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Everything posted by NaoMika

  1. Le Bikini Toulouse, France - 4 October 2015 Photo from La Dépêche du Midi
  2. Review and Photos from La Dépêche du Midi 5 October 2015 http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2015/10/05/2191127-le-paradis-de-mika-est-tres-gai.html Le concert de Mika, hier au Bikini de Ramonville, a bien failli se transformer en une soirée dansante, sur fond de bande sonore aux petits oignons, tant le public a eu du temps à tuer avant son entrée en scène ! Un Mika qui émerge d’une gloriette dont les battants s’ouvrent pour le laisser passer. Son apparition est précédée d’une succession de voix d’artistes disparus : Oum Kaltsoum, Tino Rossi, Barbara et bien d’autresfantômes… « No place to Heaven », tel est le titre de son dernier album et celui de sa tournée. « Comme y’a pas de prod pour faire suer, ce soir, plus tard, si vous voulez quelque chose, je le fais », dit-il à la foule compacte (près de 1 500 fans). Avec son dragon brodé dans le dos et ses shoes Louboutin pailletées, Mika grimpe sur le piano, fait chanter à la foule « Big girls you are beautiful ». Bondissant sur son tapis rose, il leur annonce : « Ce soir, je vais faire un truc que j’ai jamais fait : je vais chanter Big boys you are beautiful » (« grands garçons, vous êtes beaux »). Mika introduit quelques morceaux au piano et saute comme un cabri sur le titre « Boum Boum Boum » (en français). Il joue même un bref instant du piano debout comme Elton John. Mika est un garçon plaisant. On lui pardonne tout…. Mika sera en concert au Phare, à Tournefeuille, dimanche 11octobre. Tarif: 41€. Mika: les grands garçons sont beaux../Photo DDM, Léa Forrat
  3. Happy to say hello to you, Eri-san You must be a lucky girl who found MIKA in the bloom of youth. Enjoy and have a fun together! I'm a newcomer in here too. Eriさん、はじめまして。 青春時代にMIKAに出会えたのは本当にラッキーなことですね! 一緒に楽しんでいきましょう! 私もここでは新入りです。 NaoMika☆
  4. Hi, Froy, Thanks for the another helpful info! Oh, did he use curtains? It sounds more dramatic! It seems that the curtain played an important role in bridging the two songs. Anyway, I will see for myself soon. 12days before Limoges gig.. I'm looking forward to seeing KABUKI drop! All the Best! NaoMika☆
  5. Hi, It's frustrating to say I can't make it. If only it had been announced a month ealier... btw, I LOVE the poster with lovely frowers and butterflies and a caterpillar. Yasmine's work always inspire me. You can catch a glimpse her original drawing on this video around 9:30. https://youtu.be/e0Ow5rbBXh4 NaoMika☆
  6. Hi, DutchAnnie, Thanks for the useful info! It seems that KABUKI or Kabuki Drop is a jargon used among staging professionals.. A kind of staging techniques. He didn't use drapes or curtains, but the beautiful gate. http://www.stagingconnections.com/events/what-is-a-kabuki-drop-and-what-events-are-they-best-used-on Maybe he aimed at a dramatic impact on starting Relax by appearing on the stage from the centre gate. NaoMika☆
  7. Hi, I'm so interested in the word "KABUKI" in the setlist for Brussels. Generically, KABUKI means one of Japanese traditional performing arts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabuki If anybody can remember what he did something special after Origin of Love, please let me know! NaoMika☆
  8. Sounds Great!! It would be a golden opportunity for me to get to know MFCers from over the world. Thanks, NaoMika☆
  9. Happy to say hello to you, Eriko-san! I joined MFC in July, Enjoy and have a fun together! はじめまして。 私も7月にMFCに入ったばかりです。 一緒に楽しんでいきましょう~。 NaoMika☆
  10. Eriko-san, Finally.. I could managed to open my twitter account. My galapagos mobile doesn't allow me to browse internet smoothly, but I think it's good to have a communication tool to chat with MIKAfans. I added my twitter account infomation on my profile page, so check it and follow me if you like! えり子さん、こんにちは。 どうにかこうにか twitterアカウントを開いてみました。 先日お話ししたとおりガラケー環境のままですが、皆さんとのコミュニケーションツールを持ててうれしいです。 MFCのプロファイルに情報を追加しましたので、もしよろしければフォローくださいませ。 NaoMika☆
  11. Happy to say Hello to you, Salura22! Thanks posting from Canada! It's fun to getting to know a MIKAfan from abroad. Yes, UK gig will be a special one, or we will make it a legend! Why don't you join the UK gig? Just jump over the Atlantic, C'moooon! I think some tickets are still left on sale... Anyway, I can't wait seeing MIKA and MFCers flocking around there. NaoMika☆
  12. Happy to say hello to you, Namihati-san! I'm a newcomer in MFC too, Just joined last month. Enjoy and have a good fun together!! Same birthday shared with MIKA! Lucky for you, and you are born to be a MIKAfan... はじめまして。 私もMFC新入りです。先月入ったばかりです。 一緒に楽しんでいきましょう!! MIKAと同じ誕生日なんて幸せですねっ。MIKAファンになるべくして生まれたのですよ、きっと.. NaoMika☆
  13. Happy to say hello to you, Michidonald! I'm a newcomer in MFC, just joined a few days ago. Enjoy and have a good fun together! It's so good to see many Japanese fans are rushing into MFC in these days. Encouraging, indeed. はじめまして。 私もつい先日MFCに入ったばかりです。 一緒に楽しんでいきましょう! ここ何週間かで日本のMIKAファンが続々とMFCに来てくれて、本当に心強いです。 NaoMika☆
  14. Delighted to say hello to you, tomomi-san! I'm not sure that I can keep my mind calm enough to shoot movies or pics, but I will try out somehow. Please don't expect periscope streaming from me, I'm not familiar to the application. Maybe other lots of MFCers will provide high quality ones. はじめまして、tomomiさん! 写真や動画を冷静に撮れるか自信がないですが、何とか頑張ります! periscopeストリーミング中継は申し訳ないですが期待しないでください・・。その類のアプリに全く慣れていないんです。(そもそもガラケーだし) 多分、他の多くの現地MFCersがハイクオリティなものを中継してくれると思います! NaoMika☆
  15. Happy to say hello to you, masumin! I'm a newcomer in here too! Enjoy and have a good fun together! Wow...you saw MIKA in 2009! I didn't know even his name at the time. はじめまして。 私もここでは新入りです。 一緒に楽しんでいきましょう! 2009年のライヴ観たのですね!素敵! 私はその頃はMIKAの名前も知りませんでした・・。 NaoMika☆
  16. Ah, don't be sorry for that... Coz I don't have my own twitter account. Due to a business matter, I have no access to any kind of SNS at office. When I'm out of office , I only have an internet access via ガラケー mobile.. I gave up having my twitter. あー、えり子さん、申し訳ないです。 実は、自分のツイッターアカウント持っていないのです。 業務上、あらゆるSNSへのアクセスが制限されておりまして。 職場以外だとガラケーしかないというインターネット環境なのです。 MFCは職場でもアクセスできてます。 NaoMika☆
  17. Happy to say hello to you, Rina! I'm a newcomer in here too! Enjoy and have a fun together! はじめまして。 私もここでは新入りです。 一緒に楽しんでいきましょう NaoMika☆
  18. Hi, Honeymooner! Good to say hello to you! I'm crazy about MIKA as well! He is soooo addictive! Enjoy your Honeymoon NaoMika☆
  19. Happy to say Hello to you, Nuri-san! I visited Seoul in May, enjoyed the lovely city and was impressed by young Korean pop music fans, they are so kind and cheerful Wanna to come over there in no distant future, maybe for MIKA gig, hopefully. はじめまして、Nuriさん! 5月にソウルを訪れて、韓国の若いポップファンの親切さや親しみやすさに感激しました! 近いうちにまたソウルに行ければいいな・・。MIKAのライヴがあればぜひ! NaoMika☆
  20. Hello, silver! It is so amaging to get to know MIKAfans via MFC, I am not alone anymore! Can't wait see you and UKfans at Adelphi... I'll be in Row C, find me ! BTW, we share the same birthday NaoMika☆
  21. Nice to say Hello to you, Eriko-san! I like checking your twitter account day by day, your tweets, links, and uproaded materials are soooo informative and enjoyable! You are really MIKA databese and information hub! Thanks a lot for making my MIKAfan life fruitful! えりこさん、 はじめまして。いつもツイッターを拝見してます。世界中から様々な情報を共有いただけて感謝してます! おかげで私のMIKAファン人生がグンと楽しくなりました。ありがとうございます。 Naomika ☆
  22. Happy to join MFC! Just have been hooked on MIKA since gig at TOKYO in May. I'm flying to London to see the gig at Adelphi Theatre too. Would be great if I can connect to MIKAfans from all over the world!! MFC新入りです。よろしくお願いします。 5月の新木場のライヴ見てからMIKAの虜です。 10月のロンドンのライヴも行く予定です。 世界中のMIKAファンと繋がれたらうれしいです。
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