices, I'm just saying that he turns to sponsors to get money exactly because he's not selling well anymore. I don't need proofs, I get your point. His music's not good enough anymore? Okay, but clearly that's the kind of music he wants to make, as I said, if that's what makes him happy, why not. Then, if people like it, they'll buy it, if not they won't. I just don't think he makes music to please others, he makes it for himself and if it doesn't sell well, he finds other ways to get the money he needs to keep going
  12. The problem with Mika is maybe that he's less commercial, as he's always said, because his music is peculiar. I don't know about other artists, but circumstances may be different. Maybe he's happy with the career he has, why not? He's done product placement before, from BBB to Popular and as far as I can remember it was no big deal, so I guess the real problem this time is that it was so badly done that you can't turn a blind eye to it. But Last Party video left (almost) everyone enthusiastic, many people are saying they like his new music, so it's not as if he's screwing it all up. He can make good things and even make one bad thing in the process. He's human after all, he's not perfect.
  13. That's what he said though. Why are you saying it's not true? Of course he has to compromise, but maybe he just chose what was the lesser evil to him
  14. This is a way many fans didn't want him to go and I understand that, I really do. I wasn't around in 2007 but watching some old videos, interviews and so on even I miss the Mika from those years. But who am I to say how he has to live his life? For whatever reason he decided to go this way, that's how things are right now and everyone has the right to agree, to disagree or not to give a ****. I have no problem with that. Mine was a genuine question. Why do people feel so upset, as if he slapped them in the face? I just don't think people should take it so personal, because that's the impression I got. I may be wrong. But in the end I still believe he really can't make all of us happy, because we're so many and so different from each other that there will always be someone moaning about something, whatever it may be. I'm not saying I'm always happy with his choices, but again, what can I do. That being said, everyone's entitled to their own opinions
  15. too much time on the watch, I agree. And I even think one of Mika's watches would have been better, with all the colours and the mask and stuff Product placement is annoying, especially when it's so obvious, but I don't understand why people are so upset. Mika needs money, sponsors give him money but want something in return, of course. It's not charity. Without money, there wouldn't probably be a new album, a new tour, new music videos and people would moan just the same.
  16. I don't know whether the suits are a product placement, but they're very recognisable from The Voice/X Factor where he himself said he was wearing (custom made I think?) Valentino suits. But I don't like them, they don't blend in with the set design
  17. I'm pretty sure he mentioned Swatch being his sponsor during one French interview. I can't recall which one, I've watched too many in just a couple of days and they're all mixed up in my mind. Not sure about Valentino though.
  18. I'm looking for a ticket for the Fabrique in Milan on June 10th. Any chance of finding a spare one? Pretty please?
  19. I second that. This shade of green is wonderful. Thanks for your hard work admins, mods and whoever took care of the migration
  20. Nice and colourful! It reminds me of BIOTG video, but the part when he's in the car made me laugh a little. Anyway, glad to see he found a way of recycling all his suits.
  21. Exactly. I couldn't really put my finger on it at the beginning, but I was like ''Hey, this bit sounds too familiar! The boss must be cheating''
  22. Thanks for posting, Lucrezia
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