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Everything posted by NaoMika

  1. Hello there, Here's a link to my audio files as a playlist. Sound is not so clear, but enough to remember the amazing night. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/naomika-259139183/sets/20162130firenze NaoMika☆
  2. こんにちは。NaoMikaです。 遅くなりましたが、昨年の大みそかにフィレンツェの歌劇場にてMIKAとのミート&グリート(以下M&G)に参加してまいりましたので、ご報告いたします。 すでにチャリティ関連スレッドに英語でのレポートは投稿しています。 http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31836-mika-for-charity-newseventsfoundationscauses/?p=4083682 写真のリンクはこちらです。 http://s666.photobucket.com/user/NaoMika/slideshow/20161231BACKSTAGE 【M&Gの概要と経緯】 このM&Gは、Cesvi Onlus (www.cesvi.org) というイタリアの慈善団体が、Charitystarsというサイトでチャリティーオークションとして出品したものです。 https://www.charitystars.com/product/2-tickets-to-mika-concert-in-florence-and-meet-greet-with-the-artist-31st-december 内容は、31日のシンフォニアポップコンサートのチケット(2階席)2枚と、楽屋でMIKAに会えるというもの。落札できれば夢のような話です。ただし、ローマでのM&Gのオークションでは落札額が3600ユーロにまで跳ね上がるほどのイタリアでのMIKA人気。果たして入札金額がどこまで上がるのか、予測もつきません。有難い事に両親からクリスマス&誕生日プレゼントとしていくらかの援助をしてもらい、いざ入札に臨むこととなりました。入札の締切は日本時間22日の午前1時30分。直前にアプリのインストールから始めるという手際の悪さでしたが、終了10分前に1300ユーロで入札したあとも一向にほかの入札がないまま、「congratulations!」というポップアップ画面が現れました。長年(といっても1年半ですが)の夢が叶うという瞬間に、思わず興奮して夜中にもかかわらずベッドの上で雄叫びをあげてしまいました。 決済はその日に行ったのですが、その後Charitystarsからは何の連絡のないまま、出国の日になってしまい、さすがに焦ってきてカスタマーセンターにメールを送ると、年末の休暇で1月4日までは事務所は閉まっているという自動返信。青ざめてCesviにメールでややオーバーに状況を説明し、助けを求めました。親身に対応はしてくださったのですが、何しろレスが遅く、最終的には当日、31日の午後になって歌劇場の担当者の名前と電話番号を知らされ、こちらから直接問い合わせることとなりました。英語の堪能なYuko_lyrubiさんには本当に助けていただきました。ありがとうございました。それにしても、こののんびりさはイタリアならではなんでしょうか。日本人の感覚からすると、かなり神経消耗してしまいました。 【M&G当日】 今回のM&Gは2名が対象で、私とYuko_lyrubiさん(落札額を折半で負担いただきました)で参加することとなりました。会場の招待客用受付でチケットとバックステージパスを受け取り、担当者のPaolo Klunさんから、終演後にバックステージへ通じるドアの前に来るように言われました。 終演後、係の方に付き添われて楽屋のある2階へ。MIKAの楽屋はエレベーターのすぐ隣でドアも開けられたままでした。心の準備もままならないままその楽屋前に進むと、部屋の奥にMIKAが立っているのが見えました。私達を出迎えるために待っていてくれたのです。ぴったりした白シャツに黒の蝶ネクタイをして、あの大天使のような笑顔で。私はその光景にしばらくあっけにとられていました。ムンクの叫びみたいなポーズで、しばし立ちすくんでしまいました。 楽屋には私達を除いて4人しかいませんでした。MIKAとMIKAのお母様、前出のPaolo Klunさん、そしてMIKAのマネージャー、Giulio Mazzoleniさん。まるでMIKAの家に招かれたようなアットホームな雰囲気です。MIKAのインスタグラムでご覧になった方も多いかと思いますが、楽屋の中はファンからのプレゼントやお花でいっぱいでした。それをMIKAが「僕って甘やかされてるよねー。」とはにかんだ顔で言ったのが印象的でした。 すべてのやり取りを公開はしませんが、いくつかの出来事や会話を共有させていただきます。 ・開口一番に 楽屋に入るなり、MIKAに言われた言葉は「あぁー、そのドレスすごく綺麗ー!。」女性の服を誉めることから始めるいかにも紳士的な振る舞い。MIKAママは特に「日本のデザイナーさんのかしら?」と興味深々でした。RedValentinoのこのドレスを選んだのも、MIKAのツアー衣装やRadio105出演時の服でリンゴのモチーフをあしらったものが記憶にあったためなので、MIKAママの興味を引いたのも自然なことだったのかもしれません。 ・MIKAからの謝辞 M&Gは少しセレモニー的な形で始まりました。MIKAの対面に2人で並ぶと、MIKAが私達からの寄付に対して、日本語も交えてとても優しく謝辞を述べてくれました。MIKA自ら握手を求めてくれたのですが、その大きくて暖かみのある手のひら、ちょっと毛深い甲。その温もりを感じた瞬間に、「あ、これは現実なんだ」と気づいて突然緊張してきました。私からは色とりどりのバラの花束を贈呈して、この素晴らしい機会をありがとうと言ったつもりですが、舞い上がり過ぎてきちんと言葉になっていたか分かりません…。 ・雑談 どこから来たの?ここに来るまでどのぐらいかかるの?フィレンツェにはどのぐらいいるの?どこに行ったの?といった社交的会話。MIKAが以前ツイートしたサンタマリアノヴェッラ教会に行った話になると、とても嬉しそうにその美しさを語ってました。日本のどこから来たの?と聞かれて、私は千葉県住まいなので「CHIBA」って答えたのですが、MIKAが分からず、「SHIBA?」とか言うので「仕事は東京だけど、隣の千葉に住んでるの。」と説明しましたが、MIKAには覚えてもらいたいですねえ、千葉県…。 ・新年の祝杯 日本からのお土産としてYuko_lyrubiさんはお神酒用の日本酒を、私は盃を持参していました。イタリアではまだ旧年でしたが日本ではすでに新年を迎えていることを伝えると、MIKAは「よし、日本の新年を祝って乾杯をしよう!」と言うやいなや、全員にグラスを配り、お酒を注ぎ、私が盃の入った包装箱を開けるのにマゴマゴしているとそれを奪い、あっという間にテーブルに並べてくれました。そのMIKAの手際のよさは惚れ惚れするほどでした。 盃は3つセットでそれぞれ松竹梅をあしらったものでしたが、MIKAが竹、Yuko_lyrubiさんは梅、私は松の盃で乾杯しました。新年のお祝いをMIKAとMIKAに本当に近い人たちと一緒に、しかも日本語で乾杯!できたのは、素晴らしい経験でした。私は手が震えてしまって盃がうまく持てずに、お酒を床にこぼしながらでしたが、MIKAがあのきれいなヘイゼルブラウンの目を見開いて私の目を覗きこんでくれた乾杯の瞬間は、生涯忘れられないでしょう。 ・日本のファンへのビデオメッセージ このM&Gに参加するにあたってMIKAに伝えたいことってなんだろうと考え続けましたが、最終的に辿り着いたのは、やはりこの素晴らしいシンフォニアポップコンサートを日本でも開催してほしいこと、日本にもたくさんのMIKAファンが来日を心待ちにしていること、でした。MIKAのファンダムにおいて国ごとで対抗や競争意識はあるべきではないですが、MIKAの中で日本の存在が薄れてしまわないでほしい、というのは正直な想いでもあったので、MIKAに直接お願いをしました。日本のファンにむけて新年のご挨拶としてメッセージビデオを撮らせてくれませんか、と。MIKAは快く引き受けてくれ、日本語での「明けましておめでとうございます」の挨拶も数回練習しただけで、完璧な発音で披露してくれました。その言語能力にはあらためて驚かされました。この動画を何とか元旦中にYoutubeにアップロードすることができ、日本のMIKAファンのみなさんと共有できたと思うと、感無量です。 ・写真撮影 もともと、「非常に短い時間」でのM&Gしか設定できないと言われていて、2ショット写真の撮影は断られるかなと思っていましたが、とても和やかにM&Gも進んでいたので、Paoloに何とか時間を割いてもらえないかお願いし、彼からMIKAに提案してもらう形で写真撮影が実現しました。和気あいあいとした雰囲気の中、Paoloは素晴らしい写真を撮影してくれ、MIKAはどの写真もいい表情をしていました。MIKAが右腕を拡げて「おいで」って目くばせした瞬間は、今思い出しても鳥肌がたちますが、なぜかそのときはとても自然で落ち着いていました。MIKAの手が自分の肩を抱き寄せても、小指が触れる感触がくすぐったいなと思いながら冷静だったのは、MIKAのその場の空気を支配できる能力にほかならないと思います。何枚か撮っていただいた写真のうち、MIKAが真顔な表情の写真が一番好きなのですが、私が完全に半白目で。自分の写真写りの悪さを恨むばかりです。 ・個人的な贈り物 ツイッターでフォロワーさんからアイディアをいただき、日本のお箸を贈りました。「おうちで使ってね」とMIKAとANDY用に「夫婦箸」ならぬ「夫夫箸」のセットを。夫婦箸セットを2組購入して、お店で組み合わせを変えて包装してもらいました。いつか使ってもらえるとうれしいのですが。 ・さよならの時 マネージャーさんが「MIKA、もう時間だよ」と言ったかと思うと現場は突然お片付けモードになりました。MIKAは盃をせっせと箱に戻しはじめ、すごい勢いで帰り支度を始めました。私が大慌てで身支度をしていて、テーブルの上のカメラを放置していたのに気づいたMIKAが「大事なカメラを忘れちゃダメだよ!」と教えてくれました。一体どこまでこの人は周囲に気を配っているのだろうと、驚くとともにその優しさが心に沁みました。 最後に別れを名残惜しむような時間がなく、MIKAはキャメル色のコートと黒(濃茶かも)の帽子、スカーフに身を包み、腕には渡したバラの花束をかかえて楽屋から去っていきました。多分、予定よりもずっと長くこのM&Gに時間を割いてくれたのだと思います。ホテルで家族やお友達とイタリア時間の新年のお祝いをする予定だったMIKA。間に合ったことを祈りつつ、ギリギリまで私達と過ごしてくれたことに心から感謝をしたいと思います。 今回のM&G経験は、多くのことを学びましたし、たくさんの方の支えや助けによって実現しました。ありがとうございました。そして、MIKAがミュージシャンとしてだけではなく、人として男性として本当に魅力的な人だということが、このレポートを通じて少しでも伝わればいいなと思っています。 最大限のARIGATOをMIKAに。 NaoMika☆
  3. Hi, Zel! Ah, Thanks for your compliment on my dress. MIKA and his mother loved the dress as well, in fact, the first words he gave me were "Your dress is beautiful!" . Yes, his beautiful hazel eyes are so attractive for me. I lost my presence of mind when he looked Into my eyes at the toast. Actually my hands were shaking, I spilt some drops of SAKE on the floor. My head was filled with things to say to him, but once he came by my side, all those words sliped away. He might think I was just a fool... NaoMika☆
  4. Hello there! I'm pleased to post my report about M&G with MIKA at Opera Di Firenze on the new year's eve. I was too super-excited to remember every single detail, but I will try to share with you some memories from the event. I hope you enjoy. My English is not good enough though. It’s been almost a week since the event, I feel like as if I’m still in a dream. We spent a fantastic evening with MIKA, so intimate, joyful, and heartwarming. It was the night to remember for the rest of my life, really once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'd like to say huge thank you for everyone who supported me regarding this event. The M&G was organized as a charity auction for supporting Cesvi Onlus (www.cesvi.org), an Italian organization which helps to protect the health of mothers and children in the underprivileged in developing countries, or those in difficulty due to war, natural calamities and environmental disasters. The auction offers a pair of gallery tickets and Meet and Greet with Mika in the dressing room. I found the auction on the Charitystars web site, just a few weeks before the concerts. I thought it must be a great opportunity to make my long-time dream come true. Meanwhile, I was a bit puzzled. “It might be rocket sky-high bidding race, any chance to win at an affordable price? “ In fact, M&G in Rome was auctioned at €3,600. Thanks to my parents, they promised to help me financially to take part in the auction as a Christmas & birthday gift to me. (My birthday is 25th of Dec.) Because they know how much I love the star. Even though they don’t know much about him. Unexpectedly the bidding went quite easily, I only tendered a bid just 10minites before the closing time. I was lucky enough to make a successful bid at €1,300. It was 01:30am in Japan, I yelled in my bed with joy, “YEEEEES!” I made a payment immediately, but Charitystars never gave me any further information. I was totally in panic and ask Cesvi for help, they put forth an effort for me to figure out. Eventually, I got contact person’s name and phone number of Opera Di Firenze. It was the afternoon on the day of the event. At the invitation desk at the venue, I managed to collect the tickets and meet the contact person (Paolo Klun). I and my guest Yuko_lyrubi (She paid a half of the bid price) were given a special pass each, supposed to come up to a door leading to the backstage after the show. After the concert, we were escorted by a staff, went up to the artist floor. MIKA’s dressing room was just next to the lift. Not having enough time to prepare my mind for meeting him, I couldn’t get over the view in the front of me. MIKA, in a tight-fit white shirt with black bow tie, was standing in the room to welcome us! I was enchanted by his angelic smile, which is killer, no doubt. In the room, there are only 4 people excluding us. MIKA, MIKA’s mother, Paolo Klun (Opera Di Firenze), and Giulio Mazzoleni (MIKA’s manager). That brought a sort of homey atmosphere, just like we were invited to MIKA’s house. As you can see on MIKA’s instagram, there were pile of gifts and flowers everywhere in the dressing room. He described himself , “I’m indulged…!” yes, indeed, you are. And we are so happy to do it! I wouldn’t disclose every dialogue we had, but I’d like to share some notable topics/events. -Thanksgiving: He gently expressed his thankfulness for our donation, with a handshake. His hand was so big, warm, and a little bit hairy as I expected! I presented him a flower bouquet of roses to express my thanks for the special occasion. -Small Talk: Talked about where we came from, how did we spend in Firenze, etc. He looked so happy when we told that we just visited Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, the place he loves in Firenze. -Toast for New year (in Japanese time): my guest brought a bottle of SAKE (Japanese rice wine), and I brought sakazuki (flat saucer-like cup) as gifts from Japan. So we celebrated new year together because it was already new year in Japan by the time. MIKA arranged it so quickly. Preparing a glass for each, unpacked the gift box and set out the sakazuki on the table, pour ing SAKE to everyone, just in a blink. It was a wonderful moment to have a toast saying KANPAI (Cheers! in Japanese) with MIKA and his close people. -Shooting a video for Japanese fans: We told him that lots of Japanese fans are waiting you to come back and hoping to see Sinfonia Pop concerts in Japan. I proposed him to make a video message for Japanese fans, as a new year’s greeting. He accepted with pleasure and asked us how do we say Happy New Year in Japanese. Just practice a couple of times before the shooting was much enough for him to present his fluent AKEMASITE OMEDETO GOZAIMASU (Happy New Year in Japanese) with perfect pronunciation. Incredible linguistic skill! -Photo session: It’s always a dream for MIKA fans, to take a selfie with him. Yes, I am the one of them of course. I asked Paolo if it is possible to have time to take photos with him. As we were told that “Only very short time meeting can be set” beforehand, I was a bit afraid to be turned down. Paolo kindly set up the session for us and took great pictures of each of us with MIKA. The session went on in cheerful and peaceful atmosphere, MIKA was so photogenic in every photos. -SAYONARA: MIKA said he had to go, and started to repack the gift boxes. He put on his camel-colored coat and black hat, walked away from the room with the roses in his arms. It was a pity that we had to say good-bye in a hustle. But I think he took his time for us as long as he could or too much. I hope he could return to the hotel in time to celebrate (Italian) new year. Thanks a lot for everything, MIKA. ARIGATO! Here's a link to some pics from the M&G. http://s666.photobucket.com/user/NaoMika/slideshow/20161231BACKSTAGE NaoMika☆
  5. Hi, there! A few pics from the 31st. As basically it was not allowed to take pictures, only from curtain call. http://s666.photobucket.com/user/NaoMika/slideshow/20161231FIRENZE NaoMika☆
  6. Hi, I will post a in-depth report later, but this should be posted today... HAPPY NEW YEAR! NaoMika☆
  7. 新年明けましておめでとうございます。 NaoMikaです。 FirenzeでMIKAとMeet&Greetしてまいりました。 詳しいレポートはあらためて投稿いたしますが、こちらの動画だけは本日お届けしたく。 MIKAから日本のファンに向けて、新年のご挨拶をいただきました。 お楽しみください。 NaoMika☆
  8. Hello, Regarding dress code, I got e-mail from Opera Di Firenze. It says as below. Ci piacerebbe che il dress code della serata fosse creative black tie : scatenate la fantasia! NaoMika☆
  9. Yes, It's me and I will share my experience afterwards for sure. NaoMika☆
  10. Setlist is here... not so surprising, but still gorgeous. http://www.operadifi...sinfonia-pop-2/ Program Underwater Boum Boum Boum Rain Last Party Overrated Any Other World Love You When I'm Drunk Ordinary Man Heroes Toy Boy Grace Kelly Over My Shoulder Good Guys Make You Happy Happy Ending Origin Of Love Relax (Take It Easy) Elle Me Dit Love Today Stardust Artists Conductor Simon Leclerc Voice Mika Soprano Ida Falk Windland Backing vocalist Max Taylor Choir Director Lorenzo Fratini Orchestra and Choir of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
  11. Setlist is here... not so surprising, but still gorgeous. http://www.operadifirenze.it/events/mika-sinfonia-pop-2/ Program Underwater Boum Boum Boum Rain Last Party Overrated Any Other World Love You When I'm Drunk Ordinary Man Heroes Toy Boy Grace Kelly Over My Shoulder Good Guys Make You Happy Happy Ending Origin Of Love Relax (Take It Easy) Elle Me Dit Love Today Stardust Artists Conductor Simon Leclerc Voice Mika Soprano Ida Falk Windland Backing vocalist Max Taylor Choir Director Lorenzo Fratini Orchestra and Choir of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
  12. Info for MFCers who will attend GALA Dinner, here's the menu. http://www.operadifirenze.it/events/mika-sinfonia-pop-2/ >Gala dinner menu 《Aperitivo servito a passaggio tra gli ospiti》 -Bollicine e vino bianco -Succo di melograno -acqua minerale naturale e gassata 《Finger food》 -Biscotto di coulibiac di salmone selvaggio e spinacini -Cestino di pasta brisèe alla mousse di melanzane, scagliette di pecorino di fossa e melograno -Quadratino di polentina grigliata ai funghi porcini 《Servizio ai tavoli》 -Crema di castagne Lucolena con timballino di ricotta di pecora e astice fresco -Agnolottini del plin di grano saraceno ripieni di patate e timo con ragout di fagianella, briciole croccanti di pane profumate al ginepro e lamelle di tartufo -Filettino di vitella su crema di riso al tè verde con fritturina di porro e salvia -Soufflé di Panettone artigianale con salsa al cioccolato fondente e torrone -Bollicine per il brindisi di mezzanotte NaoMika☆
  13. タワーレコード でもMika Love Paris輸入盤の取り扱いがあるようです。 リンクを貼っておきますね。(11月17日現在の情報) ローチケHMVと紹介内容はほとんどかわりません。 Mika Love Paris 2016年12月09日 発売 【DVD】 http://tower.jp/item/4399549/Mika-Love-Paris 価格(税込) ¥2,581 ★MIKAからのクリスマス・プレゼント! 2016年5月にパリのベルシー・アリーナ(AccorHotels Arena)で行われたライヴを収録したDVD! (発売・販売元 提供資料) 【Blu-ray Disc】 http://tower.jp/item/4402882/Mika-Love-Paris 価格(税込) ¥3,337 ★MIKAからのクリスマス・プレゼント!2016年5月にパリのベルシー・アリーナ(AccorHotels Arena)で行われたライヴを収録したBlu-Ray! (発売・販売元 提供資料) 【収録予定曲】 1. Le Cheval 2. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) 3. Talk About You 4. Grace Kelly 5. Rain 6. Boum Boum Boum 7. Les Baisers Perdus 8. Good Guys 9. Origin Of Love 10. Relax, Take It Easy 11. Staring At The Sun 12. Underwater 13. Lollipop 14. Stardust 15. Happy Ending 16. Elle Me Dit 17. We Are Golden 18. Last Limited  19. J'Ai Deux Amours 20. Love Today [bonus tracks] 21. Stardust 22. Good Wife NaoMika☆
  14. ローチケHMV でもMika Love Paris輸入盤の取り扱いがあるようです。 リンクを貼っておきますね。(11月16日現在の情報) Mika Love Paris 2016年12月09日 発売予定 【DVD】 http://www.hmv.co.jp/artist_MIKA_000000000359683/item_Mika-Love-Paris_7455770 価格(税込) ¥2,592 ★MIKAからのクリスマス・プレゼント!最新ライヴを収録したDVD! (メーカー・インフォメーションより) 【Blu-ray Disc】 http://www.hmv.co.jp/artist_MIKA_000000000359683/item_Mika-Love-Paris_7455772 価格(税込) ¥3,240 ★MIKAからのクリスマス・プレゼント!最新ライヴを収録したブルーレイ! (メーカー・インフォメーションより) 収録曲 01. Le Cheval 02. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) 03. Talk About You 04. Grace Kelly 05. Rain 06. Boum Boum Boum 07. Les Baisers Perdus 08. Good Guys 09. Origin Of Love 10. Relax, Take It Easy 11. Staring At The Sun 12. Underwater 13. Lollipop 14. Stardust 15. Happy Ending 16. Elle Me Dit 17. We Are Golden 18. Last Limited ←※Last Partyの間違いですね。 19. J’Ai Deux Amours 20. Love Today 21. Stardust 22. Good Wife http://shop.mikasounds.com/ で販売されているものとトラックリストが一部違っています。 同一商品なのか、別バージョンなのか、単にトラックリストの表記ミスなのか不明です。 http://shop.mikasounds.com/*/*/MIKA-LOVES-PARIS-DVD/5D5C0000000 http://shop.mikasounds.com/*/*/MIKA-LOVES-PARIS-BLU-RAY/5D5H0000000 HMVのページのカタログ番号とMIKAofficialのProduct codeが一致しているので、同一商品とは思われるのですが。。 問い合わせてみますので、何か判明したらまた投稿します。 NaoMika☆ 
  15. New Clip on BBC Radio2 Site James Taylor's Fire and Rain Mika takes to Elton's piano for a performance of this 1970 classic by James Taylor. http://bbc.in/2gbVA9N Billy Joel’s Piano Man A great rendition of well-loved Billy classic on Elton’s piano. http://bbc.in/2eUWKBx *EDIT* ↑ This seems to be the same as the clip from part1 (1st Jan 2016) NaoMika☆
  16. A little bit more details for part4 episode is updated. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b081ng6z Mika, the multi-million selling and Brit Award winning singer-songwriter plays some of the greatest songs of all time. He has tracks from Mamas & The Papas, Whitney Houston, Rod Stewart and Buffalo Springfield. Mika will look at what makes these songs so special, whether it's the writer, producer or performer. He'll also share why they're his favourite songs and what they mean to him. Plus Mika also sits down at Radio 2's Elton John piano to perform a special live track from Paul Simon and he replays one of his previous sessions where he performed a Billy Joel classic. NaoMika☆
  17. Kylie's OFFICIAL STORE KYLIE CHRISTMAS: SNOW QUEEN EDITION + GIFT WRAP http://kylie.parlophonestore.co.uk/eu/kylie-christmas/kylie-christmas-snow-queen-edition-gift-wrap.html
  18. Don' t let you down, There will be another episode on 15th Nov! http://www.radiotimes.com/radio-programme/e/ffyqpk/mika-the-art-of-song--15112016 Mika: The Art of Song Tue 15 Nov 10pm - 11pm BBC Radio 2 NaoMika☆
  19. The illustration of Sushi Lunch box is very interesting for Japanese fans.. It is an artwork by Sophie Blackall (http://www.sophieblackall.com/), I guess. http://www.culturevixen.com/2010/04/the-daily-bite-sophie-blackall/
  20. Hi, I have ONE spare ticket to sell for MIKA Sinfonia Pop at Opera di Firenze, 30 Dec 2016. Platea 2 (Stalls 2) Fila N, Posto 22 (Row N, No.22) Printable E-ticket. 80.00 EUR Please PM if interested. Thank you.  NaoMika☆ *EDIT: SOLD*
  21. Just voted! I'm for London, the birthplace of MIKA and MFC. I enjoyed MFC pre-show party in London last year and this June, I loved both. Anyway, I'll be anywhere to celebrate MFC's 10th anniversary!
  22. Came across this on news database. I can't find this article on the web... Rimini, una notte Mika male 456 words 11 October 2016 Il Resto del Carlino Italian Il cantante atteso in città per girare alcune scene del nuovo show di Rai2 SARÀ a Rimini per ritagliarsi una finestra sul mare all’interno della ‘Casa’ progettata da Rai2. Lo farà in punta di piedi, da vecchio amico, anche se Mika molto probabilmente a Rimini non c’è mai stato. Il programma si chiama Stasera CasaMika, quattro serate evento in prima serata a partire da martedì 8 novembre. La firma è quella prestigiosa della Ballandi/Multimedia, che naviga a suo agio da mezzo secolo nel mare della Riviera. Per ora il progetto è coperto dal più assoluto riserbo, ma nei giorni scorsi una delegazione della produzione è stata vista aggirarsi dalla parti del Grand Hotel di Rimini. IL CANTANTE inglese dovrebbe scendere in città alla fine del mese per girare una clip da inserire in una delle puntate del programma di Rai2. Rimini sarebbe infatti una delle location esterne - le altre sono Roma, Napoli, Bologna - scelte dagli autori. Non la piazza, ma la marina con alle spalle il monumento dell’industria balneare che Fellini ha raccontato in Amarcord. Mika darebbe appuntamento a pochi passi dalla spiaggia a milioni di utenti social a lui fedeli, uno spottone per Rimini, che ha come mandante Bibi Ballandi. «IL MIO show sarà un programma molto intimo - racconta il cantante, giudice tra i più amati delle passate edizioni di X Factor - ho voluto aprire la mia casa e far conoscere il mio mondo e condividere il mio punto di vista con l’Italia. Mi sono messo alla prova, facendo viaggi in giro per tutto lo Stivale, portando con me le cose che mi piacciono e mi incuriosiscono». E NELLA casa di Mika ci sarà spazio per ballare, cantare, raccontare l’Italia attraverso gli speciali incontri che il cantautore sta realizzando in questi giorni dal nord al sud del Paese. Nel corso di ogni puntata dello show non mancheranno anche tanti momenti per riflessioni su tematiche sociali. «Un progetto all’insegna della creatività e della follia - spiegano gli autori - , ingredienti essenziali per avere un prodotto di successo». MANCANO solo da definire i dettagli, ovvero la data e il luogo dell’incontro. Dopo il primo sopralluogo in città, la produzione sta mettendo a punto con l’amministrazione comunale gli ultimi particolari della visita, a partire dalla sicurezza, in considerazione del prevedibile assalto dei fan. DA QUANTO si è potuto apprendere, Mika avrebbe desiderato girare le immagini a pochi passi dalla ruota panoramica, che però nel frattempo è stata smontata. Così si è pensato a un luogo suggestivo che richiamasse il mare e il suo simbolo più suggestivo, il Grand Hotel. Ed è lì, che una di queste sere, accoglierà in pigiama gli amici di CasaMika. (Google Translation) Rimini, a bad night Mika The singer expected in town to shoot some scenes for the new show Rai2 BE in Rimini to carve a window on the sea in the 'House' designed by RAI-2. He will do it on tiptoe, as an old friend, even though Mika most likely in Rimini there never was. The program is called Tonight CasaMika four evening events in the early evening from Tuesday, November 8th. The signature is that of the prestigious Ballandi / Multimedia, which sails at home for half a century in the Adriatic sea. For now the project is covered by absolute secrecy, but in recent days a delegation of production was seen prowling from parts of the Grand Hotel of Rimini. SINGER English should go into town later this month to shoot a clip to be inserted in one of the episodes of RAI-2 program. Rimini would in fact be one of the external location - the others are Rome, Naples, Bologna - chosen by the authors. Not the square, but the marina and behind the seaside industry monument Fellini told in Amarcord. Mika would give appointment a few steps from the beach to millions of users social loyal to him, one spottone for Rimini, which has as its principal Bibi Ballandi. "MY show will be a very intimate program - says the singer, judge among the most beloved of past editions of X Factor - I wanted to open my home and make known my world and share my point of view with Italy. I put myself to the test, making trips around throughout the boot, taking with me the things that I like and am curious about. " AND IN Mika house there will be room for dancing, singing, telling Italy through special meetings that the singer is building these days from north to south. During each episode of the show there will be also many moments for reflections on social issues. "A project of creativity and madness - the authors explain - essential ingredients for a successful product." MISSING only to work out the details, or the date and place of meeting. After the first inspection in the city, the production is developing with the council the final details of the visit, from the security, in view of the expected onslaught of fans. AS DA has been able to learn, Mika would have wanted to make the images a few steps from the Ferris wheel, but has since been removed. So we thought of a charming place that recalls the sea and its most evocative symbol, the Grand Hotel. And it is there that one of these nights, welcome in my pajamas the CasaMika friends.
  23. Hi, Regarding L’Oréal event, I asked them if it is true that MIKA will join the event. And they said "it is true"!
  24. VACANZE VIP; Il cantante Mika cena a Napoli: «Conquistato dai sapori partenopei» http://www.ilmattino.it/societa/persone/mika_napoli_mimi_alla_ferrovia-1985306.html Emanuela Sorrentino 137 words 25 September 2016 02:34 Il Mattino Online ILMATIT Italian La popstar anglo-libanese Mika si lascia tentare dal gusto dei piatti partenopei. Il cantautore ha cenato da Mimì alla Ferrovia (nella foto con i titolari Michele e Salvatore Giugliano, quest'ultimo chef emergente dello storico locale). Mika è a Napoli per la realizzazione di un nuovo programma televisivo che andrà in onda a novembre in prima serata su Rai 2. "Mi sono innamorato della città che affaccia sul Golfo più bello del mondo - ha confidato ai titolari - ma anche dei suoi cittadini, persone di cuore e sempre sorridenti". Per Mika - che ha gradito molto la cena tutta napoletana - sono stati preparati peperone ripieno, parmigiana di melanzane e degustazioni di alcune delle nuove proposte gastronomiche del giovane chef di Mimì alla Ferrovia. (Google Translation) HOLIDAY VIP; The singer Mika dinner in Naples: "Conquered by the Neapolitan tastes» The Anglo-Lebanese pop star Mika let groped by the taste of Neapolitan dishes. The singer-songwriter has dined Mimì alla Ferrovia (pictured with the owners Michele and Salvatore Giugliano, the latter coming chef of the local historian). Mika is in Naples for the construction of a new television program that will air in November in prime time on Rai 2. "I fell in love in the city that faces the Gulf finest in the world - has confided to the owners - but also of its citizens , people with hearts, always smiling. " Mika - that he liked very much the whole Neapolitan dinner - were prepared stuffed peppers, eggplant parmigiana and tastings of some of the new gastronomic proposals of the young chef Mimi alla Ferrovia. Full size pic is seen on napolimagazine site; http://www.napolimagazine.com/cultura-gossip/articolo/foto-zoom-la-pop-star-internazionale-mika-a-napoli-a-cena-da-mim-alla-ferrovia http://i63.tinypic.com/2a78qag.jpg
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