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Everything posted by NaoMika

  1. Interview in Japan! MIKA came to Japan to hold two shows here. TVGroove interviewed him and he talked about Japan, how the latest album Mika Et L'orchestre Symphonique De Montreal was made, and so on! NaoMika☆
  2. こんばんは。局の番組表記をそのまま転記してしまいました。 分かりにくいですよね。すみません。日付では正確には3月6日(日)になります。 http://www.fmyokohama.co.jp/pc/timetable/sat/ NaoMika☆
  3. こんばんは。NaoMikaです。 3月5日(土)深夜 2:00~4:00 FMyokohama のRadio HITS Radio でMIKAのインタビュー放送されます! DJはスヌーピーこと今泉圭姫子さんです。 https://t.co/fmubpRUyRz 起きてるの辛い時間帯ですね。でも頑張って聞きます! NaoMika☆
  4. I have to say thanks for your (and all Korean fans') passionate devotion to fan actions, I loved the lollipops! I did'n have any because I didn't know how to order it. So I felt a bit awkward... even in the seated stand area, everyone brought the lovely illuminating lollipop. Luckily, I met a generous couple who were sitting behind me, they gave me one for free! Such things happened many times during my travel in Korea. . 감사합니다! NaoMika☆
  5. Hello, I still have not found right words to express my impression about the night...It was beautiful, heartful, memorable gig. It was my first MIKA gig in Seoul. Busan was great the night before, but Seoul was something more. Fans packed with the Jamsil Indoor Stadium were awfully energetic and sung every single song along, yelled in a high voice at every single movement of MIKA. The enthusiastic cheers pushed MIKA to get in the groove. Acutually his parformance was much better than the day before. His gratefulness for them was written all over his face, especialy he played "Stardust". I am not a Korean, but it was so emotional to see that he was deeply moved and have a view of the audience for a while. There was a high degree of confidence between MIKA and Korean fans. That made the show so special one. Thank you Seoul, One of the best places for MIKA gig for sure. Here's a link to my SoundCloud audio track, enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/naomika-259139183/20160212seoul Attached my favourite pic. MIKA singing in a crowd..I love the morment.  NaoMika☆
  6. Nice to say hello to you, Kyo-san! I joined MFC in July, last year. It's so grateful for sharing info in MFC with long-time fan like you. はじめまして。 私は去年の7月にMFCに入りました。 デビュー当初からのファンの方とMFCで情報共有できるのはとてもありがたいです。 NaoMika☆
  7. Gald to say hello to you, Yuki-san! I joined MFC in July, last year. It's so grateful for sharing info in MFC with long-time fan like you. はじめまして。 私は去年の7月にMFCに入りました。 デビュー当初からのファンの方とMFCで情報共有できるのはとてもありがたいです。 NaoMika☆
  8. Hello! Uploaded audio track from the Tokyo gig. Here's a link to my file on SoundCloud. The sound is not so excellent, sorry. https://soundcloud.com/naomika-259139183/20160218tokyo Enjoy NaoMika☆
  9. Hello! Uploaded audio track from the Osaka gig. Here's a link to my file on SoundCloud. Recorded in the front row, the sound is very clear. Mega thanks for MFC, the seat was the best seat ever! https://soundcloud.com/naomika-259139183/20160216osaka PS.'Lonely Alcoholic' starts around 1:13:13 Enjoy NaoMika☆
  10. Happy to say hello to you, Kei-san! I joined MFC in July, last year. Have a good time with us! Tokyo gig was something else, wasn't it? はじめまして。 私は去年の7月にMFCに入りました。 素敵な時間を過ごしましょう~。 東京公演、素晴らしかったですよね。 NaoMika☆
  11. Happy to say hello to you, Atsu-san! I joined MFC in July last year, Have a good time with us! Did you enjoy MIKA gig in Japan? はじめまして。 私は去年の7月にMFCに入りました。 素敵な時間を過ごしましょう~。 MIKAの来日公演は楽しまれましたか? NaoMika☆
  12. こんばんは。NaoMikaです。 Keiko ImaizumiさんのMIKAとのインタヴューは、 Fm Yokohama Radio HITS Radio で放送されるとのことです。 オンエアー日は後日お知らせします、ということですので、わかり次第また投稿します。 NaoMika☆
  13. Hello, Sorry for being late, just a quick report. Here's a link to some photos from Daegu gig. Enjoy! http://s666.photobucket.com/user/NaoMika/slideshow/20160214DAEGU The final of Korean tour and it was Valentine's day! MIKA arrived around 2:00pm at the venue, EXCO Hall 1. He was together with his band members on the limousine bus. Wearing a knit cap and sunglasses, looked casual but so cool as usual. I loved the stage with the caravan but it was so pity I couldn't see the left half of the caravan due to the seat setting (I was on 3rd row in B block). Most of people around me were watching at the display when the caravan was transformed. MIKA was pretty good in mood, very active after a day off. Buzzing around the stage, even on the floor on the audience level when he sung SATS. He drove the show from the beginning to the end. He made a mistake on piano, and then played ad-lib song about mistake, that was funny. I loved it. Peperplanes fan surprise was very successful. I enjoyed the view of paperplanes flying all over the floor. Fans I met in Daegu were so kind and nice to me as well as Seoul and Busan. I had a good time in a cafe with a MIKA fan for chatting after the gig. Thanks. After the show, he came out from the venue to say bye-bye to fans. Fans were waiting for him in a single line along the pavement. It was a freeeeezing night, so he was in an anorak reminded me a bit of Southpark. He passed by in front of me with a smile. I had a chance to have a small chat with him, so sweet. Korean fans brought him a lots of presents. His hands were full of such gifts and people started flocking around him. Then a car came to pick him and went back to the venue. It was great to be in Korea, I will definitely be back to this country to see MIKA and lovely MIKA fans! NaoMika☆
  14. Hello, There! Here's a link some close-up photos from Tokyo gig. I hope you like them! Thanks for MFC pre-sale, I took a seat with a good view. That enabled me to take such photos...Arigato! http://s666.photobucket.com/user/NaoMika/slideshow/20160218TOKYO I will post a link for my SoundCloud to make you able to listen to the audio tracks from Asia tour. Be kindly patient for a week. NaoMika☆
  15. Here are some links about the spec of the venue. It's a beautiful venue, looks roomy and cozy. http://www.bexco.co.kr/audi_eng/Contents.do?mCode=MN0006 http://www.bexco.co.kr/eng/Contents.do?mCode=MN0017 http://www.bexco.co.kr/audi_eng/Main.do Bexco is not a huge arena, I think its capacity is almost 3000 or so if all are seated. Much smaller than the venue in Seoul. Anyway, more intimate gig is expected, that would be fine for me. I'm so excited about flying over there within a week! NaoMika☆
  16. Now I see about 780 seats are left... I could even get a seat in the second row on the 1st floor, the day before. Category R seat costs 132000W, about 99Euros. Various discounts are offered for Korean people, but not for foreigners like me.  I hope more people to come to the rest of Asian gigs. You know, this Heaven tour is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for most of Asian fans, shouldn't be missed.  NaoMika☆
  17. Yes! Palladium is the venue where the Beatles played for the Royal Variety Performance Show in 1963. As a Beatlemania, I'm so honored to go the Palladium.. MIKA will play on the same stage. I will be in stalls (cheaper seat) , so I will clap my hands. If you have a ticket in Royal Circle.. you've got to bring your jewelry! Ref: The Beatles - Twist and Shout, Royal Command Performance, London Palladium,1963 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O9Ef1PkVj4 NaoMika☆
  18. Hi, If you need only one tix, SEE ticket offers Row: E Seats: 28 now. Have a try if you are interested. http://www.seetickets.com/ NaoMika☆
  19. たった今、MFCerからP1列ゲットの報告がありました! 最前列はP1ですね。 NaoMika☆
  20. Hi, I hope all MFCers are winners for the pre-sale tickets. It seems to be the orchestra pit is open for spectators' seats for this gig. So, does it mean P1 is the front row? こんにちは。NaoMikaです。 プレセール当落通知きましたね。MFCer全員が当選しているとよいのですが。 今回オーケストラピット部分も客席として設営されるようですが、そうするとP1が最前列ということなのかしら? >Pブロックは最大5列あるが、そのうちどこまでを使うかは公演によって異なる。 http://www.livehis.com/house/house_nhk.html という情報もあるので、自分の列が実質何列目か分からなくて。 NaoMika☆
  21. こんにちは。 そうですよね、スマホの方々は写真撮ったり動画撮ったりな上に、フラッシュ点灯なので、ライヴ終了後はバッテリー切れの方多かったような。。 おまけにMIKAが「は~い消して~。は~い点けて~。」みたいな事言って、かなり長いことUnderwater演りますから。 この曲がアジアツアーのセトリに入るかどうかまだ分からないけれど、こうやって妄想とおしゃべりをみなさんと楽しめてうれしいです。 NaoMika☆
  22. こんにちは。説明が足りなくてごめんなさい。 これも機種によって操作方法は異なるかもです。 ①待受画面の設定で貼りつけている画像や、インストールしている設定を解除。アイコンもすべて非表示に。 ②私の機種(P-02)はディスプレイのテーマカラー設定ができるので、ナチュラルを選択⇒真っ白な画面に。 ③バックライト点灯の待ち時間を通常点灯に設定。 ④ディスプレイの明るさ設定レベルを最高に。 私のガラケーがかなーり古いタイプなので、ご参考にならないかもです。すみません。 NaoMika☆
  23. こんにちは。NaoMikaです。 MFCersにこんなに非スマホ民がいらっしゃったとは! 私もガラケー派なのですが、カメラを搭載しているものでしたら、「フラッシュ常時点灯」という機能があるかと思います。 機種によって操作方法が違うかと思うのですが、私のガラケーだと、機能⇒フラッシュ設定⇒常時点灯 というような操作でできました。 もっとも私もその機能に気付いたのは最近で、現場では待受画面を白くして、画面照度を最高にして使ってました。 ヘッドライト、最強ですね! NaoMika☆
  24. It depends on a setlist for Japan tour... If the songs from Heaven tour are played, "Underwater" could be the one which fan action is necessary. All audience should flash a light by smartphone to make it successful. MIKA might give us an instruction from the stage, I'm not sure if people can follow it immediately. I LOVED the view...the sea of light. Wanna see again in Japan! 日本公演でのセトリによりますが、Heavenツアーの流れでUnderwaterを演るのであれば、この曲はファンアクションが必要な曲。 スマホでフラッシュ点灯をするのですが、観客全員が参加してこその「光の海」です。 MIKAはステージから観客のスマホもぎ取って、「みんな、スマホでこうやってフラッシュ点灯してね~」って言ってくれてましたが、 日本ではすぐに皆が反応してくれるかな・・。 しつこく言ってますが、それはそれは美しい景色なので日本でも観たい~。 NaoMika☆
  25. Eriko-san I love the idea, I'd like to join if you put the plan in action. I saw people doing something similar in Paris gig, but only a dozen or two people had balloons. If hundreds of Japanese fans hung up the balloons, might be so beautiful! このアイディアすごく素敵です!もし実行されるようなら参加させてください。 パリでも風船持ってた人がいましたが、前方の十数人程度でした。 もし数百人単位で日本のファンが風船をかかげたら、とってもキレイだと思います! ホールの客席は段差があるので、ステージからはより素晴らしい眺めになるのでは。 NaoMika☆
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