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Everything posted by Monsi67

  1. Good afternoon everybody I also wrote some one shots (in italian) but didn't show them to people who know me I only showed a very short one to my love, and there I understood one important thing...we write for ourselves, we write because we feel the need of doing it, and there is no need of approval or anything like that. That creative impulse shall run free and nobody should be authorized to judge (unless it is full of grammatical mistakes) at least.. this is my opinion
  2. Love is all, it gives all, and it takes all ♥

    1. crazyaboutmika


      Love is lost; love can burn,

      But your love will return <3



  3. I come here now and then to admire my "OLD" signature that moment in the bathtub has been so lovely Antonella Clerici said : I actually am the most invied italian woman... she really was! I wish you all a wonderful week, spring is almost starting where I live... flowers everywhere
  4. Buongiorno a tutte davvero toccanti le sue parole sulle donne Il mio outfit preferito della pubblicità peugeot è quello bianco, con il fiore... che aveva indossato anche a casa Mika, anche perchè vederlo in tinta unita total sembra quasi che manchi qualcosa
  5. He basically suggested to get over the shame and talk to someone, talk to parents or teachers or friends and also help others through listening
  6. Pity almost ALL "old" pictures are not visible Appreciated at least the most recents the heart made with red nail polish... His hands are......
  7. I LOVE this song... it's so moving and intense in my opinion it talks also about his intimate experiences of being bulled, Nothing's only words... I fell in love with it even more after seeing the performance at Casa Mika, one of my favourite moments, I almost cried...
  8. Ma infatti... non è mica un pagliaccio! Capirei magari baciare Ricky Martin ma non Carlo Conti e il suo Kg di fondotinta
  9. http://www.gay.it/musica/news/sanremo-2017-carlo-conti-mika?from=widget-no-title Redazione Gay.it 16 febbraio 2017 Secondo un’indiscrezione lanciata dal settimanale Chi, giovedì sera al Festival di Sanremo sarebbe dovuto scattare un bacio tra Carlo Conti e Mika, superospite della terza serata della kermesse canora più famosa d’Italia, in risposta a quello della sera prima tra Maria De Filippi e Robbie Williams. L’idea di alcuni autori ha però fatto storcere il naso al conduttore: Conti alla fine non si è prestato alla gag rifiutandosi di baciare la popstar. Insomma: festival gay ma fino a un certo punto. secondo me è un fake... voi che ne dite?
  10. Yes you are right funny how different it is. For example I have a gold necklace with number 13, which in Italy is a lucky numer but almost in all Europe is a unlucky one... I saw many airplanes without the row 13 and hotels w/o the room 13
  11. There is a radio station here in Italy (RTO) with a morning program which is called Love today, I listen to it while working. Every 20/30 minutes starts the short gingle with his song, sometimes I start and continue singing, even after the gingle has stopped and my colleagues look at me like I am completely crazy
  12. Good morning everybody today it's Friday 17 (here in Italy is the day the brings bad luck) and a black cat just crossed the road while I was going to work let's see what happens.
  13. Completely DON'T like this... I find this lady as representative of the worst TV we have in Italy, she has been insistent, annoying and noisy... poor Mika he has been kind but she didn't deserve it
  14. Looking at "moving pictures thread" and liking ALL of them ♥ ♥ ♥

  15. Hello Eriko the above is a methaporic expression (we use LOTS of them in italian) as if you suppose a door is opening by itself but it doesn't, so you go ahead and beat your head on the door The meaning is a bit funny, since I see they put (in the circle) a close-up photo of Mika surprised but also amused
  16. La app è questa, gentilmente fornita da Maggie112 maggie112, on 23 Jan 2017 - 7:48 PM, said:
  17. About San Remo, yes the door didn't unlock (the door was up the stairs) so he came on stage from a lateral entrance (thrown there ) and then he jumped up the stairs again to make his "regular" entrance.. it was funny by the way
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